Makani's Journal

Makani's Journal


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6 entries this month



01:13 Jun 19 2008
Times Read: 649

Probably a month ago, twin sixteen year old girls celebrated their birthday with their mom by doing what other teenager in this world wants to do on that special day: Get their permits.

After getting that shiney card of every teenager's dream; what's the expected question once you pull out the keys?

Mom [Dad], Can I drive?

Eyes eager, mouth pulled back in excitment, shaking hands of joy....what parent can say no to their growing baby when they are like that?

Maybe if their mother could have seen what would have happened; she would have been quick to say no and allow her babies one more day of life.

As one of the twin girls got behind the wheel and started to pull out of the DMV, a cement truck came by...the girl had pulled out to quick; from inexperience and eagerness my guess, and the driver of the truck jerked to the side as an attempt to miss the car.

Unfortantly, the jerk of the truck driver cause and off balance in the cement load and the wheels couldn't catch friction, causing the truck to fall over...expelling the whole batch of cement to fall on the car with the mother and her twin girls. The trucks impact on the small vehical and the cement buried one of the girls and their mother in their graves. The twin girl that was in the backseat was in crucial medical attention when the helicopter came to take her to the hopsital....the truck driver was completely unharmed....expect for the memories he'll have to face every day for the rest of his life.

The twin girl that survived is still in the hospital now; her chance of life improving with each day...at first the doctors didn't think she was going to make it. She's fighting...but like the driver of the truck; she'll have to live with the memories of watching her family die.

A teenager's goal in their adolesent years is getting their permit, getting their liscence, losing their virginity, going to prom, and graduating college.

These girls will never see that. The one that might, they'll probably be the saddest days of her life instead of the greatest.

Their mother will never see them grow up, get married, and have her grandchildren.

They'll never laugh, cry, fight, or be around eachother again.

Their father returning home from Iraq visions his daughter's embrace and his wife's kisses...will return to an empty home and fresh graves and the steady beep of one daughter's heart moniters.

He'll see his family in her eyes every day...

Parents out there: It's okay to say no to your kids. Don't let the excitment affect your judgement; the moment you do...the worst could happen. Take it slow and remember that you are mortal. You ARE human. You can die. We are not promised tomorrow; so enjoy life now. So forgive those who have hurt you, love those who love you, and live each day as you knew you were going to die the next.

You never know if it could be.

The link to the story:

The News Story




It's making sense...

19:57 Jun 18 2008
Times Read: 653

I'm starting to take life with more stride now; while remembering to stop and smell the roses. I'm becomming more of an adult- though I'm still at the same time remembering the ignorance of childhood.

Truth is: I'm not ready to leave the nest. I hate to imagine witnessing so much in life without turning around and showing Da.

I'm spoiled. I want to know that I can still fall back on Daddy when I need him...but the fact of the matter: I can't always do that. I need to rely on myself now.

Like any baby bird; I need that push out from home and pray to God that through all of life's lessons so far that I have enough of a foothold that I can fly instead of falling on my ass.

And will SOMEONE please explain to me what the HELL an IUD is?



13:58 Jul 01 2008

Your Da will always be there, no matter what.

Good luck with that "Life" thing :-)



Thinking About It

17:03 Jun 17 2008
Times Read: 658

I'm uncertain.

That's rare for me. I like being able to know what's going on in my life. I like knowing what to expect. People think I am spontanious, when really; I just want to be the one to make all the choices.

He wants to start a life with me....

What do I say to that?

Yes? No? Maybe further down the road?

....Do I want that right now?

I know that I am not ready to lose him. I don't even want to imagine the possibility of my life without him, but I am not sure if I am ready to stop caring about myself independently and focus on "us".

That makes me sound so cold hearted.

I know that I want to start a life with him eventually...but with me starting college this fall and actually moving out and begining a life for me; is now really the best time to become a couple that lives together?

Eh, confused. Uncertain.

I need green tea.





19:03 Jun 16 2008
Times Read: 665

I found an entry today from someone's journal that made me take a minute and actually want to do something worth doing. It made me want to help someone be a better person and be the strong one instead of the one needing the strength.

I didn't know if the person had already seen the entry written for them or not, so I sent them the link. Maybe it was none of my business and I was just being a nosey-body, but I think it was for the better good.

If either of them read this- you're both amazing. You really are. I've not even had a conversation with either of you, but just from journals, profiles, and your thoughts....ya'll are pretty damn cool.

Don't push yourselfs so hard like you do. You're making the world better just by being yourself.




Almost Obtainable

17:25 Jun 16 2008
Times Read: 668

I got my new college schedual today. Wheee.

6 fun filled classes that require my full attention starting August 25th.

Looking at it now, it hits me....I am going to have my degree in a year in a half if I keep this up. I'll be the first person in my family to have obtained my college degree. It makes me feel proud of myself...and sad for my family. Why do I have to be the first to have this honor? Why couldn't my grandparents went through it? Or my parents? Why made them give up? Maybe that's why they pushed me so hard, or at least, that's why my father pushed me so hard. He wanted this for me. He had weird ways of showing it, haha, but I know now that he truely is proud of me. He is just too much of a hard man to let it show.

I'm getting there Da.





16:19 Jun 13 2008
Times Read: 669


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