1 entry this month
18:33 Mar 13 2017
Times Read: 458
When trying to justify stupidity, it helps to use a reliable source, or you know...heeding the advice available to you. What doesn't help is using a crutch as an excuse to be a jackass.
Now, considering you know so much about fields of work and study that you have never professionally been a part of, it should come as no surprise to you that I'm ethically and legally obligated to report abuse to authorities, and there will be proof if need be.
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20:43 Mar 13 2017
The one thing that people fail to realize is that yes we are ethically and legally bound to report any SUSPICIOUS abuse or neglect. It's part of our job to ensure safety. I could be in a grocery store and if I see abuse I have to call it in. Do you know how many times I call in shit here at my job? Almost on a daily. Why? Because parents think it's ok to NOT give prescribed meds to their kids. Wtf? That's neglect. Oh you wanna jerk your kid by the arm in public leaving a I got you...Hello CPS....
21:37 Mar 13 2017
Exactly Rayne, and another thing I've noticed is that often times parents either don't know or don't care what qualifies as neglect and/or abuse. Things such as screaming at a toddler and calling the toddler an idiot, forcing them to stay in a dirty diaper, and violently spanking the child for playing are all forms of abuse.
I honestly feel that the children are often times better at adulting than their parents are, but why anyone would want to treat a child that way is beyond me.
21:44 Mar 13 2017
It quite literally makes me sick to my stomach. For someone to spank their child for playing. Scream at them for wanting attention. And the staying in a dirty diaper thing. I'm a mom. And it makes me want to hurt someone for treating their child like that.
21:53 Mar 13 2017
...And you're a better mom than many other people are. One of many reasons I respect you is that you can reprimand your kids in a way that doesn't leave them afraid of you, and that's important, because otherwise kids will likely grow up to have many problems when they're afraid of their parents.
20:18 Mar 15 2017
Anyone that slaps their kid around, tells them they are an idiot or yells at them constantly is abusing them. I've gone up to parents in the store and told them if they don't stop I'll call 911. Kids need protection.