Maell's Journal

Maell's Journal


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14 entries this month


21:14 Jun 28 2009
Times Read: 585

Hair is a rats nest,

Your life to me is a pest,

I like bleeding you dry,

The equivalent of being high.

Stop squirming my love,

Don't make me use my gloves,

If you do, then I can make a mess,

Your eyes are perfect, filled with distress.

Your breathing fast and heavy,

Calm down, calm down honey,

There is no escape from this,

Pain for you, eternal bliss for me.

So wake up wake up!

Don't you fall asleep from pain!

Wake up you submissive whore!

Or I'll have to make you scream!

Your body is perfect for my,

Sick thoughts of your demise,

You will learn to enjoy my hands,

My breath on your neck, my burning eyes.

Stop this, stop this begging!

I begged for you for years, pleading!

And now you think I'll give you mercy?

You think now I'll give you mercy?

Shut up, stop talking, silence!

Slave, you better be compliant!

Your tears on your checks are pathetic,

Your world was perfect, not it's hectic!

Just like I always wanted!

Just like I always wanted!

You are mine!

You are mine!

"This is dispatch"

"She is mine, she is mine..."

"Sir, what is going on?"

"She is mine, she is mine. She is at peace in pieces."

"What do you mean? Sir..."

"I got her good...I love her twisted smile. Listen..."

"God, help me! God...ahhhhhhhhh! Please, oh God! I'm sorry, stop...just stop! I didn't mean to hurt you."

"Shut up! No talking. Shut up!"

"Sir, where are you sir? I'm sending a unit."

"It's to late...not even God can save us..."

"Sir? Sir? Sir!!!"

Wake up wake up!

Don't you fall asleep from pain!

Wake up you submissive whore!

Or I'll have to make you scream!

Scream for me like I screamed for you!

Cry for me like I cried for you!

Karma is so sweet isn't she?

Beg for me like I did for you!



Beg for me!




Beg for me!!!

Wake up!




Green Smoke

08:46 Jun 28 2009
Times Read: 587

Broken pieces of my self,

Sitting on your shelf,

I took a look at you today,

Tried to make it go away.

I am a man but still empty,

When will I be complete,

Time passes slowly by,

But I linger on goodbye.

Those words you said are set in stone,

They are the only thing I've ever known,

My heart has just been stabbed,

The blood falls but no ones there.

To scoop up my face from against the rocks,

The parts that are left are guarded under locks,

I never claimed to be the Christ,

Oh, if this pain ever subsides I hope I never ever know.

Your voice still speaks into my ears,

Your letters to me bring out my,

Deepest darkest fears.

How could I ever learn to survive,

When you killed what was still alive.

So please point out my darkest sins,

Show the world my dissonance,

All I want is to have you,

But you ran away to yourself.

So don't pretend like you really care,

Just point and laugh as you stare,

At this my fading light,

Oh, if this pain must keep going on,

I hope I never ever know.

Why do I cry as if you've died,

When will I learn to set you aside,

Guess today isn't the day,

I will continue to replay.

The home movies in my mind,

Holidays, trips and smiles you'll find,

It may never be the day,

Oh, if it ever is the day, I pray to God I never ever know.

Please don't ever let me know.

I still pray for you in the night,

Pray you do what's best and right,

For you and your life...




Mi Familia-Working Class Brown Man

05:18 Jun 27 2009
Times Read: 595

Take whatever I say at face value,

The sun comes out every morning on cue,

Start my day with a prayer to my Lord,

Step into my old beat up Ford.

Going down the road to the fields,

To pick clouds bare handed with no shield,

If I bleed it means I'm working to the bone,

And if I don't notice I'm in the working zone.

Pulling two hundred pounds for a white man,

I don't need him to tell me to know I can,

Work like a dog from dawn til dusk,

The only option I have is to continue to pluck.

I carry the scars from my daily battles,

Deal with the idea of death from a broken rattle,

The sun burns my skin until it's shaded brown,

After I'm done I drive the miles back to town.

My body aches but I do whatever to feed my family,

When I speak I speak with no tricks but plainly,

All I've got is a house they won't let me own,

I'm running out of bread so my babies moan.

My wife is breaking from all the hard labor,

I try to stay strong and call out of my door,

Lord please only you could understand,

The prayers of a working class brown man.

It seems no matter how hard I try,

I'm getting nowhere and try not to cry,

I take it all with a locked jaw,

Even when I feel the whip of their claws.

I try to drown the pain and the hurt I feel,

The drinking only helps my mind partially heal,

My family is afraid of my red eyes now,

Guess my son dying is me reaping what I sowed.

My daughters cry and don't understand who I've become,

My Lord please I'm begging you on my knees,

Give me some of the blessing you have in store for me,

Help me see and learn to be at peace.

I haven't been at peace sense I was born,

My childhood was ripped and now its torn,

Can't do anything else with my life,

I never learned how to read or to write.

But still I carry on always trying to survive,

Even though all around me nothing seems to be alive,

I wish someone could understand, but I don't expect you too,

Only God knows the prayers,

Of a working class brown man.

No matter the time I put in,

They treat me like a filthy sin,

They give me the scraps as if I were an outcast,

My pay is small and it seems I'm forever last.

My history is gone, taken away from me,

Can't speak my language due to their decree,

The culture we brought with us is frowned upon,

My father says who we were is now dead and gone.

Is it right that we can't make a better life here,

Without us you would not be as far along my dears,

We make your roads and your buildings,

Your homes were made by us, no prejudice feelings.

We are hated for who we are and where we come from,

Put down to the beat of your beating drum,

Can't say anything back for fear of losing my job,

When I get home I put my face in my hands and sob.

Where is this justice you said you had for us,

I don't see it and we need it, every single one of us,

I pray that things change for all of us someday,

May God bring about a better tomorrow and today.

Cause God is the only one,

Who understands the prayers,

Of a working class brown man.



01:22 Jun 28 2009



The Forgotten Man

21:01 Jun 25 2009
Times Read: 606

Time passes slowly,

Your touch is cold,

I know who you are,

But you will never know me.

The moon rises slowly,

If I may be so bold,

You have left me bare,

Naked like a child who can't see.

And if I am forgotten,

Then disregard who I was,

And remember me for who I am.

And if I am forgotten,

Then please love me because,

How you remember me defines me.

Death comes slowly,

To the fallen ones,

On their knees they beg,

For just another chance.

The sun falls slowly,

On our future sons,

Returning again to beg,

For us to have one last dance.

And now I return to you,

Broken for all to see,

And now I return to you,

Why won't you hold me?

Why won't you hold me!

And if I am forgotten,

Then disregard who I was,

And remember me for who I am.

And if I am forgotten,

Then please love me because,

How you remember me defines me.

Regret not,

I know why you walked away,

Forget me not,

I just wish the truth had been said.

That the love you felt,

Was not strong enough,

To forgive my wrongs,

To forgive my wrongs.

The love I have felt,

Remains through and true,

I forgive your wrongs,

Why can't you forgive mine?

And now I return to you,

Broken for all to see,

And now I return to you,

Why won't you hold me?

Why won't you forgive me!

And if I am forgotten,

Then disregard who I was,

And remember me for who I am.

And if I am forgotten,

Then please love me because,

How you remember me defines me.

Desperate for this,

Desperate to have a place,

Inside your heart and mind,

Inside your heart and mind!

Do not forget me!




Angel Wings

07:05 Jun 25 2009
Times Read: 617

Pull me from the wreckage,

And see if you can salvage,

Anything of me before,

I become one with the floor.

Reanimate my dead cells,

Parade me like show and tell,

Show the devils how I look,

Show the angels,

In the Good Book.

And realize,

Those who polarize,

Those who hypnotize,

Are filled with lies.

Tonight is the night I died,

Tonight is the night I killed,

All the love at my door,

And let it rise,

On angel wings it soured.

Put my face in your hands,

And watch it melt to sand,

Do you like me eyeless,

Then you'll love me motionless.

My skin is paler than gray,

And I don't believe what you say,

So stop this story now,

End it right now, end it now!

And realize,

Those who polarize,

Those who hypnotize,

Are filled with lies.

Tonight is the night I died,

Tonight is the night I killed,

All the love at my door,

And let it rise,

On angel wings it soured.

With the same words she said,

I am bitter to the ones who paid,

My debt in full,

Just pull the trigger and be done with it.

With the same words she said,

I am blessed by the ones who paid,

My debt in full,

Just push the dagger in and be done with it!

Pull me from the wreckage,

And see if you can salvage,

Anything of me before,

I become one with the floor.

My skin is paler than gray,

And I don't believe what you say,

So stop this story now,

End it right now, end it now!

Tonight is the night I died,

Tonight is the night it died,

All the love at my door,

And I let it rise,

On angel wings it soured.

Tonight is the night I died,

On angel wings I soured.



20:12 Jun 25 2009




21:55 Jun 22 2009
Times Read: 630

Pushing out the decent,

In this I will not relent,

Until I am rid of these demons,

Every single last one of their legion.

Will be crushed into dust,

Their souls shall turn to rust,

And I'll rise on black angel wings,

Back from the fall they shall bring.

My soul from the brink,

Of chaos I was to sink,

But I have come to seek and destroy,

And regain all this, my former glory.

The tale that they shall speak,

Shall make them all become weak,

Behold the pale horse of death,

It's rider will steal your breath.

And hell will follow with him.



06:07 Dec 06 2009

You knows now that when God created angels and souls, he created a set number of them. God's right hand angel rebelled against Him, along with one third of God's angels. Since it was not in God's nature to destroy what he created, he instead eternally punished the rebels by sending them to hell. There have been no more or no less angels since. However, when judgment day comes, he will forever destroy Hell, the fallen angels, the demons, and their rebel leader, Lucifer. God and His will always be stronger, and will always prevail. That is why you survived your encounter with Lucifer's angels.

Emptiness has darkened the eyes as you hoplessly beg your my life to end and tell him why.


Hate Eternal

17:10 Jun 20 2009
Times Read: 647

Cataclysmic desperation,

World filled with devastation,

All around you begins to crumble,

You try to run but your feet stumble.

And I will not be there,

To catch you when you fall,

You expect me to care,

You really expect me to care?

You are the joke of the past,

Half century,

Everything you build will not last,

And end in misery.

So stop with your words,

And give me some action,

Because your same old words,

Will get the same reaction.

My hate eternal!

My hate eternal!

I will not settle!

My hate eternal!

Purity in its finest form,

I'll crush you like a worm,

And when you scream for me,

I will not hear your pleas.

I'll spit on your fucking grave,

Your soul will never be saved,

By me or any fucking god,

Feel the wrath of my beating rod.

I pray you enjoy yourself,

I pray that one day you "find" yourself,

And die in the arms of your lover,

Weather that be you or someone better!

My hate eternal!

I will not settle!

Until one of us is dead!

Beaten in the fucking head!

My hate eternal!

My hate eternal!

I will not settle,

Until one of us is fucking dead!

All around you begins to crumble,

You try to run but your feet stumble,

And I will not be there,

To catch you when you fall,

So stop with your words,

And give me some action,

Because your same old words,

Will get the same reaction.

My hate eternal!

My hate eternal!

I will not settle!

My hate eternal!

My Hate Eternal!!!



18:09 Jun 20 2009

so so angry :)

23:51 Dec 04 2009

Certain experiences do open eyes to a new horizon just beyond the only horizon that you thought you saw while trapped in the cage you

yourself built.

Their minds, at times, attempts to decieve their bodies. To bend reality into a twisted painting, splattered with the colors of what used to be the people they loved and cared about, what used to be honesty, peace, and most of all love. What their minds neglected to reveal to them was the gray, blood splattered canvas they had created without the realization of the trauma they were causing theirselves, and the pain and heartache they were causing their friends and family.

To be disillusioned is to fool yourself, nothing positive comes from that, so find a direction and stick to it, as long as you head in one direction with no smoke or mirrors you will always head the right way. Even worse is when you don't know what's wrong with yourself, but I refuse to think that complex at this moment in time.

Awaiting behind the door would be now this isn't a fighting poem or of anything of the sort. This is about love, deception, and plenty of reality points which we all experience in our lives. Now this poem is very much of love and everything that love stands for the real meaning of love, and yet forgiveness with the pain of love.



08:01 Jun 20 2009
Times Read: 653


Under the pressure,

Of his sadistic pleasure,

Let his hands collapse you,

Let his hands form you.

And know he will do,

What you did to me,

Stop lying to my back,

Join me and fall through the cracks.

And Lie To My Face!!!

Abomination of deceit,

You are a piece of meat,

For the black birds flying,

In the sky they know you're dying.

Open your simple eyes,

Before they close and die,

And see me looking down at you,

My face is the last thing you see.

So go ahead if you please,

Spread your abysmal disease,

Lie to my face,

Lie to my fucking face!

You are so beautiful,

And really very colorful,

When you paint your truths,

With halfhearted lies,

Halfhearted lies.

I hope you know now,

I hope you see now,

What you did to me,

I wish for you to bleed.

Under the pressure,

Of his sadistic pleasure,

Let his hands collapse you,

Let his hands form you.

And know he will do,

What you did to me,

Stop lying to my back,

Join me and fall through the cracks.

And Lie To My Face!!!




Miss May I

18:15 Jun 15 2009
Times Read: 669

Coldness consumes,

And I can't breath,

These black fumes,

Lying underneath.

My bed like a child,

Scared of death,

My name is dialed,

I take my last breath.

I say I'm not the bad man,

I beg you to see that I can,

Be good again, be new again,

Does all the good have to end?

Does everything have to end?

Can we go back,

To the starting line,

Can we unpack,

The boxes of time.

Or is it buried,

Underneath the bed,

Forever buried,

Inside your locked head.

I say I'm not the bad man,

I beg you to see that I can,

Be good again, be new again,

Does all the good have to end?

Does everything have to end?

Or can we revive the pages,

Put hate back in their cages,

Be good again, be new again,

Does all of this have to end?

Does everything have to end?

The air is thick around me,

Miss May I, will you let me see?

Will you let me see,

Let me see again!

Coldness consumes,

And I can't breath,

Forever buried,

Inside your locked head.

I say I'm not the bad man,

I beg you to see that I can,

Be good again, be new again,

Does all the good have to end?

Does everything have to end?



18:51 Jun 15 2009

very nice...good!

14:43 Jun 16 2009

Wow's, just excellent!


Ends to Begin

07:11 Jun 09 2009
Times Read: 684

Existence is not so flattering,

Dying not really so devastating,

If it were, I would have lived,

A long time ago,

If it were, I would have died,

A long time ago.

So is the way of the sword,

As I slowly move towards,

An end I've made for me,

But, it remains a mystery.

Can I feel anything at all,

Will none catch me as I fall,

Who holds the broken,

Who holds the forsaken.


Everything comes to an end,


Everything is waiting to begin.

Everything ends to begin.



14:33 Jun 09 2009

things will change soon...I have a feeling the tables will turn *evil smile* I did a little talking to the man upstairs and things should change :)

18:52 Jun 15 2009

Wow - elegant and to the point.

18:52 Jun 20 2009

I really like this one.


Into the Night

05:24 Jun 05 2009
Times Read: 706

In the high beams,

In between the cross hair,

I saw a while light,

Shining on the stair way.

Nothing's what it seems,

Her hair is still so fare,

But her eyes are like night,

And her lips have nothing left to say.

And her skin is blue,

Her clothes are new,

A beautiful black dress,

Neatly done and neatly pressed.

And we keep crying,

We keep dying,

We keep loving,

Without it,

We are nothing.

And we keep crying,

We keep dying,

We keep fighting,

Into the night.

I dreamed of her again,

She is dead but it's alright,

It's to late to save her now,

Got to keep pushing onwards.

I know it's not the end,

When I die I'll make things right,

Her candle will no longer glow,

Got to keep pushing forward.

And we keep crying,

We keep dying,

We keep loving,

Without it,

We are nothing.

And we keep crying,

We keep dying,

We keep fighting,

Into the night.

Into the night.

I keep waiting for a sign,

To tell me it's alright,

To stop my weeping eyes,

To stop these weeping eyes.

But nothing's every fine,

Without her guiding light,

I won't stop these weeping eyes,

Won't stop these weeping eyes.

And we keep crying,

We keep dying,

We keep loving,

Without it,

We are nothing.

And we keep crying,

We keep dying,

We keep fighting,

Into the night.

Into the night.



14:53 Jun 05 2009

are you alright? I will make sure later :)



16:43 Jun 04 2009
Times Read: 723

This is the new era,

Where deceit is fair,

Don't even try to win,

Don't even try to run.

This world is mine,

All you people are swine,

And with one touch,

All of you will blush.

So come through the T.V.,

I want to touch this fiend,

I want to come right on through,

To love you like you know I do.

Come down the rabbit hole,

Come and give me your pretty soul,

I will one day make you mine,

Even if I have to break your spine.

How does it feel,

To be unable to heal,

To not be able to run away,

I swear it will be okay.

How does it feel,

To know that this is real,

To not be able to run away,

I swear it will be okay.

This is a time,

For us to feel sublime,

A time for play,

With naughty things to say.

Now come through the photographs,

A parade of looking glass,

Now come through the headlights,

That are shining so bright.

Come down the rabbit hole,

Come and give me your pretty soul,

I will one day make you mine,

Even if I have to break your spine.

How does it feel,

To be unable to heal,

To not be able to run away,

I swear it will be okay.

How does it feel,

To know that this is real,

To not be able to run away,

I swear it will be okay.

Talk is cheap,

When you reap,

The soul of her,

Poor little pearl.

Talk is cheap,

When you reap,

The soul of her,

Pretty little pearl.

How does it feel,

To be unable to heal,

Come down the rabbit hole,

Come and give me your pretty soul,

How does it feel,

To know that this is real,

I will one day make you mine,

Even if I have to break your spine.



17:40 Jun 04 2009

Submission? To one like you. I can only imagine the pleasure of such a state.

19:46 Jun 04 2009

i agree with the girl above completely my dear ;)


Pearls and Skin

20:19 Jun 02 2009
Times Read: 733

Running in darkness,

Feeling the crosses,

Circumstances of,

My teenage love.

I hear them calling,

These nails are pulling,

At my pearly skin,

Just like my precious sins.

And I only have one thing left to utter,

If you have two or more you're better.

You know what I say,

To the enemy,

This is the way,

Out of misery.

You know what I say,

To my enemy,

This is the way,

Out of your misery.

And like a child they pray,

Pray for a savior and cry,

We are about to die!

We are about to die!

And I let them.




As the Day turns to Night

20:25 Jun 01 2009
Times Read: 741

Pulling my teeth,

As my mind rages,

Laying underneath,

Thousands of pages.

These are the signs,

Of the end times.

Darkness looms,

As the dead rise from their tombs.

Take me up to the sky,

Take me up to the on high,

Cause I was born to live and die,

To grow my wings and learn to fly!

Now dance with the devil,

In the pale moonlight,

Dance with the evil,

As the day turns to night.

Now dance with the devil,

The ultimate evil,

Dance in the moonlight,

As the day turns to night.

Children of the world,

Why do you look so old,

Children of the world,

Why do you feel so cold?


These are the signs,

Of the end times.

Darkness looms,

As the dead rise from their tombs.

Take me up to the sky,

Take me up to the on high,

Cause I was born to live and die,

To grow my wings and learn to fly!

Now dance with the devil,

In the pale moonlight,

Dance with the evil,

As the day turns to night.

Now dance with the devil,

The ultimate evil,

Dance in the moonlight,

As the day turns to night.

As the day turns to night.



22:59 Jun 01 2009

This is great! I really like your poetry!

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