tis late at night tis bored so I am writing again
muffled voices in my head communications with the dead
go away
study books all around me
bloody toes from the previous days torture of dance....
silence in the night deafaning
no wait tis can hear the cry of the bat great more unharboured dreams on the horrizon
getr my bat out to beat em off
kuffudled thoughts roam my mind wondering if you will enter my dreams again
yawns and signs hears the annoying droan of the drunken neighbours yet fighting again over the fact one can piss further than the next
has a random thought to throw kerro over the balcany to see which dum ass lights up first
erases though
stretches out yawns over growing textbooks
shuts them ...
gives in to the over powerful energy of the night life '
let it begin!