May 30 2012 -11 "at least i'm not constantly worry about negatively taking honor from someone" - ... lawl. Pretty sure you do care, a hell of a lot.
May 30 2012 -11 If you had a life, you would fine better things to write about. 99 out of 100 of your journal entries are about honour - shows how obsessed you are.
May 30 2012 -11 Dude, you bitch and cry about absolutely every "wrong" thing someone does to you on this site, and treat people like shit. Get used to people slapping back.
if you had a life you wouldnt be constantly taking honor. you also wouldnt be constantly looking at my journal to see what else I do. I do have a life. i'm in college and close to having my degree and hardly have time for your pointless bullshit. also i'm no begger youre the one beggin for more to put more things in my jounral. congrats here it is jerk. please keep jerkin off. oh wait too late. go piss someone else off for once and get a life. if anyone is beggin it's you beggin for more. what an idiot. i have no time for pointless bullshit drama like this. go fuck yourself idiots.
May 30 2012 -14 The journal entries and your attitude are the reason for this. It's rather hilarious.
May 30 2012 -3 Feel free to express your disdain. :]
May 30 2012 -3 If you are going to lie, at least do it right.
May 30 2012 -3 You also never show your user name when you take it. Yet you go onto their profile. You are in need of a new brain.
May 30 2012 -3 Begging is for dogs.
May 30 2012 -3 You say you don't take honor from other people. You're lying. The person taking your shit holds honor for not bitching. You don't.
May 30 2012 -15 Your attitude is negative and you focus only on the negative while saying we have our priorities wrong. This is how people are expressing your opinion of you. I don't blame you for not liking it.
I don't lie. I haven't "dishonored" someone in several days. YOU are lying to yourself. If i were to take honor it would be for good reason and I would show my name.
I dont beg I dish out.
I dont bitch about anything I dish it out harder learn the difference
I actually have a positive attitude on life. If you got to know me you would know that. I actually have a life outside from this filth you call honor. Compared to you, I'm going somewhere in life. I lose no sleep over pathetic people like you. If anything others find it hilarious that you still don't leave your name yet leave comments that are not worth leaving. Do everyone a favor and stop. Its pathetic and not worth it in any way. Its rather funny that pathetic people keep leaving comments for me to put here.
May 29 2012 -11 I didn't pick, you chose for me. People see you as YOU wish to be seen - stop blaming everyone else and take responsibility for your own shitty attitude.
May 29 2012 -14 Honor is earned, not begged for.
Lol at least i'm not constantly worry about negatively taking honor from someone
May 29 2012 -6 Keep writing journal entries. You think anyone who rates/dishonors you less than a 10 is an admin. Waaah! Change your diaper.
Lol you might want to "change yours" at least i'm not negatively taking honor from someone
May 28 2012 -8 wish i could take tomorrow
May 28 2012 -8 :)
May 28 2012 -8 loser says i want honor but i dont want to earn it
May 28 2012 -8 waaa waaa cry for honor again..hahaha
May 28 2012 -8 begging for honor in the forum gets you this:)
May 28 2012 -15 Quit whining.
May 28 2012 -11 If honor was earned, you would have a lot less. You don't have the nicest attitude in the world, y'know.
LOL i love the last line. If you werent a douchebag and got to know me you'd realized i can be the nicest person in the world or a complete bitch. You took your pick and now i'm a complete bitch. Ask my coven they'll tell you how nice I am. Ask a few others as well how "mean" i am.
May 28 2012 -9 this is something you dont ask for
May 28 2012 -9 you have to earn honor
And the comments keep on coming. If honor was earned then i'd have a lot more of it compared to this person.
Things have been a little busy lately with school and a few other things.
I have a job fair i'm going to in a little bit and i'm hoping I get a position at the job they are hiring for. Even though i'm moving in june now it's still money comin in that i'd be able to save for when I do move.
If I don't get the job I'll be lookin elsewhere due to money issues that have come up. I'm gonna be busier with school the next few weeks cause of finals in 2 weeks.
Thats pretty much the main rundown of things. Have a nice day ya'll.