Send help.
Also, I watched myself have sex today. It was pretty awesome.
I'm a dirty freak, hahahaha!
I tried second life today. I've heard it's pretty cool, so I thought I'd give it a look-see now that Anthony isn't going to argue with me about joining it to spend time together anymore. It turns's not until you've been there a while.
I have, however, been accidentally logged in into an adult venue and had some serious cyber-dick waggled in my face. Including a giant wolf man with a penis the size of his forearm.
I'd have to say, allround, not the experience I expected.
So far I'm not a fan yet.
But that might change when my avatar is older. I plan on making my money by stripping. :D Why not, it's not really me anyway.
You know, it's funny. I've been around here (minus my little break there) for almost a year. Or somewhere around that anyway. I've had two pseudo relationships on here. Well, one fling and one relationship of around eight months or so.
I am still friends with both men. In fact, if you know me well, you can probably guess who the first one was if you pay attention.
I'm finding that, because I am a very emotionally charged woman, it's rather easy to just kind of......fall into them.
I mean, I've had other crushes here, but being a good woman, I keep the other ones to myself. If you knew who they were, you would understand why. But I digress.......
What I have the pleasure of patiently waiting for now, is the possibility of one flourishing with someone who is actually on my side of the fricken world. Someone I can actually meet and touch. And oh boy, if that happens, is he getting touched. I hold no shame in admitting that. Inasmuch as I am an emotional being, I am also a being of physical expressions of affection. Anytime. All the time. Anywhere, and I don't care who can see.
All I need is the right person, and the right moment.
And hopefully I can spark something in him that makes him feel the same things for me. It is incredible, the difference pain and desire can make to the physical side of a relationship. Or, you know, not-necessarily-relationship-type-thing, or whatever the crazy kids are calling it these days.
This is the fun part. The waiting. The new start. The endless list of possibilities. *Sigh* It makes a girl giddy just thinking about it.
Whatever it is, and whomever it is, I look forward to a new chapter in my book of life. My path has never been a boring one, that's for sure. So I'm excited and nervous to see what happens next.
I hope he's odd like me. I like to think the best people are.
Congratulations ladies, I am officially out of the race. He and I have discussed things at length and decided that it's better if we just stay friends. I'm happy about this, being the one who just couldn't handle the way things were for us anymore.
I'm sick and tired of throwing myself into, albeit justified, jealous rages. And I don't like the cruel and heartless person I was allowing the situation to make me. This is better. We get to be ourselves again.
I already feel like I can breathe easier.
Everything is going to be alright now. Whatever happens, the certainty of my emotional safety is back in my hands, and that's a good feeling.
This isn't the end. It's a new start. And new starts are good.
Honeeeeeeyyyy! I'm hoooooooooooome!
Just kidding. I am back though.
I needed a break from......well......everything for a little while.
I was not ok. My depression got really really bad for a while there, and that can be really hard for me because I then have to fight my suicidal tendencies on account of I'm a mother so I can't die. But alas! I won the fight again. For them. Always will.
I missed everyone who cared that I was missing.
I got my septum (that bit of skin between your nostrils) pierced! It hurt like all fuck, but it looks awesome. :D
I am passing my course.
Daddy and I are.......sorting things out slowly. Babysteps.
I hate the new format. Sorry VR.
It's good to be back.
10:13 Aug 31 2017
I still can't believe 2nd life is still going. It seems like forever
12:04 Aug 31 2017
I just dicovered it. I like it, it's fun. :D
00:12 Sep 01 2017