The days pass as the earth slowly dies. I cry the tears it does in fear of it's own death. The weeping willow, with it's branches so low it, touches the ground. And not many people can say that so do they, and it's true. Say that they can touch the ground. Life is fading and the knowlage we all use to know. Only years pass by and things are being lost. The ones who are smart pass it on. The others let it die in shame.
To breath the light of the sun and the moon. To see the stars shinning bright every night. Dreams and hopes coming true because life is real and is strange. The strong live and the weak die. But that's life, it is science and it is the way we think.
But is the way we think the right way? Is it a true way? Once I knew a beautiful place. A beautiful home. Distoryed by evil it was. Gone down in shame and thy can still say the same?
They loved earth the way I do. They saw the things in a different eye. Through different bodies. But does that really matter?
We are worse than them. A lot worse. They saw peace. I look back at them and see it. But here. . .
Death and evil, all i feel, hear, and see day in and day out. My gift a cerse. But I just might have to die with that. Hoping not to pass this evil feeling on. The dreadful feeling of evil . . .
Terrible is all this world has become. No more understanding of the strange people. People of the dead. People of the challenged. People of the mentaly gifted in a magical way. They can't see that. But I hope that it can and will all change.
Maybe that's why I'm here.