Well currently I live in a decent sized house that echoes if a mouse farts. It's ridiculous the way sound echoes in it, making the slightest noise amplified.
Well I was watching tv a few rooms away from the kitchen. I heard my cell go off, knowing it was laying in the middle of the island counter, I just left it. Then I hear the ringing stop and a loud slam. I sit bold upright on the couch and sneak around the corner to see what the hell happened. The phone was on the ground, five feet away from the counter. Already being spooked by this house was bad enough. I grabbed my phone and went downstairs to see if anyone was around, and the basement door that leads to the outside is unlocked. And open. At this point I walk out of the house, knowing I locked the basement door earlier. There is no vehicle in he driveway to prove that someone normal was there and had maybe gotten lost and was asking for directions. I eventually came back inside to find nothing out of order. Still have no idea who broke into my house and just left everything alone.
How would you say you fell in love with someone? Did you fall for them the first time you saw them? Do you believe in love at first sight? And if so, how can you see someone's personality, goals, ambitions, hopes and dreams just by looking at them? How can you see the good and bad side of them and still accept them as a person just by looking at them? Shouldn't love be about getting to know someone? And you couldn't possibly figure out one persons entire being in a couple weeks. That is so not love. I'm writing this because I'm so sick and tired of people ranting about how they love someone they just met not too long ago. When they find this person, everything about them changes. Love makes slaves of us doesn't it? Does it have to? Or does it only make slaves of those who are desperate to fall in love? These are thoughts swimming around inside my head and it would be nice to hear some opinions. I'm not the love expert, hence my screen name, but I have experienced what I would call love only once. So for people to fall in love in a couple weeks or just after seeing someone really confuses me because it took me a long time to truly feel that I loved someone. So hearing some opinions may answer these questions in my head, thanks for anyone who posts and reads all of this entry before responding.
ture love hun, take work of both sides, u can say you love someone but until you spend time with with you dont know, and yes you both neeed to get to know each other, talk some days if you can, ever if its just about silly things, and you both need to know what each other wants, in live, and in the live together. yes you get hurt some times, but other time it is worth the work
I understand what you mean indeed. [:
I do completely understand where you are coming from. I am 33 and I have only truly loved two people in the way that your speaking of. Those three little words are thrown around so meaninglessly these days that it can lead you to question the very existence of love entirely. I will advise you only from experience that when you do truly love someone and know its real, never let them go. Stop at nothing to keep them. I have screwed up severely twice when it comes to love. You aren't given second chances to make it right once you you have thrown it away.