LostKitten's Journal

LostKitten's Journal


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Dancing!!! A short story I have been working on.

20:07 Mar 18 2008
Times Read: 672

***This is a short story I have started but am not sure which way to take it. Any Suggestions?***

As the young girl danced the music in her head, she never noticed that the man was watching her. He thought to himself, “How graceful.” She continued to dance, turning and spinning. Her eyes closed watching nothing the but the shadowy dreams that followed her heartbeats into her mind. She let herself go to the music in her head. The same music that follows her from her dreams.

She heard a soft cough and looked up. As she opened her eyes she caught a glimpse of a man gliding by her. When she stopped to see who he was, she felt a soft cool breeze upon the nape of her neck. She heard a voice calling to her. “Dance, dance like you love to dance. Dance like there is no tomorrow.”

Not knowing if these were true words or more sounds that were in her head, she nervously started dancing again. But this time, with her eyes opened. Looking for this man as she twirled with delight. But there was no one there. But she could hear him still.....”dance, dance like you are free.”

She danced until she could dance no more. She collapsed on the floor with exhaustion. Panting for breath and from the anxiety of the unknown. Her chest heaving in and out with each breath. Her cleavage pushing up from underneath bodice that she wore so eloquently. Still hearing the voice of the unknown, she began to tremble.

As she closed her eyes to calm her mind, she felt another soft cool breeze upon the nape of her neck. She slightly opened them to see if anyone was there. All she seen was a pair of man’s black shoes there in front of her. As she closed her eyes again, thinking she was imagining these thoughts, she stood up with trembling legs.

She then opened her eyes to see it was real. These were not thoughts at all. A young man stood in front of her holding out his hand. She instantly took it, not knowing why. She observed the man and his appearance. A handsome man he was with dark eyes, black as night. The man stood straight and proud in his black pants and black shirt. She admired the long black cloak that he wore upon his clothing. She smelled his soft cologne that softly went into her nostrils.

He pulled her close and told her not to be frighten. She was mesmerized. She could not move. She wanted to run, but her feet stood still. He told her to turn slowly, as she did, he then told her to close her eyes and stand still. She did as she was told.

She could feel him walk around her, his eyes undressing her, his hands moving across her body. She was anxious and excited, but confused and frightened. She felt his hand move across her breast as she heaved for air and then slowly down her stomach and her thighs.

She was so hot and excited, she felt herself become moist between her thighs. He could feel it too. He let out a laugh like one she had never heard before.

He told her to lay down on the floor and to put her arms above her head and to spread her legs as far open as she could. As she did this, she heard him say, “good girl.” She then felt a sharp object at her throat. Cold and smooth but pointy on the end. As it ran down the front of her she felt her buttons being cut off and her breast exposed to whomever it was standing there.

Her skirt was raised and her undergarments removed but a tug on each side.

She felt hands running over her body. Cupping her breast one at a time and then soft but firm hands grabbing her thighs and spreading her open. She felt a warm sensation come over her as she was entered with a slender and long finger. She could feel this finger touching her walls and probing deep inside her as she arched her back to help with the penetration.

She began to heave and push her hips against this hand. She would move faster against the prodding finger. She let out a scream as she heard the voice say, “be a good little girl and cum for your Master. Fill my hand full of your sweet nectar.”

She felt him remove his hand. Not another sound was made. She laid there for a moment, and when nothing happened she opened her eyes and she sat up and looked around and realized he was gone. She was left there partially unclothed and excited from the event that had just occurred.

Left unsatisfied and disappointed, she stood up and gathered her articles that were removed. She straightened herself up as best as she could and walked out into the night air. She felt the cool breezes running through her now tangled hair. Trying to rush down the alley to her car. She heard footsteps behind her and she turned and looked, but no one was there.

As she turned back around, there stood the man in the black cloak. This time she spoke, and said, “What do you want with me?” But he did not say a word. He only smiled and nodded his head at her as if to say, “You already know.”



20:24 Mar 18 2008

very well done................

12:26 Mar 23 2008

i await the next installment

16:56 Mar 24 2008

hmm I have no ideas yet, but as soon as I come up with some sis Ill let you know. Great so far!

08:32 Apr 05 2008

very very well written!

21:03 Apr 29 2008

My Dearest Kitten,

You must let me know when you continue this erotic and captivating story you have created in part! I can think of many different ways you could take this story, but I shall leave this to you and your seductively enchanting talent of writing what your mind fantasizes.

Bites and Kisses My Friend,

The Daywalker

04:08 May 10 2008

you have me enthralled,cant wait to read more of it.very well written.

04:16 May 10 2008

loved it!!! not sure where to go from here but im sure her Master will have her again and again:)

05:07 May 10 2008

Puhleeze keep on writin!

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