Remember guys....My fellow CCG's
Summer of 2009 my house here in Chattanooga Tennessee for our gathering.
I miss my CCG's so much. I wish that we could all get on at the same time and have the chats like we used to. but remember just because we do not talk as often as we did, does not mean that i don't miss and still love you all.
I Miss And Love All Of You
CCG 4Life....
Dewin The Dew
I have been on VR earning my favor and I have recieved the mark of my coven Mistress and and the following favor marks as well,
yep I am tooting my own horn. Way to go meeeeeeeeeeeee.....
Way to go April! :0)
WTG Girl!!! You Deserve It!!!
Dewin The Dew
Merge....the combination of two or more organizations, especially corporations, into one break up the organization of
Do I need to say anymore?
I am not mad nor am I angry about it anymore. Still sadened and disappointed.
But I have to get the 2 differences out there, because I keep hearing that Bohemia merged, but we didn't.
Your right
nope, it was a disbandenment.
sorry, but i *refuse* to paint a pear a tomatoe....
When you apart from your friends, crying and wishing they were there, knowing that soon you will be back together again, all you can do is wait. I hate playing the waiting game, but what choice do we have in this life? Everything is a wait and see it seems. Why can't it be simple? Why can't we just know what is going to happen? Anyways, to all my CCG's and my family and friends on here, i have missed you so much and I am so glad that we are getting back on the same page. I love you guys.
I always thought that if you merged 2 covens then the members of the covens would be together not seperated. Disbanding i always thought meant that the coven was shut down and members went wherever.
Well isn't that what happened? How can someone call it a merge if the coven mates aren't still together.
I don't get it. If it's disbanded just say so don't say merge and make yourself look good bc it's a damn lie.
lol nice rant.
yepper deppers...
Thanks. I am just speaking the truth. Call shit like it is.
'bout time. i won't be sucked into the hype.
Hype is exactly what it is. And I will have no part of it. Thanks but no thanks.
I get a call out of the blue that Bohemia is gone, and I am now in another coven. I am not saying that my new coven is bad, I am only saying that I miss my family from Bohemia. I miss you guys really bad.
PLEASE stay in contact. I love you all.
Yup It Sucks What Happened To Bohemia, I Was And Still Am Heartbroken..
But Mooncall Ketu Seems Like A Really Cool Place.
Please know you can write me anytime April! I miss Bohemia too! ((HUGS)) Annmarie
:-( *hugs*
I catch myself crying all the time over you guys.
Yeah same here, something's I don't like doing because they remind me of it. It's like a bad breakup and you still can't listen to those love songs. :,(
I know and I am not sure what to do. I miss everyone so much.
Me Too Hun
Just Remember You Still Have Us CCG's No Matter What
At the end of the day, there's still the message system, and our own Bohemia site. We're still all on VR, and we could create private chat-rooms too :-)
You won't lose touch
I know, but still not the same. I love and miss all you guys so much.
i couldn't agree more.....
we need to find our way back to YIM-chat...
If everyone could set up a time I could make sure I was there or at least try to be
I agree, the new coven we are in is nice...but I would be lieing if I said I dont miss my family from bohemia....its sad. I still cry but how can you not? You lost your family.
01:12 Jun 28 2008
Can't Wait!
01:13 Jun 28 2008
Me either....
CCG's 4Life
Dewin the Dew
or as Kontradiction would say
T.T. carry on......
01:16 Jun 28 2008
Dewin The Dew
01:16 Jun 28 2008
Yes, Carry the T.T On!!
2009 Gathering Here We Come!!!