LordDaniel's Journal

LordDaniel's Journal


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The Tale of San Venganza

15:48 Apr 02 2009
Times Read: 686

High up in the dark mountains of a distant country there has sat a small village for many many years. The locals talk of a tale dark and mysterious yet somewhat enlightening. The story goes to talk about a girl named Ellie and so the story begins.

Ellie was in the family’s inn just sitting around and enjoying fresh blood. She as most of the people in the village was a vampire. Ellie was just sitting around when as foreigner with deep set eyes and a seductive smile came in. The tall man walked up to the lobby and asked if there were any rooms available.

“Why yes we do have several rooms available” Ellie said with curiosity there hadn’t been business for awhile and this guy looked dashing. The man was a mysterious one who kept to himself. He stayed there for some months and still nobody knew anything about him. One day the man took Ellie by surprise by asking her if there were any houses for sale in town. The only house for sale was outside town but he didn’t mind. One day after class Ellie and some friends decided to go to the café in front of the school and have a drink. There Ellie saw the stranger again she had this strange attraction towards him. Shyly she got closer and asked if she could sit he nodded and she just sat there. “Hi my name is Ellie” He acknowledge that and said “My name is Dan”. Soon after that he said he was going to have a party and she was invited to come if she wished. She accepted with a flirty yet greatfull smile. He in the other hand had a smirk as if he had accomplished or done something evil. He then asked her to come and help him with something. Ellie followed for she was entranced by his way. Outside the café two girls and a boy stood waiting for him; He then sent them to his house as he explained to Ellie the details of the party to be held that Saturday. That Saturday night when the party had reached its climax he stood in front of the crowd and spoke to all the excited teens “thou are the children of Lucifer and I, I am Lucifer”. With a tremendous roar he changed and became a tall demon with blood red skin scorched by heat and ashes. At this view Ellie became frightened and ran for as long as she could not stopping until she reached the neighboring village where she entered the chapel and called upon a priest for help. Priests as she had heard had fought demons for centuries but this one looked old and not of much use. Ellie reached to the priest anyway and asked for help. The priest half believing her story decided to go with her and check it out any way. At their arrival they found a desolate scene full of ruins of what was once San Venganza. After looking at the rubbish Ellie dropped to her knees and cried. Suddenly she saw a figure from the corner of her eye and followed it until she had conored the creature. When it turned with a frightened gasp she calmed down; it was only Sam her best friend who had tried to catch up with her after she had ran but couldn’t keep up. Sam spoke in a scared tone of voice. “He convinced the others they destroyed everything and everyone in their path” after having said that she collapsed and begin to cry inconsolably. “Where did they go Sam” Sam pointed in the opposite direction and Ellie ran that way followed by the priest who by now was convinced of the tragedy. As they entered the woods elide smelled a faint yet horrible small of sulfur. As she turned around a tree she saw a shocking view a dozen or so teens carbonized and half destroyed by what seemed like an explosion. After giving the remains burial Ellie and the priest continued their journey to find Lucifer. They soon saw a light coming from across the hill and crawled on their stomach to get a closer look. What they saw sent chills down their backs Lucifer was surrounded by a puddle of blood and human remains he had a heart in his hand and took a bite savoring the delicious blood and flesh. To a side there were the remains of the two girls and the boy that had been waiting for him outside the café. At this the priest was enraged and walked out towards the demon. Lucifer at this stood straight and smiled “so they send a human to do the work of God” at this he laugh a dark laugh that reminded Ellie of the cruelness of the world and sent chills down her back. Lucifer smelled her fear and smiled “so you are here to my sweetie”. The priest took out his cross and began to pray this irritated Lucifer and sent the old man crashing against the rocky ground with a wave of his hand. The old priest then stood “you are not the only supernatural being Lucifer”. With those words been said the old priest became an angel, but not just any angel but Michael one of the strongest archangels in haven. Lucifer saw him and became enraged for Michael was the only other being besides God who had ever defeated him and because of him he was sentenced to live for eternity in hell. Lucifer lunged at Michael but this did not drive him back. Michael with his enormous and lustrous wings avoided every blow with ease he then smiled and took a shot at Lucifer. Lucifer in a desperate wave of blows and blinded with rage was shot back landing on the ground. He then stood and glared at Michael, at this Michael stared him down and pinned Lucifer with his eyes. “You will go down to the depths of hell from wince you came and never attack man in this manner again”. Lucifer then stood “this is only a battle the war is just beginning for my seed has been planted to carry out my work among man” he laughed and vanished.

The End

Witten By:Daniel Ibarra



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