Yes, I'm going to break my number one rule. I'm going to post something semi-nasty about a situation.
Why? No, not to create Drama. If I wanted that I would name names and use my Kismet. I'm chosing to use this as an opportunity to educate would-be suitors. Not, that there are likely to be any on VR but just in case...
I am a girl, woman specifically as I'm over the age of 20. In a life partner/lover/mate I want a man. Not a boy, a man.
One of the keys to being a man in a relationship: If it's not working just freakin' call it like it is, end it and move on. What's the point of waiting around for some ridiculous small circumstance to blow out of proportion? Be a man, face up to the situation.
Ugh. *disgusted sigh* I'm a woman, I like wearing skirts, I'm tired of wearing the pants in the relationship.
Ahhh Catharsis achieved.
09:33 Mar 04 2011
I like to think that in a relationship it should be 50/50 some situations I am good at wearing the pants and in other situations I am not