Dear self,
The next time you think staying for two Zumba class back to back is a good idea remember the pain you feel at this exact moment.
Butt hurts, abs hurt, arms hurt.
How is it possible that this silly dance class kicks my hiney more than a kick boxing class?!?
At work, sitting at my desk and staging some kind of one woman strike. Ive dealt with too many dead beats, child molesters, rapists, lazy ass MF, and insane people today.
Hey, evil bastard im ignoring you so blink your little message waiting indicator light as much as you want cause I aint listening to anymore voice mails today!
1. I love my Droid X. It makes me happy, it does what I want it to do, when I want it to do it and if it gives me any crap I call tech support and they make it behave.
2. September is almost over, its been a long hard month. Lots of changes and heartache. Growing pains, I guess I'm not so old that I'm immue to them.
3. I am thankful for true friends old and new.
4. I kinda feel like Yoda, well maybe a mentally retarded Yoda, I'm sure the feeling will pass sooner or later but I'm fairly zen right now.
5. I owe an apology to everyone who was hurt, while I stood by and pretended it didn't matter. No, nothing life and death or anything major, but I have some responsiblity even if it was just as a bystander. I know better, I am a better person than that and I need to get my head out of my ass.
6. Just because I CAN do something, doesn't mean I SHOULD do it. I am not Karma, it is not my place to deal out pieces of Karma as I see fit, no matter how strongly I believe it is deserved.
Today, I broke all ties to someone I once considered once of my best/closest friends. I should have done it a LONG time ago but I kept hoping somehow things would work out.
I thought I would be sad or unhappy but right now I'm just relieved and happy. Odd.
You can never truly know a person especially if that person doesnt really have a personality of their own. What I thought was a good friend was really just someone morphing themselves into what they thought I wanted.
Dont proclaim to the world to be something you are not. You can put California stickers on your car, wear california T-shirts and necklaces, talk the language and pretend all you want but until you actually move there and transfer your license and declare residency you're just a fraud.
We are our actions past and present and they will always follow us.
Interesting and I'm glad that your relieved and happy
After receiving several messages, though it bugs me I need to say this...
No, this person is not a VR member, if they were I wouldn't post this.
I'm venting. Just venting nothing more, nothing less.
Today I cancelled my wedding.
Deep cleansing breaths. I will not fall apart. I will not fall apart.
There was no drama. No cheating. No lying. No stealing.
Still in love with him. He's still my soul mate.
This sucks. I know I did the right thing, but it hurts like hell right now.
*crawls under bed and hides* I'm going to stay here for a while.
Take care of yourself.
Thanks everyone.
I am feeling a little better each day. I think I'm ready to start trying to move forward.
17:38 Oct 02 2010
I don't do kick boxing legs don't go higher than the knee now!
Work those muscles!