I am not the the grammar police. I try to write correctly but ocassionally will misplace a comma or use passive voice etc. I know I can't spell to save my life; however, some of the crap that comes out of the mouths of my co-workers FREAKS me out.
"She misunderestimenedated me". Misunderestimendedated? Really? come on now!
"She got dead so now I have to help funeralize her."
"He ain't never gonna get none never." That, by the way, is a QUADRUPLE negative, if I concentrated I dont think I could create a quadrulpe negative sentence!
It's only Monday, well technically Tuesday and I already want this week to be over. I just want to crawl in my bed pull the covers over my head and not come out.
Why? I have no freakin clue. Nothing was particularly horrible about today. I did not want to get out of bed because I stayed up too late and I did not want to deal with lazy new hires at work but nothing traumatic.
Maybe its the opressive heat and HUMIDITY here. I think the solution is that I need to move back above the Mason-Dixon line as soon as possible.
I miss snow.
What the hell is up with people and their deranged idea of ENTITLEMENT? SERIOUSLY THIS IS ANNYOING THE HELL OUT OF ME!
The best example I can give without making my blood boil is this: A student turns in a paper they wrote. This student worked very hard for several weeks on this paper. The instructor reads it and grades based on the pre-established goal that was set forth in the course syllabus and hands it back to the student. The student throws a hissy fit takes his/her issues to the dean who upholds the instructors decision and then the student..... FILES a LAWSUIT because they only earned a 'B'.
Have they lost their minds? Just because you work REALLY hard on something does not entitle you to an A.
I can work REALLY hard at learning to sing, I can practice for hours a day until my voice is raw and I develop nodules on my vocal chords but you know, what I am NEVER going to be an opera singer. Why, because I am just not a good singer. I can greatly improve my skill but that does not mean that The Met is going to hire me. Its just the way the world works.
I don't hand out 'A's (metaphorically speaking) just because someone is putting forth effort. I give everyone basic respect and treat them with dignity because I think every person deserves at least that much. Your actions and motives are going to either increase that respect or diminish it. If you put forth effort and work your ass off my respect for you is going to go very high but that still doesn't mean that the quality of your work is "Excellent". If that makes me an evil wench then I accept that.
Whining and complaining that the world is out to get you and everything is unfair just pisses me off. The world is not "fair" because every individual has his/her own concept of fair.
Example for Illustrative purposes only: I think it is fair that the federal government does not make me pay my student loans back because I tried really hard as a student and worked full time while in school full time and still maintained a high average. PLUS I am not currently working in a field using any of the degrees I earned.
Fine, if I held that believe then the 60K+ in federal loan money I borrowed (I like learning) would not be available to anyone else- ever. So another student who is trying to do the same thing or just wants to go to college can not go because I didn't have to pay my loans back and the money is not there. Is that fair to the other student? Obviously not.
Grrrrrr!>................................ and now I feel more calm. Hmm maybe this journaling thing is not such a bad idea.
A close friend was suddenly and violently killed in an accident early this morning.
He was my first love and had been in my life for 16 years. Part of my heart and soul were given to him- parts that were just destroyed in a matter of minutes.
I can't imagine a world where he doesn't exist he was my constant, my protector. He saw me through growing pains, chemo, a lost child and my own attempts at self destruction.
He left me as the executor of his estate and his health care proxy even though we have not been together for years. I know the man I loved was already gone, I know its what he wanted and he knew I would feel I owed this much, but in signing thoes papers I feel like I have lost everything.
The world is crushing in on me and if I could only curl up into a small enough ball maybe the rawness would go away. I don't want to see anymore.
There simply are no words at this time likely to give you comfort my dear....so I'll leave a *hug* for now.
If i could rate it a 10 i would.
I am a process person. I think things through not in a straight line but methodically in my own way. When I think I think in words.
Is this ridiculous? I don't think so. I was always creative and I have always been facinated with light (I know the puns are bouncing off the walls). I can spend literally hours just watching how the light (sun, moon, stars, or man made) reflects off of or projects shadows on to objects.
My explaination for now sucks because apparently I have had some sort of short circuit in my brain that is causing me to not think in words but in pictures and it is DRIVING ME INSANE! I go to say something or write some thing and instead of the words flowing I get images.
If I had a usb port on my brain this might not be a bad thing but as I do not, it is PISSING ME OFF.
I am so very ready for the freaky friday saga to be over. :(
15:36 Sep 08 2009
Lol, I sometimes use double negatives.