It never ceases to amaze me that in all the communties... be them white, black, asian, indian, christian, pagan, vampyre, etc... that there are so many that are so close minded. And it's always funny how those are the first ones to tell you that you are living your life wrong and that your belief system is wrong. What I also find utterly hilarious is that these same people can never seem to get their own lives straight. Their always complaining how crappy it is.
Who is any of us to say what is right and what is wrong?
Noone wants to take responsibility for their own actions anymore. Kids are dying or killing other kids, but guess what? Society blames it on the media and entertainment. Instead of saying, "Hey, where in the hell are all these kids' parents and why aren't they doing their jobs?"
What happened to stopping and smelling the roses? Hardly anyone ever just stops what their doing anymore to take the time to just love someone or show them that they are loved. What happened to calling a friend or family member for no reason other than saying "I was thinking about you and wanted to see how you are doing." Or send them a card for no apparent reason than you missed them and love them.
So you are probably asking what this has to do with the vampyre Community. It has everything to do with it. We have to live and breathe and survive just like the rest of society, only we are forced into the shadows of it. We are forced to look from the outside... perhaps being the better view. And if you happen to NOT be of the Christian faith, then you are forced even a bit further outside. I believe that gives us more room to be open minded, (could be why vampyres tend to be more creative than others.)
My point here is that there are quite a few in the Vampyre Community that are constantly complaining about how lonely they are in their vampyre exsistance... yet when someone comes in with an opinion, Goddess forbid, they are shunned and totally dismissed. Right away someone steps in to say you can't have that opinion unless you have proof that it's true.
Well you know what... show me proof that faith exsists (true faith). Show me proof why the sky is blue. Show me proof that you can't have love at first site. Show me proof that true immortality can't exsist. I could go on and on.
An opinion is just that... an opinion. Some are shared by others and some are a persona's. all on their own. Just because you don't agree with it, doesn't make it any less real for that person and they shouldn't be bashed or made to feel embarrassed by it. As an outed community we should be better than that. We should be able to say that perhaps we don't agree with someone's opinion but it is respected none the less.
And you know something... that in itself would make us the better person.... be us vampyre or not.
22:28 Feb 08 2014
Great journal, I fully agree. If everyone could learn to be more open and accepting, even caring, this world would be a better place
13:21 Feb 09 2014
And my opinion is.....your so right, dear... :)
Wonderful post
19:00 Feb 12 2014
I know it was a long read for some. But I caught it from too many people in one week.
19:29 May 27 2014
Everyone is entitled to his/her own opinion. I just happen to agree with yours. These people that you are referring to are generally less educated, simple minded, and generally jealous of anyone who shows the slightest incling that they are happy.
I'm on of those people that does still call her family from time to time just to "shoot the shit". LOL! I do it all the time. I can't stand it when someone pays their friends more attention than their family. Kind of like my sister picking her friend to be her maid of honor. It just goes to show you. Ignorance is bliss and she is going to regret her decision later on. That's what you have to remember.. All these people will eventually regret their actions and their ignorance. You will just simply sit back and watch. ;) Just wait for it buddy!
I often wonder myself why there are those in the main forum, (I know exactly what you're getting at with this journal entry by the way. It pisses me off to no avail as well), who constantly berate and belittle those who identify as "Vampires". I mean wtf, coming to a vampire website and telling people they have no right to claim that is what they are is like going to a Christian site and telling people they have no right to believe in Jesus. I'm just saying.
Remember, that for every finger you point at someone, you've got three pointing back at you. The best advice I can give to you is let these people go. Karma will take care of it in the end! I'm glad I came across this. Thanks for posting and keep writing!! :)
13:03 Oct 03 2017
I have tried most of the religions and it left me empty.