As we walk the sands of time
Softly wisper in my ear
Call to me across this void
Reveal to me your Joy and Rapture
As we walk this desert plane
Drifting slowly through the abyss
Passing by creation anew
To visit what our Soul has lost
As we walk in silent slumber
Never waking from our dreams
Always wanting, never waiting
For the ones we always miss
As we walk this world today
Calling out for our guidence
Changing paths to reach the end
All roads will take us there
In this decietful lie
We watch in wait
Yerning evermore to solve this erking
Chances are the truth is not there
We evaluate the syndicates
Scanning for redemption
Trying to solve lifes mysteries
Desperately seeking our purpose
And as we search this vast void
Each moment its own meaning
We lose ourselves to the need of another
And so we lose sight of what our needs are
We gather in darkness and in light
Our union is glorified with your last breath
Something is hounding, always wallowing my soul
A lost cause or a second chance
Have we forgotten lifes little mysteries
Is there no such thing as sacred
We desicrate each other without cause
Feeling no joy and no pain, not even freedom
As the universe invades my mind
Swallowing my thoughts entirely
I seek but one thing
The meaning of my life in someone else
We smother ourselves in one plane of existance
We strand our other half in an abyss
To indulge ones self is through body AND mind
Never can one be complete wihout the other
Color and Shade
Grandure and Simplicity
Significance without Meaning
Love without Living....