My Job has been deemed essential . no hazard Pay .
My state is in lockdown. My family is in another town in lock down. It's getting crazy there and I can't go visit. I am helpless as everything is slowly crumbling out of my grasp. My town is not in such a severe lockdown but it may as well be a ghost town. Everyone is scared and my business is taking a major hit. Hell, even my work has been shut down for the last two weeks. The lack of income is stressing me out as I struggle about paying the Bill's. Something tells me it's going to get a lot worse before it will get better. I just want it all to be over with so life will return as normal as it can. I truly miss my family and friends that are towns away.
I've been dreaming again. These dreams are not the same so many years ago. Definitely feel different but familiar all the same. I guess I miss all the conversations. I reworked one of my projects from back then about my mysterious Eli. It felt weird putting that story into print. I don't even know why I thought about it after all these years. For the most part I am not tormented. It's weird thinking about him from my past. The few messages I have received have been nice. It's been nice hearing g from him again. I don't know, I feel like I am babbling.
2020 is definitely not what I thought it was going to be.