It is so amazing that when someone is always around you all the time , how you can tend to take them for granted.... Life settles in you get more bitchy, less tolerant, make less home cooked meals, dress cute less and so on... Then there are the silly fights over things that you cant even remember by the end of the argument.... Out of stupid pride you both refuse to give in and admit wrong doing, so you just clean the house , dancing around one another in silence....
Then one day they leave for their job and are not around all the time as before... You realize you miss making home cooked meals, you regret being such a bitch at times, you wished you dressed up for him more often, and you wish you just gave in on that stupid argument....Your alone and you realise how much love you hold for them and how much love you will give when they return..Life is to short..... So I think to myself dont take time for granted it may not always be on your side.. Live for today and love like it may be gone tomorrow....
It is 10 am right now , I have been up since umm yesterday at 3am.. I either sleep alot or hardly sleep at all.. my husband thinks I have problems lol.. I'm just me I guess. Im up when I want and I sleep when I'm tired.. Who is to say what is the right or wrong way. When I am up at night i keep busy watching my cats attack eachother. I watch movies sometimes. Or I clean my entire house. Hey in my world I'm normal..