hugs I dont know what I would do with out you I been able to keep a calm head and handle things better the face is already starten to look better the doc truely wanted to hospitalize me over those sores because they were self inflicted ...then the asshole said he was worried about my hygene I was like whoa you better step off on that cause I know I got good hygene I bath 3-5 times a day and he said that is an endangerment to my self and he claims two other doctors have called him mortifide at the fact that I drink blood excuse me but what happend to paitent confidentualality??? Why is it bad to be a germ a phobe and I know I dont take it to limits like howie mandel who washes his money ...thoe I want to laugh it is not a laughing matter...and this doctor said that if I dont tone down my ways way down a jury may lock me up for being crazy and I said so you disgriminate against a person who lives an alternitive life style and he just replied this is no NY shakes head there is no justice¤t=2008-02-29-49745.flv