Lithilian's Journal

Lithilian's Journal


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54 entries this month

07:49 May 26 2018
Times Read: 909

Awe rumple pumple pumpkin. I never said that. I just said I didn't read your journal. I got my information from a Anthropology textbook and looked up the site.

Oh dear. *shakes head* tsk tsk. Now your flailing and grasping at anything to stay afloat.

I feel bad for you

You think I'm vulnerable and I've got a mask when I don't. I'm a cold hearted bitch. Just like you fuck buddies. I think lz pervert is a whoring bitch who has no fucking clue what she is talking about.

She is short. Round. Fat. Her husband is just fucking uglier then she is. Man. No wonder their kid is special cuz he looks like a blundering idiot.

Rumple is a fake was profile who only trolls people to get shits and giggles. I know all about you. You private journals? All backed up on my phone. So you failed to cover Your ass.

I don't care what your opinion is and the shit you say. I really don't. Your charades and theatrics are really amusing to me and I applaud you for it.

Everything that comes out of your two std riddled mouths is bullshit and bullshit and more bullshit. You can say your worst and yet I remain unaffected.

Your sad attempts are really sad

I'm done wasting my time on you both and your circle of friends.

That goes for anyone who even thinks about starting shit. I really don't care lol





07:13 May 26 2018
Times Read: 925

Wow. Now you realized just how stupid and inferior you are to me you are trying to cover Your ass by saying you gave me the info. LMFAO. I'm laughing so fucking hard at you.

Honey. Quit kidding yourself. This is my life. I do this kind of research. Your just pissed cuz your wrong. You are just stupid. That's okay though. There's plenty of places for you to go get help.

I do my own research.

Silly little man

*Pats your head and gives you a cookie* there there.
Now wipe your tears and go fuck off




07:03 May 26 2018
Times Read: 930

Sahelanthropus. ... Sahelanthropus tchadensis is an extinct homininae species and is probably the ancestor to Orrorin that is dated to about 7 million years ago, during the Miocene epoch, possibly very close to the time of the chimpanzee–human divergence.

West-Central Africa (Chad) When Lived: Sometime between 7 and 6 million years ago Sahelanthropus tchadensis lived sometime between 7 and 6 million years ago.
Sahelanthropus tchadensis is one of the oldest known species in the human family tree. This species lived sometime between 7 and 6 million years ago in West-Central Africa (Chad). Walking upright may have helped this species survive in diverse habitats, including forests and grasslands. Although we have only cranial material from Sahelanthropus, studies so far show this species had a combination of ape-like and human-like features. Ape-like features included a small brain (even slightly smaller than a chimpanzee’s), sloping face, very prominent browridges, and elongated skull. Human-like features included small canine teeth, a short middle part of the face, and a spinal cord opening underneath the skull instead of towards the back as seen in non-bipedal apes.

How do we know Sahelanthropus walked upright?

Some of the oldest evidence of a humanlike species moving about in an upright position comes from Sahelanthropus. The foramen magnum (the large opening where the spinal cord exits out of the cranium from the brain) is located further forward (on the underside of the cranium) than in apes or any other primate except humans. This feature indicates that the head of Sahelanthropus was held on an upright body, probably associated with walking on two legs.

Year of Discovery: 2001History of Discovery:
The first (and, so far, only) fossils of Sahelanthropus are nine cranial specimens from northern Chad. A research team of scientists led by French paleontologist Michael Brunet uncovered the fossils in 2001, including the type specimen TM 266-01-0606-1. Before 2001, early humans in Africa had only been found in the Great Rift Valley in East Africa and sites in South Africa, so the discovery of Sahelanthropus fossils in West-Central Africa shows that the earliest humans were more widely distributed than previously thought.

We don’t know everything about our early ancestors—but we keep learning more! Paleoanthropologists are constantly in the field, excavating new areas with groundbreaking technology, and continually filling in some of the gaps about our understanding of human evolution.

Below are some of the still unanswered questions about Sahelanthropus tchadensis that may be answered with future discoveries:

What did the body of Sahelanthropus tchadensis look like? So far paleoanthropologists have only uncovered cranial fossils of this species.
What was their primary form of locomotion?
What did they eat?
Why did Sahelanthropus tchadensis males have smaller canines? This is unlike male chimpanzees and most other primates who use their long canine teeth to threaten others, especially when competing for mates.
Were there size differences between Sahelanthropus tchadensis males and females?
Was Sahelanthropus tchadensis a common ancestor of humans and chimpanzees?
First Paper:

Brunet ,M., Guy, F., Pilbeam,. D., Mackaye, H.T., Likius, A., Ahounta, D., Beauvilain, A., Blondel, C., Bocherens, H., Boisserie, J.R., De Bonis, L., Coppens, Y., Dejax, J., Denys, C., Duringer, P., Eisenmann, V.R., Fanone, G., Fronty, P., Geraads, D., Lehmann, T., Lihoreau, F., Louchart, A., Mahamat, A., Merceron, G., Mouchelin, G., Otero, O., Campomanes, P.P., De Leon, M.P., Rage, J.C., Sapanet, M., Schuster, M., Sudre, J., Tassy, P., Valentin, X., Vignaud, P., Viriot, L., Zazzo, A., Zollikofer, C., 2002. A new hominid from the Upper Miocene of Chad, central Africa. Nature 418(6894), 145-151

Other recommended reading:

Brunet, M., Guy, F., Pilbeam, D., Lieberman, D.E., Likius, A., Mackaye, H.T., de Leon, M.S.P., Zollikofer, C.P.E., Vignaud, P., 2005. New material of the earliest hominid from the Upper Miocene of Chad. Nature 434(7034), 752-755.

How They Survived:
Unfortunately, most of Sahelanthropus’ teeth are heavily worn, and there have not yet been studies of its tooth wear or tooth isotopes to indicate diet. However, we can infer based on its environment and other early human species that it ate a mainly plant-based diet. This probably included leaves, fruit, seeds, roots, nuts, and insects.

Evolutionary Tree Information:
The first early humans, or hominins, diverged from apes sometime between 6 and 7 million years ago in Africa. Sahelanthropus tchadensis has two defining human anatomical traits: 1) small canine teeth, and 2) walking upright on two legs instead of on four legs.

TM 266-01-060-1
Image of Sahelanthropus tchadensis, Toumai - TM 266-01-060-1, skull, 3/4 view
This skull is evidence that species had a small brain and a sloping face, like a chimpanzee. The size of the skull suggests the individual was a male. His small, flat canine teeth are unusual for a male primate -- one of the first unique human traits.The skull (specifically the foramen magnum) provides scientists with evidence that Sahelanthropus walked upright.

Read more about this fossil.
Page last updated: February 9, 2016
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Site Last Updated: May 25, 2018




06:58 May 26 2018
Times Read: 933

HOMINID ANCESTOR SAHELANTHROPUS tchadensis is between 6.5-7 million years. It's in the new data. The one you pulled came after. You get an

F on your grade report. You failed.




06:36 May 26 2018
Times Read: 940

Homo gene

Homo habilis

2.5 mya

Is when the homo genus splits off and ends with homo sapiens.




06:33 May 26 2018
Times Read: 942





Savanna hypothesis to changing climate effects human evolution

Yes. I know what the hell I'm talking abt

Would you like a report?




06:28 May 26 2018
Times Read: 944

6.5 million years ago


Lived around the time of the last common ancestor of humans

Found in Chad. East African Rift Valley 2001
Material suggests 6-7 million years old.

Several features in common with later hominins such as KENYANTHROPUS and HOMO.

Their canines are relatively small. Face is quite flat compared to apes and the brow ridge is massive and continuous above the orbites.

It is placed on the human family tree at 6-7 mya just above where the hominid line and ape split off.

Do your fucking research dumbass




06:09 May 26 2018
Times Read: 952

-.- my dissertation thesis is in my journal. I was only saying that religion changed so many fucking times. All from paganism.

*shakes head* Still sad. The terrible trio cannot seem to actually hit anything.

I'm perfectly happy :)

It's funny though. You think you are a know it all.

Everyone is different. Doesn't matter qualifications honey bunny..precious so precious snowflake. So what you've been around it.

You don't know me.
So you can't assume I'm gonna be like them.
That is where you are an idiot and should go back to school if you have that mentality.

Still. I do enjoy that you still give me your time. 12 or more journals all dedicated to me.

It shows you do care


Cuz if you didnt... at all... none of them would exist.

Oooh. Movie time.

I have to say. I loved black panther.
Wasn't too find of Justice league or Superman vs Batman.

Ben Affleck sucks.

That's just me tho




05:20 May 26 2018
Times Read: 968

Religion is one topic I'm not talking about with the simple minded idiots of vr.

Time and religious wars have constantly changed the way religion is for over thousands of years. You really think the shit you read and the history you think you know is true?

You seriously make me laugh.

Everything stems from paganism.

Hominids were around earliest 5 million years ago. They didn't say.. Oh thank the lord..the one true God. No. Vocals didn't appear till way later. They worshiped as they knew how to.

Oh there's a sun. Must be a god. Oh. There's the earth. Must be a goddess. Oh. An animal. A god of animals or whatever.

No one worshiped a single fucking god.


And that's a I'm gonna say.

Back to my game ^.^




04:25 May 26 2018
Times Read: 981

What I don't get is why people think I care lol. I'm actually laughing my ass off at your sad attempts.

Main point. Let me wack it in your empty head till it sticks....ill even spell it out for ya.


Get it now?
Probably not.

But keep trying.
Kudos for the attempts.




04:21 May 26 2018
Times Read: 982

*Yawn* Really? That's it.

Like I said. We just don't wish to deal with those,records.

Don't need help. My husband is handy enough
;) and mmm do I loooooveee it.

Still missing the mark sweetie. Nice try tho




01:16 May 26 2018
Times Read: 995

Anthropology positions-48202 jobs overall. With over 1500 on indeed.com


So glad you asked!!!

I have an associates in liberal arts-history
Working on my Anthroplogy B.S
Working on Graduates entry papers and thesis
Already have a dissertation topic

My area of study is Hominid Studies. Which the field is huge. Plenty of options.

A lot of it is funds for research and digs.

I'm super excited

Soooo happy you asked and actually dug yourself a hole.

*Wacks Lz pervert on the head watching her small brains ooze out*

DAMN You are right. This IS Fun!!!




00:54 May 26 2018
Times Read: 1,001

Exactly sweetie. Nobody cares. So play all you like because no one cares. I know I don't. Oh please. Beat it harder. It feels fucking amazing ;)

You have nothing better to do so you are trying to get a ride out of me or get me to lie because you already heard the truth but your head is so big and inflated you can't see it. That's okay though. It's not hurting me.

Here I'll make it easier. I'm standing still. Try now because you just keep on missing. Blind old bat.





00:41 May 26 2018
Times Read: 1,006

That's because I'm not lying *shrugs*

Well I'm sorry your sick though. I hope nothing to bad..its too nice out to be sick. I'm Just lazy abt changing my profile. You are not worthy enough to see my marriage certificate. Married by court and wedding next year. Cheaper that way

Well. Go back to sleep and feel better. Don't whine about waking up.

Lots of people do it.




23:16 May 25 2018
Times Read: 1,021

Aweeeee you were thinking of me :)

I do not care if anyone comes to my defense or not. My husband is his own being. He does what he likes. As I said. Why keep giving me your time when you are only hurting yourself by trying to belittle me. It's not working my dear. Only your circle is impressed with you.

I don't care if no one likes me. I don't like anyone but I don't hate them either. Including you. I'm just indifferent

*shrugs* I'm just amused. Keep it goin my dear. Don't trip on your way out..youll hurt yourself even more.

*goes back to watching tv in my husband's arms happily*

Have an awesome evening!!!




20:35 May 25 2018
Times Read: 1,041

Nah. I just don't care about your opinions of me. So I'm not wasting my time arguing with someone who just cussed and yells all the time. Good for you. Psych major. Doesn't mean you are qualified to understand my behavior by online dialogue.

You don't know me. So please stop with the theatrics. No one other then yourself and your circle is impressed.

If don't care then why give your time to me. When you can be the adult and ignore me snowflake.
You think you are calling me out when you really are not. It's funny to watch to see just how far you can go.

Am I bothering you because I'm actually not reacting to You? Why should I? I'm indifferent. I just wish the best for you. That's all.

Oh I know you'll keep going and that's quite okay.
Eventually you'll tire of me. Just a matter of when.

Anyways have a pleasant day my dear. Gorgeous out.




18:57 May 25 2018
Times Read: 1,057

I'm not baiting you actually. I'm just indifferent. Just talking. You are just choosing to respond to it like I'm baiting you. See?

:) I am just choosing not to respond angrily because I don't really care.

You can keep going. I don't mind. If it helps you. Please continue. I'm just doing me. Well actually my husband is making love to me. After that I'm just focused as I said on my baby girl and my studies.

I'm sorry you are so blindsighted by this need to try to belittle me that I'm really not baiting you.

I can imagine you wanting to beat me up. Go ahead. Not like it hasn't happened before. *shrugs*

Actually my backbone is completely straight lol. Trying to avoid surgery. Hmmm. I think Louisiana is a great honeymoon destination. No fancy shit. Just some down to earth great food and intimacy with my love.




18:44 May 25 2018
Times Read: 1,060

That's actually pretty cool you work there or at least have access to it. And actually. I smoke once in a blue moon. Like once every 3 or 4 months. Don't drink either really but I enjoy a night every now and then.

Actually, I am more focused on my daughter and my studies

It's about this " Key technological stages theoretically caused by the cause-effect of human adaptability to environmental change"

That is a PhD dissertation thesis. Pretty excited about it actually. It's concentrated in Hominid Studies.

I too let my husband see exactly what I'm writing. Well then I apologize for the whore remark.
Again. Idc really if you keep trying to hurt my feelings or whatever it is your doing.

My baby girl is trying to say mama. Well it's gmama. It's cute. She is 1 year and 3 months now. Even uses the potty like a big girl.

Do you have kids? Probably grandkids huh. Bet your a pretty cool grandma. ^.^ if not there yet I wish you all the luck with your babies.




18:08 May 25 2018
Times Read: 1,068

*YAWN* Booo *throws popcorn and rotten tomatoes* Poor entertainment. Try again. While you think you are hurting my feelings.. I am going to go outside with my daughter and introduce her to a kiddie sized pool :) So excited.

When you are done spouting let me know.

If you want the truth. I do not hate you or disrespect you honestly. Or cat. Or mooniepie.

I'm glad you guys have your life figured out.

As for planes. I always thought Miami's airport was hell. Going from A to F in 30 min to get the F plane not fun lol.

What is your favorite place to go to? Honestly.

As for my grammar. I just choose not to use it. My mother is an English Professor. She teaches Lit. Composition and advanced Composition. So I just rebel my way through life.

Actually I am doing my dissertation for my degree early. I am at that level. I just choose not to apply myself.

*Pats weed* Here ya go for the effort.




17:57 May 25 2018
Times Read: 1,072

You can spout off as long as you like honey buns but the thing is. I just do not care anymore. Your a jew. Good for you. You are set in your ways and your religion. Not gonna even attempt your stupid ass.

Your religion is your religion. I have my own. Religion is just that. They take sacred texts and twist them and take out the truth for whatever is convenient of the Era. The Vatican has the original copies buried in their Vault.

Whatever your religion is anyway. I don't really care.

Your opinions of yourself are so high and mighty when you are only a little girl in and old lady body. Which. I give you kudos for that. For your age you are jumping and happy and I wish you well

You honestly do seem pretty cool but that is masked by your enormous enflated ego.

You can belittle me all you want but mostly I am a private person. I actually really do not mind if people know my medical history and things. I enjoy people.

I chose not to share iq public. There is something called privacy. Then again you do not understand what that even means considering your waiting to be fucked by all of vr because your husband won't give it to you.

Please. Keep going as I will just continue to ignore you on whatever bullshit that comes out of your mouth.

Sigh. *kicks back with some popcorn and watches your fit and laughs at the funny parts*

When your done.. I got a bag of weed to share with ya for the effort. Seriously. Have some. I don't mind




21:15 May 24 2018
Times Read: 1,164

I do not know why you bitch think I'm looking for attention. I'm not. Technically all I'm looking for is new ppl on vr to recruit for my coven. Shit even you. Your a fucking bitch and I'm proud to say it.

Anyways what I write is my way of getting my thoughts out. . Other night.. I wanted to end my life. Yep. I got problems and idc. I know you wish for me to kill myself and I wanted to but why give you your wish.

I don't care anymore.
I really don't.

You are just sad miserable fucks who prey on other ppl to make themselves feel better.

I really do hope you carry your own thoughts of suicide out because that would make the world a better place.

Now. Onto my own life.



21:46 May 24 2018

You really have to be careful what you put online. You don't want your coworkers, your daughter and your friends reading this.

21:49 May 24 2018

My daughter is 1. My husband reads it and supports me.

21:53 May 24 2018

I understand, What you put online stays there forever.

21:53 May 24 2018

Not dealing with bullying anymore. It's pathetic. I'm not whining or looking for fucking attention. I write to express my feelings because that is my way of dealing.

00:08 May 25 2018

I'm sorry your being bullied


06:03 May 23 2018
Times Read: 1,197

Hit rock bottom and I thought I couldn't fall anymore.. I do. Endlessly. Desperately grabbing and everything slipping from my fingers. My screams echoing in this dark and desolate pit. Unheard.

I stop screaming. Numbness takes over and My only wish is for death to come swiftly and quietly.


For so long.

Eternity it seems

Yet it seems death too has passed me unnoticingly.

Please death. Come take my hand and save me from this endless nightmare.

It just goes on and on.



21:34 May 24 2018

Not going to kill myself. I write poetry to express myself. -.- this is my management.

21:35 May 24 2018

I'm sorry

21:35 May 24 2018

Just remember there is always a rainbow after the storm.



05:43 May 23 2018
Times Read: 1,204



04:09 May 23 2018
Times Read: 1,231

Yeah. That is why I educated you. I'm hella smart. Despite what anyone says. I'm not looking for pittying or beg for it like ppl are saying. I'm showing my strength. And giving ppl inspiration. I deal with it alone. And it sucks but you know what? I still get up every morning and take care of my family. Yeah. I wanted to kill myself. Did I? No.

Yes. I have High Functioning Autism. And we are all different. Some choose not to voice it. I do though. I'm tired of being silent. Getting attacked by people who do not really understand. We all have our issues. I retaliate because to be honest that is how I get it out. I don't know a better way. Ppl kept shoving pills down my throat instead of asking me what my opinion is.

I'm a stubborn asshole. But. I love to talk to people. People to afraid to get to know me or they just judge and trolls make it harder.

So I did me and stood up for myself.

Hate it. Love it. Whatever.

I'm a survivor and a fighter. Just who I am. Not set in my ways either.




03:53 May 23 2018
Times Read: 1,240

Technically you don't know me. I am not pittying myself or asking for it nor justifying it. If you had a clue. Then you'd get it. My issue is I cannot get to my point directly. If you ask me how are you. I am unable to answer you directly. If you ask wtf 2x+3xy-x (4xy) is. I can answer that directly. So I go around mountains just to have a single fucking coherable word. Do you even understand how hard that is. No. Not on my level. Yes. On your sons. And he is beautiful for everything he is. You misunderstand me. My way of speaking and dealing with it is different. No one is the same on the Autism Spectrum. You can't assume I will act the same like everyone else.

All I'm saying.. I struggle answering people directly.

Obviously as I had to write a whole paragraph to say one sentence. I was not attacking you nor your son. Please stop looking at it like that.




03:37 May 23 2018
Times Read: 1,248

Actually. I'm not set in my ways. Everyone acts differently who is In the Autism Spectrum. I do not use it as a reason to lash either. That was disrespectful. Good day.



03:38 May 23 2018

Don't use your son as a know it all about autism.


03:00 May 23 2018
Times Read: 1,268

Because I am not afraid of mark. I am not afraid of showing myself. I am not afraid of anyone. I don't have adhd. I just keep forgetting on having them remove it. Didn't see it till you pointed it out.

Only meds I'm on is birth control. Waiting 5 years then try for a beautiful boy.

Mark is the name of the abuser.

I have come a long way. I am happy.




02:48 May 23 2018
Times Read: 1,271

Go check it out


Legitimate site.

Sanford hospital.


Your grasping at straws.

Feels damn good. Adios




02:41 May 23 2018
Times Read: 1,273

Yes. Not denying it actually. I lash out because I have flashes of the abuse when people touch me or tell me..like you and portended1..that it's okay that I got beat. It's called defensive mode. My subconscious kicks in and flashes me with the past and I rage. I get bullied a lot and so I fight to defend myself. Only my husband is allowed to touch me. My family too but my husband is my rock.

Yes. I was in and out of homes between 6-13 years old for people helping me learn how to manage my anger better. Trust me. You would be dead if I had oppositional disorder problems. That one was from 1998 and does not apply.

It doesn't say it because my abusive father won't release my files before 1998. So when the Drs examined me then that's the date they put. They had to start the file over. We were not going to deal with his ass so yep

Educating people on what these disorders are hopefully enlightens them. Alot of people misunderstand. So yes. I do get angry easy. I do stutter sometimes and yeah I have issues making friends but my intelligence doesn't get hurt in this factor.

So anyone who suffered as I did..you are all beautiful people. Always remember that.




02:27 May 23 2018
Times Read: 1,277

I am a brave woman. Bared myself and given proof that I am not stupid, that these disorders and my past does not define who I am. That I am not a liar nor a fraud. I did this not for you but myself to remind myself that none of it is my fault.

It's not my fault that I was abused and got stuck with what I have. It is pretty sad you bully and bully to a point the bullied kill themselves. I'm pretty sure you killed someone. All you trolls and I hope you feel disgusted with yourselves.

For those reading this shit I hope you find yourselves not actually believing the trolls. You can send me a message and find out what kind of person I am.

Not looking for pity. That is not my forte but to show my strength. To inspire others who have gone thru it. Not making names here..but be the beautiful person you are.

So anyone who actually wants to know me true fully. Come say hi.

Have a great day




Medical History

01:28 May 23 2018
Times Read: 1,299

PTSD 05/16/1995
Depression 05/16/1995
Child abuse, sexual
History of sexual abuse in childhood 05/16/1995
History of Asperger's syndrome 05/16/1995
Encounter for prenatal care in third trimester of first pregnancy 03/09/2017
Normal pregnancy 03/20/2017
Labor and delivery, indication for care

Medical history for the idiots of VR.

Allergy Reaction
Erythromycin Unknown/Not Verified
Wasp Stings Anaphylaxis (High)
Meloxicam Other (Specify in Comments)
Hydrocodone Nausea and Vomiting

IQ Status: 145 Verified.

Sanford Charts

Dumbasses. Here ya go.. my personal medical file.. Nope not giving you my name. So

For you idiots

High-functioning autism (HFA) is a term applied to people with autism who are deemed to be cognitively "higher functioning" (with an IQ of 70 or greater) than other people with autism. ...

Asperger Syndrome (AS) is a neurobiological disorder on the higher-functioning end of the autism spectrum. An individual’s symptoms can range from mild to severe.

Individuals with AS and related disorders exhibit serious deficiencies in social and communication skills. Their IQ’s are typically in the normal to very superior range. Because of their naivete, those with AS are often viewed by their peers as “odd” and are frequently a target for bullying and teasing.

So there ya go you fucking idiot. My medical file and proof that im one smart woman. Now. Shut the fuck up.. there is




BBc News.

01:12 May 23 2018
Times Read: 1,306

Chavin de Huantar lies in a narrow valley in the high Andes, 3,200m (10,500ft) above sea level. You can’t see the temple until you’re in it. The dramatic, vertical landscape was the carefully chosen location for this exquisite example of Chavin architecture. The bottom of the valley, where two rivers meet, dominates the flat land around it and would have attracted visitors from miles around.

The temple, now protected as a Unesco World Heritage Site, is thought to have first been occupied around 5,000 years ago, becoming a cultural centre for people living in ancient Peru in about 1,000BC.

“Chavin was built in a risky spot, in a highly flood-prone location,” explains John Rick, associate professor of anthropology, Stanford. “They were aware of the risk of floods and they built towards these risks and not away from them. The monumentality was not only to impress visitors but also to tell them that the creators were capable of challenging nature successfully. And they did very well with it.”




01:14 May 23 2018

Occupation of this temple was 5000 years ago. starting 3000 years ago was evidence of DRUGS USED BY THE PREISTS...idiot.

01:15 May 23 2018

Again. You are not a fucking archaeologist.


00:47 May 23 2018
Times Read: 1,314

Wikipedia is not a reliable source for academic writing or research. Wikipedia is increasingly used by people in the academic community, from freshman students to professors, as an easily accessible tertiary source for information about anything and everything, and as a quick "ready reference", to get a sense of a concept or idea.

However, citation of Wikipedia in research papers may be considered unacceptable, because Wikipedia is not a reliable source.[1][2][3]

This is especially true considering anyone can edit the information given at any time, and although some errors are immediately fixed, while some errors remain unnoticed, for days, weeks, months, or even years. This is particularly the case for obscure topics or subjects, which few people will read or edit.





00:09 May 23 2018
Times Read: 1,333

Since someone obviously thinks I'm a fraud and a liar..I went to Peru from July 3rd-August 9th.

Planes are exhausting. Miami at 3 fucking am hellll no. It took me 6 planes. 3 there and back. 24 hours. What a cramp.

Landed in Lima, Peru. We were there for 2 days. Gorgeous city. My favorite part of it was the ocean and the Artistic block. They have districts in Lima. It was pretty congested honestly and rules of the road were hell.

Then we take a 12 hour bus ride South then East to the Andes. A little town called Chavin. Which you can see in my photos. Yeah. No modern technology at all. They do not eat fish or pork there as again it was 12 hours from the city.

The temple is Chavin De Haunter. It is 5000 years old. It's not fully excavated yet as there seems to be a series of tunnels under it.

What I did was across from it. You had the plaza in front of it..behined that was a river and across the river was where I was. We had found what looked like to be the remmaments of a little village where the temple priests and servants had stayed.

I logged over 200 hours in the field and an extra 100 hours after a 12hr day in lab-cataloging and identifying. Paperwork.

We would get up at 5am. Breakfast 5:30. 6 am we went from the hostel to the site. From then to 6pm.

Now we were at 20,000 feet above sea level and it got up to 100 degree weather. Adjusting to elevation and temperature was a bit rough. We all got sick for a week. Peru is also the only one to farm at this elevation on the mountain sides.

So yes. I was there.

Pictures in portfolio. I literally have 300 more. Wasn't supposed to but brought back a stone tool used for grinding seeds and grass for food..

Parts of it is 3k years old yes but some parts are older. It's between 3-5000. Hence. You are an idiot. You are not an archaeologist. We worked side by side with the owners. Whom are archaeologists as well. Over 40 years there. We dug up a new area. So..once more. You are an idiot.




23:28 May 22 2018
Times Read: 1,344

Very entertained with you lol. I'm so high on happiness and love, nothing can tear me down. I look forward to this non existent dirt you found :) All there is are my accomplishments. Like participating in Archaeology down in Peru. Oh. Also all my college scholarships for having a 3.95 out of 4 gpa. You might even find my court files from my bio father abused me. But..... you do not even know my name lol so see this? Clean hands and your failed attempts lol




02:00 May 18 2018
Times Read: 1,370

Soooo... A welding factory after hours has caught fire and exploded. 30 more explosions due to propane tanks sitting outside. Bigger ones on the inside. Building caught fire. My sister works across from it at a gas station. 1 mile total evacuation. Bomb investigation. Teams working with the police.

Can see it 4 miles away.

What an evening.




My husband

05:30 May 17 2018
Times Read: 1,389

Without him, life would be meaningless. The stars would not shine and the moon will be cold and dark.
He sees everything I am and yet he delves deep within my soul. Naked and bare he touches it..and I die. Only to be reborn.

He is the most kind hearted, warm and loving soul there is. A good father as well. Loves our baby girl with everything he is.

He is beautiful. Everytime I look at him, touch him, kiss him.. I fall even deeper in love. But never lost.

As for stalking. Nah. If you didn't read his profile...if he don't like you. You'll know. Never stalk. Just makes sure I'm okay.

If it not for him. I would've died a long time ago.




02:44 May 17 2018
Times Read: 1,397

Mmmmm coffeeeee...

Kiddo is asleep.

She found grass scary. Lmao. You know how when a dog doesn't want to take a bath it'll bring it legs up?

(Do NOT compare her to a dog)

She shrieks a little.. grabs me and twists as I tried to put her on the grass. Legs kick and go up and looks at me like I betrayed her lol.

I do like how the trolls on vr (btw portended1 is Scott bistak. A failed photographer and failing at his writing career..plus a 30 something old fart who preys on little girls and women waaay younger then he is..oh and told me I killed my baby and that's why my daughter's twin died..)

But ANYWAY.. I do enjoy how they think they are hurting me when I don't give a fuck. It's funny actually.

Sooo anyone have any back pain remedies they love to suggest?? Straight spine issue and tried pretty much everything. Weed though is the stuff but unfortunately only lasts for a little bit.

Could kill for some and a good drink





03:49 May 16 2018
Times Read: 1,429



Mothers day . No hate

04:21 May 13 2018
Times Read: 1,455

Happy Mothers day to the woman who pushed me out into this world and saved me from the man who tried to kill me and abuse me. For teaching me to be strong and kind. To not take shit from others.

Happy Mothers day to myself as she is my miracle child. I was sick..for 3 months. My immune system started to shut down. Doctors could only fix the things they could see but it still baffled them on why I was getting sicker. Then I was pregnant. While sick.

I was carrying twins and lost one is the conclusion. My daughter a year ago in March was very late. 43 weeks and the fluid level was lowering and she couldn't stay in or she could've died.

I was induced. All natural. 30 hours of hard labor. What happened was she flipped in the canal. Her body had turned so her face was covered. They were about to c section it without meds when they pulled her out.

All healthy. 2:30pm. 21 inches. 8.9 oz. Healthy.

She's a pain in the ass though lol. I love her and I thank my husband for helping me being her in this world.

To all you mammas out there. You are a hell of a woman. Hug your little one tight. Love them with everything you got. :)




18:33 May 12 2018
Times Read: 1,492

I have reached the point where your insults are like little bugs on a windshield as I am driving..oh look weeee the dead little bug flew off and got hit again by another car. That truly is hilarious. You do not matter to me or anyone really. Why? You are only a grumpy troll. You and your so called friends.

I have my husband and he loves me. I am 511 200lbs toned. I am not bbw actually. I'm rather tall so everything is how it should be. Just right.

My beautiful daughter will be tall. She's a year old and already as long as a 3 year old. She wearing 3T. Not a lick of fat on her either.

I am happy with my life and nothing you can do or say can hurt me. That is how I am the better person.
I do not care if hate me. I really don't. I am not much of a people person for the simple reason..there is not enough kindness in the world. You all just hate on each other instead of trying to listen and understand another. That is your biggest fault.

Now. Good day and have a pleasant life..i truly hope you find your heart somewhere :)




06:31 May 12 2018
Times Read: 1,526

It is such a peaceful night. I am quite happy. Though I think it's going to rain and that is the perfect time to energy feed. I am sensitive to weather changes and the sun. So my perfect temp is 65 with a breeze and partially cloudy. Where it rains as it is sunny. Hate the cold.

To the psy vampyres. What is your favorite season or weather to feed off. That is if you do like me. Random convo ^.^





06:01 May 12 2018
Times Read: 1,543



03:00 May 12 2018
Times Read: 1,555

Hard day today but made it

Looking forward to moving into a beautiful 3 bedroom home with all the amenities and plenty of space for our daughter. Pool, fitness rooms, elevators, playground and courtyards.

Will be starting her on a few swim lessons. ^.^




My mentality

21:06 May 11 2018
Times Read: 1,593

Yes, it is true I have High Functioning Autism and PTSD but that never inhibits my ability to find work or complete tasks. Quite frankly, If you must really know since you question my mental state- I can function quite normally if not above average on the average scale. What it inhibits is my social and emotional life. So what if I am quiet mostly and bite back if attacked verbally?

My disabilities do not make me stupid. My iq is 145 so technically, I outsmart your fake ass. I can do complex mathmatic equations and read between the lines of equations to find the answer. Did I want to be a rocket scientist? No. I wanted to study to evolution of mankind. That is my passion.

Those with disabilities make the most out of life. Yes we have moments where we relapse and it takes my husband an hour to calm me and tell me I'm safe..or I'll have a night terror but still. Educate yourself first. You do not assume to know how the mind of an individual person with a disability works.

I do not need accommodation. I am a good mother. A good wife and one hell of a smart woman.

So. Fuck off. Any person with a disability is still beautiful in everyway and none of it is our fault to have what we have. Circumstances or genetics deemed it so. We live life to the fullest. We strive for our own self excellence and determination to live.



23:50 May 11 2018

Average iq is 125. 145 is high intelligence meaning genius


20:10 May 11 2018
Times Read: 1,604

Things I enjoy.

Writing. My mother inspires me on that as she is an English professor. I also enjoy reading other people's works. Everyone so far has great talent. Keep it up :)

History. I have an associate degree in history. I also am getting degrees in Anthroplogy and Archaeology. That is my passion. I worked in Chavin Dr Haunter, Peru. But my main focus is Hominid Studies. I already have a dissertation topic to do since high school 10 years ago.

Laughter. I love to laugh. To see other people smile. Not enough laughter. Bring it on.

To cook. I'm Italian, Scilian, German, Czech, Vikimg-norweign decendent.. cooking is in my blood. Always big family meals with us.

School. When i pay off 9000$ how? 3.95 how out of 4 honors. Iq. 145.

Movies. Gotta love my horror movies. My nerd movies. And I actually do enjoy 80 movies.

People. Yeah. Some of you are trolls but hey I am not going to change your crabby asses. I love people. Talking to them. Hearing their stories. Learning. If the world took the time to listen we be better off all around.

Anyways hi. ^.^




04:31 May 11 2018
Times Read: 1,630

It is pretty sad to attack me when initially I really did not do anything to you. I'm sorry you cannot handle me.

I am a bitch. Yes. But I've been through some real shit and so I harden myself against those wishing to hurt me.

I like helping people. Talking. Just know I'm the most honest and blunt woman you are going to face. I have no reason to lie. Sorry you can't see that.

Yeah I cuss. Smoke weed and drink you under the table. I'm still a damn good woman. A good mother. A good friend. Don't have to like it. Just respect it.

My daughter is none of your business. She is beautiful and smart. Every baby is. You do not even have a child. You do not get to fucking tell me how to raise her or say i shouldn't breed. Look at you. Crab ass. Better hurry up.




05:03 May 10 2018
Times Read: 1,651

In the vertigo silver moonlight when the moon is full and skies clear; often I find myself wandering outside deep in thought. My bare feet cooled by the soft earth. The very pulse of her is drumming against them in rythem.

Wild is my spirit and in beat to the heart of mother earth herself.. I dance. Head tilted back with arms outreached..fingertips star kissed.

Memories flood my Eye and in Darkness embrace I begin to remember.

Whispers in my ears. A chorus of voices rising and falling like a tidal wave..then silence. Silence in his arms. Erebus. The Dark one. My love. My eternal.

I am Nyx and with his touch..i know I found you again. Know that I am finally home.



07:13 May 10 2018

Love it :)



19:52 May 06 2018
Times Read: 1,712

A sad, miserable sick fuck who has no clue what the fuck he is talking about. Did I say I had a contract? NO. I said I was contacted for one and declined.

Look dude. I'm sorry your old, bald, and lonely. I'm sorry your whores cannot please your dried up std riddled pickle. Yes, I am attacking you because you constantly have harassed me.

For a few years on and off here. I know who you are. Your just jealous because your first ex died. Then all your other whores won't stay with you. You have no children. That is pretty sad.

Stop harassing me and,trying to ruin me. Get over yourself. Say hi to your dead grandma for me. Ibknow you guys were close. ;)




03:44 May 05 2018
Times Read: 1,756

No. I don't want people to feel sorry or pity me you idiot. People need to be kind to each other. Everyone has a story but you are so low and so self absorbed you would make everyone kill themselves to get away from you because you are a fucking headache. You are very annoying, stupid and worthless to be around. I am being attacked and I am empathic by nature. So get your ugly ass I'm gonna fight back. It's in my nature to do so. This world is fucking terrible because people do not know how to just be kind.

I post the shit that happens because I am real. I am honest. I am a fucking genius and I am here for people if they need it. Cuz I know how it is.

You honey need to go get some help. I have done nothing to you but you choose to attack me just because you listen to stupid people instead of getting to know me.

So yeah. I'm gonna fucking throw a fit of rage.

Piss off.




03:27 May 05 2018
Times Read: 1,761

To be honest. I have High Functioning Autism. My iq is 145. Yeah. I am a fucking genius. My mentality is on par you fucking bitch. Please go end yourself. Do us all a favor. The only issue I have is communication. So how low of you to continue to belittle me. Yes. I am a fucking strong woman. Fuck you cunt. I swear to god if you actually stood face to face with me.. Your ass would be on the ground from my fucking fist meeting your ugly face.



03:35 May 05 2018

Just ignore them. Its your life and no one has any right to tell you any different.


02:04 May 05 2018
Times Read: 1,769

I am not fucking stupid. How dare you insult my intelligence. You cannot even leave a name and face me like an adult. Step in my shoes. You have no idea what pain is. Let me enlighten you

Pain is feeling the belt upon your backside at 4 years old as your father tears your clothes off and molests you. Feeling the sting on your face as that hand hits you. The sharp knife in your ribs as his fist finds its mark.

Pain is watching your life slipping away as your kidnapped from your mother. Forced to perform or feel the wrath of him.

Pain is your stomach as hunger knaws at it and coldness nips at your nose and fingertips trying to keep warm when the heat is off in the dead of winter.

Pain is the words slashing at your very soul as people who do not know you bully you till you begin to cut.

Pain is the rage fueled by hate and blindness as I tear apart anything that gets in my way. Caged is my wolf. Starved to sink my teeth into your neck and kill you.

Pain is every day. Every minute with permanent and unfeeling scars that riddle my body. Memories etched into them.

Pain is fear. Of the Night and screams of terror as I am touched. Unknowing where I am in my dreams. Lashing out to make him bleed.

Pain in my head as you pound your insult to my intelligence which you deem me stupid.

My dear child. I am not stupid.

I am

My spirit is the Wolf
If you really are this stupid. I am Native American. That is my name for a damn good reason.
You cannot handle the truth.


Never insult my intelligence. It is much higher then yours.

You think you know what pain is. Hell no. Walk a mile in my shoes child.




23:53 May 04 2018
Times Read: 1,786

Okay. Whomever has the sire profile..neg honor me and not leaving your fucking name is a coward. You do not know me you fucking asshole. You have no idea who the HELL i am. What I survived. So. Go trouble some other poor sap and leave me the hell alone.

Who the fuck are you to judge me. No one has the right to judge anyone on the basis of how they look, their race, disability, religion or what the fuck other people tell you.

You got a problem? You talk to me dumbass. Again. You do not know me.

I am a damn good mother and a fire hot wife. I do not care who you are but if you need a friend. Hit me up. You need a ear I'll listen. You need a kick in the ass.. I'll fucking kick your ass into gear to be the good person you can be.

I have fought to live. I have known starvation. Pain. Abuse. Bullying. Suicide. Death. All my life. I had it rough. No. Fucking hell. I've been there. So you can go fuck yourself. You do not know me.




00:09 May 03 2018
Times Read: 1,835

That is hilarious because you are childish. You obviously did not read my profile and only saw my body in my portfolio and not my husband..or you did and said fuck it.
She's hot. You get pissy and childishly block me because my HUSBAND tells you not to message his WIFE saying you like her etc etc. Jeez. Have respect man.



05:33 May 03 2018

Alot of creeps on here. Just ignore them

08:46 May 05 2018

fuck the haters. Or ill hex them if u have the paper. or hex them your self hehehe.

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