Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac and embodies a bit of all the other signs. Perhaps that is why Pisceans with others. One of their greatest gifts is the ability to see the unity of all things. This is not mind oriented sign, but one feeling and instinct. Pisceans have a innate understanding of mysticism and are often drawn to living a deeply spiritual life. They know that life is ever changing and that, by letting go and surrendering to the flow, we find our way to the spiritual source of our being.
Pisceans have vivid imaginations and live in the world of dreams. Their chameleon- liked natures enable them to blend into a variety of different situation with ease. This can be both beguiling and infuriating; it can also make them the consummate artist or performer. The fact that they are also highly imaginative and have creative natures frequently prompts them to enter the theater, or the creative art.
Pisceans are not afraid of plunging into the world of feelings, and they have a strong urge to explore the emotional realms to the full. Born under the sign of universal love and compassion, they often work for the underprivileged, the sick, and those who are unable to function in society. They are also incurable romantics and tend to put their partners on impossibly high pedestals. Coming to terms with the reality of a person or situation- as opposed to their rose tint view - can be very hard for Pisceans, and they often stay in denial rather than confront the truth. Because of their innate sensitivity, trust is paramount for Pisces. Otherwise they run risk of being manipulated by those who seek to exploit them.
All Piscean need to retreat occasionally and spend some time on their own. They need regular periods of solitude in order to get back in touch with themselves, build up their strength, and face the world again. Without these periods of cleansing their psyches will become polluted by others negativity.
The greatest lesson that Pisceans need to learn is that, in order to live in the material world, they have to balance their spiritual aspirations with their more worldly responsibilities. It’s easy to see why Pisceans become confused and vulnerable and want to escape reality or become passive victims of circumstance.
Deep down they are often ambivalent about life, and want to maintain a foot in both worlds. As with other Water signs Pisceans have strong intuition and many are psychic although some suppress this ability.
Piscean can easily their identity, because they are liked a psychic sponge that absorbs everything, obscuring their sense of self. It can be difficult for them to separate themselves from others and know where end and the other person begins. When Pisceans are disconnected from the source of their true nature, they become aimless, depressed , and addictive; they may seek transcendence through spiritual aspiration or through drugs, alcohol or other addictive behavior that take them away from the harsh realities of life. They sometime have tendency to do things to excess and need to learn how to discrimination, choosing , and limit themselves
Discrimination is not Piscean strong suit, and those born under the sign need to learn to be discerning when choosing friends and lovers. They are very altruistic and, without any boundaries , they will always willing to assume the burden of others. Their compassionate nature is often taken advantage of, and they can easily be manipulated by a sob story. Pisces is not squeak clean however, and it’ s important that Piscean are clear about their own motives and do not allow their own motives and do not allow their infinite capacity for self-deception to confused real and imaginary feeling and needs. Some Pisceans seek control by giving to those less fortunate or less able than they are, although this may become a co- dependent dynamic, with both parties equally reliant on the other. Sometimes Pisceans choose to shore up their shaky egos by taking care of other people in order to maintain a position of one - up man ship.
In the language of mysticism, Pisces represents the surrender of the soul to the divine. The symbol the two fish swimming in different direction indicates the duality of this sign. Piscean can either redeem themselves by connecting to their spiritual natures, or sacrifice themselves and become martyrs or victims, if they are unwilling to take responsibility for their lives. It is said that Pisces become incarnate either to serve or to suffer: Pisceans are often saints or sinners, and many manage to be both.
Those born under this sign are not physically very robust, as their emotion have such a powerful ( and sometimes debilitation) effect on their heath. They have a sensitive nervous system, and it is crucial for them to be discerning about what they assimilate. Their sensitivity mean that they readily pick up the energies and impressions of others.
Piscean long for something transcendent and magical to make life seem less ordinary, often taking refuge in fantasy. When they allow their minds to go with the flow, they open themselves to creative possibilities far beyond the reach of other signs. The challenge is to find a form in which they can satisfactorily express themselves. Music is one option, for it their desire to be swept away. No wonder they have trouble staying grounded, with such a powerful longing to be taken to unknown heights