I've been a loyal customer of Sgt Grit for many years now and have ALWAYS been happy with the services you provide. I look forward to the newsletter and wanted to add one of my experiences as a Marine dad.
This past September I had the privilege of being at Camp Pendleton when my son returned from his first tour in Iraq with 1 MEF, CLR-15. To see the many wives, girlfriends, moms, dads, loved ones and friends assembled was amazing. All were there regardless of their specific political views, just to see their loved one back safe on American soil.
For those who'd never experienced this moment it was overwhelming and needless to say very emotional. Seeing my son's ear-to-ear smile for the first time in seven months had to rank in the top ten proudest moments in a dad's life. Hugs, laughter and kisses were flowing freely on the parade deck and in the parking that day.
The crowd was dwindling as the Marines were quick to get their gear loaded in the vehicles and 'just get off base'. Evening was falling quickly when even above the sounds of joy and laughter you could hear the sound of a bugle over the p.a. system. Without even thinking and in what seemed to be a seamless movement, my son handed his cold adult beverage off to me, turned toward the flag pole and cracked to attention, rapidly followed by a crisp salute. In that split second that parking lot went from sounds of joy to a peace and calm I'd only experience in church. A quick glance from side to side revealed camie clad Marines in the same position as my son. Without a word soon followed us 'civilians' standing more erect and the placing of our hands over our hearts.
It was a quick 'ceremony', but what amazed me most was those Marines had just gotten back from sand, heat and months without their loved ones and yet..the reverence and pride for the flag was without question. I wish every American could've seen the look of pride and respect that was on each Marine's face as they paid respect to their flag that evening.
It took several minutes after Taps was done sounding off those buildings, at Area 22, for anyone in that parking lot to move or make a sound. Looking around revealed that many loved ones were just as in awe as I was. Without a spoken word those Marines said wonders, that evening, for 'love of country'.
Thank you Marines for that lesson of patriotism and for all you do and are willing to do in the future.
- Gary*
The Few, the Proudest..a Marine Dad*
(excerpt from Sgt. Grit news letter; www.grunt.com)