Lamadia79's Journal

Lamadia79's Journal


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27 entries this month

13:30 Aug 31 2024
Times Read: 34

This Oasis thing is getting way out of hand. A grand a ticket 😱 I think Noel Gallagher is an awesome musician but I would no way pay that kind of money to go see him.
Whats the story morning glory
Not at them prices lol



14:03 Aug 31 2024

Cheeky bastards

14:36 Aug 31 2024



02:46 Aug 31 2024
Times Read: 40

Been thinking about my story Sweetest Belladonna. Do I let Lord Edmund survive and have Robert take his place ?
Or do I let Belladonna kill Lord Edmund ?
Or maybe Belladonna should be destroyed ?




Sweetest Belladonna

03:05 Aug 30 2024
Times Read: 68

A few days had passed since I spoke with Father Brendan. Two more servants disappeared and still no sign of Belladonna. Edmund was still locked away in his room and I was slowly becoming an alcoholic.
The Butler Mr stokes and the household cook were the only servants willing to stay the rest decided to leave. I spent all my time reading and researching the occult and making good friends with the bottle. I knew in my heart that I should pack up my belongings and leave but if I did that I would never see Belladonna again. And I did not have the heart to just walk out on Edmund. I had tried several times to see Edmund but Stokes kept me away insisting that his Lordship was too ill to see anyone.
The police did not seem interested in the fact two more servants had just vanished. I had the feeling that Me Stokes had concocted a story that kept away any suspicion. I tried talking with cook Mrs Moore about Amy. Mrs Moore was able to give me some information as to the goings on in the house. She revealed that Mr Stokes was not a faithful family retainer he had shown up a couple of days after Lord Edmunds former butler died. Stokes had only been working for Edmund for six months. My conversation with Mrs Moore had been going well until the conversation turned to Belladonna. I asked if Amy ever talked about Belladonna. Mrs Moore told me that Amy never spoke about anything els. She told me Belladonna had been very good to Amy giving her clothes and small pieces of jewellery and even teaching her French. Amy was very distracted by Belladonna and she had been reprimanded a number of times for not paying attention to her regular duties around the house. I made the mistake of asking Mrs Moore if she thought it possible that Amy had become infatuated with Belladonna. Mrs Moore became angry with me for making filthy accusation's and the conversation was ended.
I had to confront Belladonna and try to find a way to save Edmund. I knew she would be wandering around the estate ground once night came and that would be my only opportunity to catch her and confront her.
I made sure I was completely sober and armed with knowledge and my crucifix. I managed to sneak outside without Stokes seeing me and began to walk quietly around the grounds.
The house no longer looked a picture of English rural beauty. The house had taken on a sinister look and gave off an evil aura. I looked out across the grounds and I noticed a strange mist covering the grounds. Through the mist I noticed the figure of woman walking towards the house it was Belladonna. She was dressed in a long black night dress. The moonlight shone through her long blond hair and highlighted her pale white skin. I called out her name but she ignored me so I called her by her first name and sir name that made her stop and look directly at me. She looked serious and ever so slightly angered. I asked her to stop as I had discovered the truth about her and I had a deal to offer her.
She agreed to listen to me. I told her I knew about her family and her reason's for marrying Edmund. I told her I knew that she had killed Amy and I had her seen her with the little boy in the grave yard and I had no doubt she had killed two other servants as well.
She began to lunge towards me until I held up the crucifix. She backed away from me. I kept a tight grip on the crucifix as I told her I would take Edmunds place if she would be willing to let him live. She begged me to put the crucifix down and she would explain everything to me. I refused to put the crucifix down as I knew it was the only way I could keep her with me and hopefully get her to agree to my deal.
She turned her back on me and she sat on the grand concrete steps shaking and still begging me to take the hated cross away. I stood over her and warned her if she tried to trick me I would chase her down and place the cross on her forehead. In her panicked state she agreed to tell me everything.



03:32 Aug 30 2024

I really enjoy the story, I get the first book when Published

03:35 Aug 30 2024

Im not happy with this part my mind just isn't in right now


15:12 Aug 29 2024
Times Read: 94

Can't sleep can't relax. Feel like Im being watched a constant eerie atmosphere around my house all the time.
Keeping lights on from room to room. Bedroom feels so dark almost pitch black. Too scared to close my eyes feels like something will happen. Hearing strange noises when I do sleep I have terrible dreams and wake up feeling sick.



15:43 Aug 29 2024

Sorry to hear that. Might be an idea to invite a friend over.

20:46 Aug 29 2024

Eerie. Had that feeling all this week, hope it's not a foretold future on happinigs.


19:41 Aug 27 2024
Times Read: 129

Told not to panic or he can't communicate
Half between sleep and awake
Everything is grey
Not his true form but says he looks like an ordinary man
Won't say his real name just ran off lots of names
Says he came because he was in the area and could feel the energy and emotions
Form kept changing
Says he was invited
Won't give a reason for sexual attacks other than he was not stopped
Wants to push back into a frightening place
More than one with him including one female voice
Will be back
Nights drawing in uneasy feeling all the time
Language that is hard to understand
Dark hair grey possibly silver eyes
Dark period clothing
Seemed friendly then took a sinister turn and not so friendly
Pain paralysis warm to cold held hands



20:32 Aug 27 2024



Sweetest Belladonna

02:52 Aug 27 2024
Times Read: 144

For last couple of days I had kept a very low profile at Lord Edmunds home. I could hear the whispers amongst the servants and felt their accusing eyes. Edmunds butler guarded his privet quarters 24 hours a day. Edmund refused to see anyone and had refused any medical intervention.
I was so worried for my friend I knew Belladonna was feeding on him slowly and forcing him to suffer alone. Belladonna had not been seen by anyone for the last couple of nights even though I knew she had to of been with Edmund now that he's completely at her mercy.
I had become more dependent on alcohol and found myself growing more and more frustrated at not being able to help my friend and not seeing Belladonna. Only seeing her in dreams that aroused my lust and kept me chained to the house with the hopes of seeing her again.
Most of the guests had left and I found myself isolated from the world. The servants barely spoke to me and there was still no news of Amy. I knew in my mind the girl was dead but the servants had not given up hope of her return. I wanted to speak with someone who could understand the misery of my situation and to my astonishment that someone arrived.
A priest called father Brendan had arrived to see Edmund. He was a friend of Edmunds family and he was granted entrance to Edmunds room. I decided to wait around and have a chat with the good father.
After a couple of hours father Brendan emerged from Edmunds room. He looked very sad and nervous as I noticed him taking long sips from a hip flask and mopping his brow. I managed to attract father Brendans attention and persuaded him to come to my room for a drink.
He was very nervous as he sat at my table clutching his whisky glass and keeping a tight grip on his bible.
I asked him for information on Edmunds condition. He told me things were not looking good for Edmund and he wanted our conversation to be quick as he needed to return to London before nightfall. I refilled his glass and asked what he knew about Edmunds family. He tried to kid me that he did not know much so I presented him with the book I took from Edmunds room two days earlier. Father Brendan went quite pale as I told him I knew about Joseph Dempsey and his vampire hunting in Europe.
Father Brendan told me that Joseph Dempsey was once a good man until greed entered his heart. Father Brendan had warned him bad things would happen if entered the world of the undead and gave them just cause to bear a grudge. He went on to explain how the Geerhart family had been wiped out by Joseph or so he thought. Some of them had escaped and went into hiding until they were ready to begin their revenge. It had been going on for so long that after Joseph was killed and Edmunds family were slowly destroyed the church agreed never to get involved and allow the remaining Geerhart family to reclaim their lands and wealth and let the revenge against the Dempsey family run its course.
I asked him if he had ever seen Belladonna before and as he nervously drank his whisky he admitted that he had seen her the night Edmunds family home burned down. He went on to warn me that there is nothing more terrifying than damned souls that can't find peace.
I asked what would happen to Edmund? And how I could help him? Father Brendan told me Edmund will die and be left at the mercy of an undead life with no hope of a saviour and nobody can help him.Father Brendan advised me to leave and forget ever knowing Edmund and I should definitely forget Belladonna as she would probably tempt me into her web and destroy me as well.
He advised me never to not make the mistake of offending the undead or I would crash and burn.
Father Brendan got up to leave and just before he left my room he handed me a small crucifix and told me to keep it on me at all times and never to look into Belladonnas eyes as thats where it all starts.



18:37 Aug 27 2024

Ohhh...love the warning at the end.

18:50 Aug 27 2024

Thank you


23:48 Aug 26 2024
Times Read: 157

Went back to my home town today to help my mum sort a few things out. My mum has a side ally that leads to her front door. One of the paving stones had come loose which resulted in me tripping over and falling arse over head on to hard concrete.
My mum rather than help me or ask me if I was alright decided to tell me she had never tripped over it before and then she booted me up the arse with her walking stick and told me I needed to move.
Shes just like my grandmother when comes to anyone getting hurt. Completely unfeeling. I have always said that if I walked into my grandmothers house with half my head hanging off she would of said “do put your head on straight it makes you look untidy” and don't you bleed all over my carpets or I will make you clean it up.
Im now covered in bruises and have a nasty gash on my knee. I have limping around in pain all day. And she spent the day telling me to walk faster. I said I was trying to and she just shouted”well try a bit harder”




01:02 Aug 24 2024
Times Read: 202

A place in my heart and sold holds a darkness that conjures up a passion and desire that has yet to be consummated.
I hide my real self away like a prisoner behind iron bars a life sentence.
Im just a facade a woman who has become more and more resentful of the pretend life.
Keeping the desire hidden away pushing it into a corner and desperately trying to push it away.
Years of lovers and relationships and nothing but the tyranny of family and the rules that bind me to life.
Alone at night and feeling that desire sweeping my soul as it has for 40 years. Wanting and waiting to be freed from the life Im forced to endure. Knowing my salvation may never come.
Just left to imagine what it feels like when the two sharp needles break the skin and remove the life within and release me from my shell. The passion and pain from my lustful desires can be released and Im finally freed.
The energy and red finally gets willingly given to my saviour and my own paradise can begin.
Blood and sweat bound together as the ultimate sin how sweet it must taste.
So can I ever begin?

Don't question me




Sweetest Belladonna part 4

02:04 Aug 23 2024
Times Read: 227

I spent the next morning being questioned by a pompous police officer who spent his time trying to convince me that Amy had simply run off with a young farm hand and would return once he became tired of her and the child's death would be treated as a sleep walking accident unofficially. He was more concerned with not causing a scandal for his Lordship and not causing panic in the village by making it known that a killer on the loose. He treated me with contempt because I was not English and took great joy in telling me that I was a stranger in this country and if I wish to remain in the country and avoid disgrace I was to keep quiet and let them do there job. As I was so worried for Lord Edmund and at the mercy of unrequited love for his wife I agreed.
My only hope of salvaging my own conscience was to try and find out exactly who Belladonna is and why she killing my friend. I made my way to Edmunds room and found him sleeping alone and looking more lifeless than yesterday. I stayed quiet as I searched through his letters and journals searching for any clues and finally I found it. A book containing a history of the Geerhart family. I took the book and returned back to my room. As I began reading I discovered that the family dated back many hundreds of years. And they had lived in Hungary before coming into Austria. The family had a history of evil and amassed so much wealth and lands in the Austro Hungarian empire. Castles and large estates were owned by the family and over time locals began leaving the areas where they resided. The family began expanding into France England and Ireland until they began to become less hidden and making mistakes by leaving their victims where they could be found. The Empire began working with churches of Europe to form groups of hunters to eliminate the Geerhart family and reclaim the wealth and lands they had acquired over the centuries. One of the hunters was an Irish priest called Father Joseph Dempsey and he became one of the most feared hunters in Europe. He came into Austro Hungary and destroyed the Geerhart family and took what was left of their fortunes and built himself a huge estate back in Ireland where his family thrived until a mysterious fire claimed the lives of his family and the fortunes taken. Lord Edmund is now the only surviving member of the Dempsey family. I looked closely at the drawings of members of the Geerhart family and found the one picture that made my blood run cold. The picture of a young girl.
Belladonna Geerhart born 1721 died 1743.
So it would appear that Belladonna is here for revenge and she is indeed a vampire.




Sweetest Belladonna part 3

03:18 Aug 22 2024
Times Read: 242

As morning came I made my way to Edmunds room. I waited for the butler to leave before gaining entrance. One inside I saw Edmund sitting at his desk frantically writing and muttering to himself. I approached him and called him but he barely looked up from his work. I tried hard to get him to talk to me but he kept insisting that we would speak soon and I should leave him be.
I could see how pale he had become his whole manor had changed he was no longer the same man I had known for three years. So I decided to ask him about Belladonna and he immediately dropped his pen and looked at me with his pale gaunt face. He became angered at me mentioning her name. I was determined not to deterred from my question. Edmund began walking around the room and shouting why does everyone want to know? I explained that it was because no one knows anything about her and they we were all noticing strange behaviour from her.
I wanted to know how he was introduced to her in the first place. How long he had known her and who her family is and where is she from? Edmund refused to answer any of these questions and he became more frantic as he marched around the room. I begged him to tell me what was wrong but still he refused. He was very unwell anyone could see that and I was fearful for his state of mind. I insisted on opening up the curtains to let some light in but Edmund went into a complete panic and screaming that he needed the dark. He then began shouting at me and ranting about how demanding Belladonna is and how he was sure I was looking to take her away from him. I tried defending myself and not admitting that I really had fallen for her. Edmund shouted how Belladonna how Belladonna was not to be resisted and that was beyond all dispute. I no longer knew what to say. Edmund then told me he could see the desire in my eyes and I should be careful as there was a whole other side to Belladonna that could destroy me.
I agreed to leave Edmund be and went back to my room to think about things. I was starting to contemplate leaving and going back to London but what kind of friend would that make me if I abandoned Edmund when he was in such a fragile state. I decided that I would try to find out about Belladonna myself and that evening would bring a real terror into my life.
The evening came and I waited to for Belladonna. I watched as she left the house and made her way through the ground's. I made the decision to follow her and try to find out what she got up to of an evening. She was a fast walker and it was making it difficult for me to secretly follow her. I lost sight of her for a while but as I got into the local village I noticed her walking towards the local church yard. I managed to catch up enough and keep myself out of sight. I observed her meeting up with a little boy. He could not of been more than 10 years old and I wondered how a child could be out alone so late at night. He had a small bunch of flowers which he handed to Belladonna. He was smiling and dancing about and saying how happy he was that he found the pretty lady. Belladonna took his hand and walked him through the grave yard. As I followed I became aware of a thick mist that began enveloping everything and the two of them were walking and fading away into the mist and I could only hear the child's sweet singing. Soon they were completely out of sight. The mist was so thick that I became lost and I was stumbling around the grave yard. The mist began to thin and Belladonna and the child were nowhere to be seen. I began to make my way out of the church yard when I tripped over something. As I got up and looked around I noticed a small hand on the ground it was the little boy. I knelt down beside him and touched his hand it was stone cold. All the colour had gone from his face and as I tried to move him his head fell to one side revealing two puncture marks on his neck. I knew I had to raise the alarm and I knew I would fall under suspicion but I could not leave the boy to be discovered by a passing mourner I had to do the right thing.
I left the church yard to find a police officer and I soon found one patrolling the village. I was escorted to the station to give my account of the situation. I told them that I decided to go for a walk as I had not been well and I thought the summer night air would help and thats how I found the child. I kept Belladonna out of my account and thankfully I was aloud to return to the house as the inspector would come speak to me in the morning.
My mind was lost and all I could see was the marks on that poor child's neck. I knew in my heart what had happened but my mind wanted me to stay sane and rational but I knew that this was the work of a vampire. It made perfect sense and explained why Belladonna is never seen in the hours of daylight and why she never eats anything. She must of seduced and killed Amy as well. And as for poor Edmund I caught a glimpse of him standing by his bedroom window. Poor Edmund alone and waiting for his vampire wife to return.
Question for me now is what do I do about all this? How can I help my friend? And how do I save myself from Belladonna ?



02:30 Aug 23 2024

loving the story

02:31 Aug 23 2024

Its getting there


Sweetest Belladonna part 2

03:33 Aug 21 2024
Times Read: 272

After seeing my dearest friend collapse and taken away to his room I volunteered my assistance only to be coldly refused by Edmunds butler Mr Stokes. Everyone began to retire for the evening so I made my way to my room. alone for the evening I decided just to sit out on my balcony and drink my troubles away. It was impossible as my thoughts were consumed by Belladonna when my thought's should have been on Edmund.
I sat in the warm summer air just dreaming of the most beautiful girl I had ever seen and wishing I had her company. Guilt was consuming my mind as she was my friend’s wife. I ended up passing up and down and looking out over the grounds and feeling my lust and loneliness take over my soul. Feeling sorry for myself until I noticed across the way from my balcony a room lighting up and I could see the servant girl Amy wandering around the room picking up clothing. I soon noticed Belladonna walking around the room brushing her long blond hair. She was dressed in a long white night dress that left little to the imagination. I could feel my heart beating faster as I watched her. Her body was perfect and I knew I should not be looking. A gentleman would walk away but I was glued to the spot. Most ladies would not leave their bedroom wide open for anyone to see but Belladonna was not like typical English women she was far more free. I watched Amy take over brushing Belladonnas hair as she sat at her dressing table. Everything seemed harmless at first just a serving girl attending to her mistresses needs but that soon changed.
Amy stopped brushing Belladonnas hair and she began running her hands up and down her arms in a very sensual manor. I thought at first she must be applying beauty cream but I could see that was not what was happening. Her hands began traveling around Belladonnas body and caressing her breasts. She pulled down the straps on Bella's night dress and moving away her to kiss her neck. This was not something I had seen two women do before. My heart sank thinking that Belladonna preferred the touch of other women.
Things soon started to heat up as Belladonna stood up and held Amy in her arms and kissed her. I accidentally knocked over my glass and it smashed making enough noise to alert the women to my presence. Amy looked startled and she soon rushed out of the room. Belladonna just looked up at me as she recovered her breasts. She gave me a hint of a smile before she draw the curtains and the light disappeared from her room.
I was left completely confused by what I had just witnessed and an overwhelming sense of tiredness swept over me. My dreams were plagued by visions of Belladonna and by morning I was left in a state of excitement at the thought of being able to see her.
Breakfast was a very quiet affair as we were all informed that Lord Edmund was to unwell to come down and Belladonna was sleeping as she had spent the night caring for him. The servants attended to everyone’s needs and I noticed Amy looking very tired with a dreamy look in her eyes. As she went around clearing away everyone’s plates and got closer to me her hands began shacking and she would not make eye contact with me. I moved slightly and she jumped and dropped my plate on the floor. Mr Stokes admonished her in front everyone by telling her to have more care and calling her a clumsy girl. I tried to help only for her to panic and cutting her finger on one of the broken shards. Mr stokes roughly grabbed her by the arm and told her to go sort it out and not to bleed on his Lordship's carpets. I tried to defuse the situation by taking responsibility for the broken plate. Stokes insisted that it would be coming out of her wages. Stokes announced to everyone that his Lordship would be down later and would join us all for afternoon tea in the garden. I decided to spend the morning riding and hoping it would clear my mind. Afternoon came and still no sign of Edmund and just the same excuses from the servant's.
By evening Edmund finally made an appearance. We sat together and talked about his time in Switzerland. He barely mentioned Belladonna only saying that she was visiting friends in the village and would return later that night. I tried asking Edmund about his wedding only to get no answer. This was strange as Edmund was a very talkative man but now he was mostly silent and when he did speak he just seemed confused and dazed. I asked him what was wrong but Edmund just told me he was tired and a little unwell and he needed rest. I could see this was more than just a little unwell as he had no colour to his skin and he was unable to eat. Edmund excused himself and retired back to his bedroom. For us guests we were left to entertain ourselves and listening to them talk of business in London and their own country estates was boring the life out of me. I knew the conversation would turn to trying to find out what kind of life I had lived in my own country and how it compared to their over privileged life styles so I got out before they had a chance to start patronising me. I decided to walk the grounds as it was such a nice evening whilst I walked I noticed Amy walking off into a nearby wooded area. She walked so quickly I lost sight of her almost straight away. I assumed she was sent out by the other servants so I thought no more of it. I walked back up to the house and just as I was about to make my way back inside I was startled by the sounds of a woman's scream's. I looked out over the grounds but I could see nothing and looking into the house the other guests were busy laughing and drinking so they could not of heard the screams. But then I noticed a figure walking in the distance. I watched as the figure came into to full view and I could see it was Belladonna. She was about to walk straight past me when I called her name. She stopped and looked at me I asked her forgiveness for calling her by her first name and I suddenly began to spill out all my emotion's to her. I confessed my love to her and she tried to walk away from me. I grabbed her arm and begged her to listen to me as I told her I loved her. She stopped struggling and looked into my eyes and affectionately touched one side of my face with her hand. Her hand was so cold but I was so lost in her beautiful dark eye's. She smiled sweetly and walked away from me.
I had just made a complete fool of myself and I had run the risk of ruining any reputation I had by emptying my soul to my friends wife. A part of me wished my ruin rather than salvage it as I wanted nothing more than to have one night alone with Belladonna.
I was left alone with my heartache so all I could do was drink myself to sleep. By morning the house was in total chaos as Amy had disappeared. The police came and took statements from everyone and for some strange reason I lied to the police and told them I had not seen Amy since yesterday morning. How could I lie like that? A girl was missing and I knew she had gone out last night and I had heard screams. I was protecting myself as I had made a play for my friend’s wife shortly after seeing Amy.
I decided to go down to the kitchens and speak with the servants about Amy only to hear them talking about her. I listened as I heard the household cook crying and arguing with Mr Stokes. Mr Stokes suggested that Amy had gone off with a man. The cook began shouting that Amy was a good girl and not the sort to do that. Mr Stokes kept on assuring the cook she would come back and not to worry. The conversation turned to Lord Edmund and Belladonna. They talked about how strange it was that nobody ever gets to see Belladonna during the day time and how she has not eaten a thing since she arrived. It was strange and I had not realised that she's never seen in the day.
I started to think that maybe it was time to make Edmund talk and reveal who Belladonna is.



03:41 Aug 21 2024

enchanting words

03:41 Aug 21 2024

Thank you
Hopefully the story is good


Sweetest Belladonna part 1

03:33 Aug 20 2024
Times Read: 295

Life may take us on many wild and strange adventures its often what shapes us and teaches us valuable life lessons. For some of us those wild and strange adventures can bring us to a destiny that we could never have imagined possible.
I was a young American man trying to establish myself in high London society. As an outsider I was considered persona non grata amongst the gentleman elite's of London. Due to my powers of persuasion and hints of being generous with my wealth I was finally invited to a gentleman's club in Londons Whitehall. My membership depended on my ability to tell a convincing ghost story. Gentleman of high society liked to amuse themselves by telling tales of ghosts witches and other supernatural beings.
I arrived at a rather grand building and was escorted through its ostentatious rooms until I was taken into a room filled with books and paintings of English authors from times gone by. The gentlemen of this club sat in the tall back leather chairs looking into their brandy glasses and filling the air with their cigar smoke.
I was introduced by the clubs head butler and I was ushered over to the rooms grand fire place. The members asked me to introduce myself and then I was to begin my story.
As asked I introduced myself as Robert Harding and my story had taken place when I was much younger. I had come to England in 1889. I was a self made man and had wanted to expand my wealth across Europe. It was no easy task as outsiders with money were often under suspicion and not readily accepted in Londons high society as my upbringing was humble and in a land that had gained independence from the British Empires.
In spite of these draw backs I continued to try and make my mark on London and gain the respect of its businessmen and walk in high society. A business venture introduced me to man called Lord Edmund Dempsey. He originally came from Ireland. At the of 10 years he lost his families beautiful stately home to a fire that mysteriously broke out. Both his parents perished in the fire and Edmund was raised in Englands home counties by childless relatives. When Edmund was 18 years old his relatives died and as well as inheriting his parent’s wealth he also gained the rest of his family's wealth lands and the Hampshire country estate.
Lord Edmund was not what you would call a mans man. He was often shy and nervous and very clumsy and out of step with other men. His constant giggling and bashful behaviour would normally make him socially unacceptable but his wealth and strong head for business and figures made him the man to be seen with.
I invested large amounts of my own capital with him and I gained very large return's. He and I became very good friends and his friendship began to open many doors to me. We often travelled around Europe together and made our mark across foreign lands.
Lord Edmund would often send letters to a sweetheart in Switzerland and sent on lavish gifts to her. He would never say her name to me and he guarded the letters she sent to him like gold. The only information I could get from Edmund was that they had been pen pals since they were children. She was the daughter of a friend of his father's.
After 3 years of my friendship with Lord Edmund he came to me in a joyous mood and told me his pen friend had accepted his marriage proposal and he would be traveling to Bern to collect his bride to be. Edmund wished to travel alone to Switzerland and on his return he would be inviting myself and other distinguished members of society to his country estate in Hampshire to meet her.
Three months had past without a word from Lord Edmund and I became concerned for my friends wellbeing. Then one early June morning I received word that Lord Edmund and his bride would be returning to England and I was to be a guest at his country residence.
I remember arriving a week later at his most grand home in leafy Hampshire. I was surrounded by British aristocracy and disapproving servants. It was nothing I was not already used to but just to make things more uncomfortable for me Lord Edmund had arranged the best suit in the house for me so I treated to all the whispering and snide remarks from the upper classes. It didn't bother me to much as I was just delighted to see my friend return and the chance to see who this young lady was.
That evening everyone dressed in their finery and the house was lit up like a giant Christmas tree and the best of everything had been put out on the long dining table. The household servants rushed around making sure everything was perfect for Lord Edmunds return. I got the feeling he wanted to make a grand entrance. Im not sure what I was expecting when it came to his intended. I suppose I was expecting a very plain German girl as I could not see Lord Edmund with anything exceptional in the way of looks. I know it was cruel to think that way and the way Edmund described her she was like a Princess from a fairy tale. Edmund often exaggerated things to me and others in the hopes of impressing.
The moment finally came Lord Edmund had finally arrived and everyone gathered in the hall to greet him. I was pushed aside and made to stand at the back. I heard the butler announce Lord Edmund and his Bride. He called out the name Lady Belladonna. I could hear everyone whispering what kind of a name is that ? Even I thought it was unusual but the gasps from all the men as she walked through and shook hands with everyone made me more determined to see who she was. My jaw nearly hit the ground as she walked towards me. She was the most beautiful girl I had ever seen. She was not like any girl I had seen before. Her eyes sparkled in the light and her pale delicate features gave her a magical profile. She had let her long blond locks down and they cascaded down her elegant shoulder's. She was not stiff and proper like the other ladies at the house. They kept their hair up and covered their shoulders Belladonna was far more free and she displayed no care for shocked stare's from the ladies.
I sat across from Lord Edmund and Belladonna and I was unable to avert my gaze from her beauty. This did not go unnoticed by the servants and other guest's. I could not help it and mind could not stop asking the question how could she possibly be with Edmund what could she see in him ?
Belladonna did not eat any food that was placed in front of her. She simply pushed the food around the plate and only consumed the red wine that was poured out for her. She was different every way imaginable. She began telling stories of her travels around the world and making the men blush and including myself by revealing risky detail's. She was definitely a very liberated young woman and I knew she was being frowned upon for her willingness to divulge such stories. Edmund seemed subdued and far away. He barely spoke to me or anyone els and just like Belladonna his food was not touched.
Lord Edmund excused himself from the table and as he stood up he collapsed. I rushed to my friend’s aid and as I helped him back up I accidentally touched Belladonnas hand. Through her long satin glove I could feel an icy coldness. She looked into my eyes and insisted that Edmund would be fine and she would take care of him. I insisted on helping but she looked at me and in a seductive manner removed one of her gloves to reveal her pale white hand and arm. She was making the blood race through my veins with desire. I knew she was doing it deliberately to remove concern from everyones mind's.
She called a servant girl called Amy over and they took Edmund upstairs. I watched them walk away my eyes never left Belladonna. I knew I was having feelings for my friend’s wife and I had to hope that during my stay this would wear off. Sadly this was not to be as the full horrors of what lay ahead were only just starting.





02:48 Aug 17 2024
Times Read: 316

Go away leave me alone
I feel your presence in my mind
The time seems to stop
I set you free
You calm my mind
Make my dreams come true baby
Every time to me that fiction and reality melt together for all eternity

Liquid words dropping down the stairs
Filling the emptiness with sense
You and me on the floor
Floating on our sensibility

You need a timekiller and you don't understand
Im am like quicksand lick it from my hand
I am your timekiller I'll let your mind expand
I am quicksand lick it from my hand

Tick tock
Madness comes tonight
Whats reality compared to me
I rest on the bed and Im sure I slowly get mad

Im in a state of mind which makes me blind
For the fact I am the man
Im here to stay forever but not today

In my heart is no place for you
In my mind is no space for you
The exit already melted away and now theres nothing left to say

Project pitchfork
And One (cover)




02:58 Aug 15 2024
Times Read: 348

After watching a video on Dracula deaths in the Hammer Horror films I could not resist watching one of my favourite Dracula films.
I find Sir Christopher Lee's Dracula more of a stand out compared to other actor's portrayal's of the Count.
He always came across as forever angry and with no feeling what so ever.
I always loved how the films were set in some rural village in Europe and surrounded by ancient woodland and overlooked by the Counts towering gothic castle.
I think Christopher Lee's stature made him a very foreboding presence and as a child I was quite scared of him but at the same time fascinated and very drawn to the Character.
The films always had that chilling atmosphere that was shown through the superstitious peasant's as they would never stay out beyond midnight for fear of the Count rising from his tomb and hunting them down.
The efforts of keeping all the young girls safe and only to loose a few to the Count or his disciples.
Christopher Lee's Count was never romantic as others have been. He shown not to be able to express any emotion beyond biting some buxom female on the neck and leaving them to die or come back as one of the undead at least until he had no further use for them.
I did find one scene in his last outing as Dracula quite arousing. He appeared in the bedroom to one woman and at first she's terrified and then after looking into his eyes shes much more responsive and gazing longingly into his until shes completely under his spell and then once she's bitten thats when all the screaming starts.
I feel vampire films have lost their way over the years sadly. Their are many great vampire films that stand out.
Fright Night the original film not the remake
The Lost Boys
30 days of night
Subspecies films
And the odd comedy vampire film's
I suppose in my own writing I would like to go back to the days of age old grace and something much more sinister than what we see now.
I avoided the Twilight films and I found myself liking True Blood to start with but turning it off after series 3.
They felt lazy and cheap to me and they could not hold my interest.
I like my old vampire films theirs something comforting about them and Christopher Lee will always be my favourite actor and the best Dracula. Just as Peter Cushing will always be Van Helsing to me.
I will always have happy memories of sneaking downstairs after everyone had gone to bed so I could watch the Hammer Horror films I had been forbidden from watching.



02:29 Aug 16 2024

Was there a scary host for those shows you watched late at night? Like Elvira, Sammy Terry or Chilly Billy here in America?

02:34 Aug 16 2024

We had a monster man for a short time and then we Eileen Daly but she was mostly for the European exploitation films


01:05 Aug 15 2024
Times Read: 358

I have just watched a video on all Dracula Hammer Horror deaths.
So their was getting caught out by sunlight whilst Van Helsing put together to candle sticks together to make a cross.
Getting stuck out on the ice and then falling through it
A church being re sanctified
Getting struck by lightning and bursting into flames
Getting impaled on a giant cross
Getting impaled by a coach wheel
Being splashed in the face by holy water and falling into a pit full of wooden stakes and whacked on the back with a shovel
And being lured into a hawthorn bush
It must be a tough life being a vampire just about everything can destroy you. I would say if anyone is a vampire stay in its much safer.
I was always sad when Dracula got killed off. Sir Christopher Lee will always be Dracula for me nobody els comes close.



01:15 Aug 15 2024

Very true

01:45 Aug 15 2024

It's all bullshit to make the humans feel like they got a chance. The prince of darkness will always rise again like the coming of night.

01:52 Aug 15 2024

Oh he does . He had his loyal disciple's and Van Helsing said he could rise like a phoenix from the ashes as long as his disciples were well versed in the rituals and knew where his grave was



02:08 Aug 14 2024
Times Read: 393

Energised but pure
No bitterness
A thrill
Being under pressure refines me
Endorphin companion
Under caution the wise
Divine image from addiction
Stimulates for so long
The origins vibrate
Libertines set free
I love it sextonik

Serial player a heartless toy
Cyber lover serial lover killer
Ivory or Jade to the kind glass
A simulacrum
Mother of pearl stimulates
Tell me how ecstatic I am
Carved from wood rejoices me
Lets play it again sextonik
Sous tension mais pure
Nulle amertume
Un frisson
Sous pressions affine
Libertines liberons

Que j’aime le

Mylene Farmer 💞



02:47 Aug 14 2024



The vessel part 13

03:14 Aug 13 2024
Times Read: 437

James had been gone for a while now and I was still here and alone in this house of evil. I found myself just wandering a lonely path day in day out. Constantly thinking of those who found them selves on the end of James's insatiable hunger for blood and evil and of course my own self pity.
I managed to find myself a place to hide in the barn. I was able to sit and watch the world go by through a large hole in the wood. I could see people ride through the fields on their horses. It sent me back to the time when James used to let me ride with him. I always felt so safe with him I can remember his strong arms around me and feeling so in love and alive. And so proud that a man of his high standing trusted me enough to let me see that he was nothing more than a rogue with a lust for adventure and would let me share the world with him. And he just turned out to be a monster in disguise. I would of given anything for things to be different I was so in love with him I could not see the monster staring at me and plotting my demise.
Im ashamed to even think it but Im still very much in love with this monster. And I want him to come back. He has me exactly where he wants me and theirs nowhere for me to run.
I forced myself to go back to the house and I noticed that the front door and all the windows were open. Once inside I found boxes all over the house and voices coming from upstairs'. I could hear footsteps so I quickly got out of sight. I observed as a young man came down the stairs. I had never seen him before and he seemed happy and nice so I assumed he was not part of James's satanic circle. His skin had colour unlike James who was all pale and sinister. Was he the company James spoke of. My immediate reaction was to warn him and make him leave. I hadn't counted on the fact that he could not see me. This was strange as James and Charles could see me and other spirits. Why can't this man see me? I cant stand the idea of seeing anymore death inflicted on the unsuspecting innocent in this house.
Soon I was to realise the full horror that was to come my way a young woman was here as well. The man kept calling out the name Mariah and soon she appeared at the top of the stair's. I could not believe what I was seeing. Long blonde curly hair hazel eyes the same face same height and mannerism's. She is me. How could this be possible? She looks exactly the same as me even the name is close.
James must be trying to recreate me. The bastard theirs nothing he won't do just to get his own way. This woman is in danger if James could murder and imprison me here he will do the same to her! What am I to do? She can't see me or hear me and James will come back and I shudder to think what he will do to her.
For days I would sit and gaze at her. It was like looking into a mirror and going back in time to when I was alive. The male friend had left and I found out she would be staying alone as she wanted to turn her back on the outside world for a while.
The house was recommended to her by an acquaintance. No doubt James had set this poor girl up just the way he did me. More to the point why was he not here yet? Whats he planning to do? I tried in vain to make my presence known to her. Nothing worked she just went about her day completely unaware her double was haunting this house. I could no longer move things James's influence over me had taken my power away.
I could feel a strange vibration and energy around the house and I began to fear that James would be here soon. The days and nights were hot according to Mariah. She was leaving the bedroom window wide open every night. She was making it too easy for James. I prayed to god every night not to let James hurt her but my pleas went unheard as James came back.
I could feel something wrapping around me and holding me down. My arms being forcibly pinned above my head. Something heavy was on top of me keeping me down and making me feel pleasure and pain all at the same time. I closed my eyes and hoped it would stop but I kept seeing red glowing eyes rocking back and forth and some kind of pressure on my mouth.
The lights of the house flickered in a wild bizarre fashion and a sharp coldness filled the room. I could not take anymore and as a ghost I should not be able to feel anything what was happening to me? Things got faster and I felt something sharp and excruciating on my neck. It would not stop and I could feel something being sucked out of me. The room grew darker and eventually the light came back and I was able to move again. I got up from the floor and my instincts told me to go see Mariah. Before I had the chance I was confronted by James. It had been a while since I had last seen him and he was looking very pleased with himself. His shirt was open and he was licking blood off his fingers and smiling at me.
James looked at me and laughed as he said “ I think you must be dying of jealously” I wanted to kill him but I just watched as he walked away to the secret room he normally takes his victims too. He turned and looked at me and asked me to go down there with him. Part of me wanted to run to him instead I turned and ran to the barn. I shut myself away and tried to rid myself of the memory of this night. I knew it would happen again question is when? VvvV

Im going to add a second part to this tomorrow hopefully .
It will be what was happening upstairs in the bedroom so will be spicy so nobody under 18 years old please .
Will see what I can get away with as the naughty stuff I need more practice at .




18:56 Aug 12 2024
Times Read: 458

My daughter surgery is over a couple of complications but all is well .
Shes complaining so she is definitely on the mend



19:09 Aug 12 2024

Good news

19:10 Aug 12 2024

Thank you

19:40 Aug 12 2024

Good to hear


14:01 Aug 12 2024
Times Read: 465

Im a worried mum right now .
My daughter is in surgery and it feels like an eternity waiting to hear .
She may be 26 years old but for me she's still my baby




17:21 Aug 11 2024
Times Read: 474

Been cooking all day and to amuse myself and annoy everyone els I decided to say naughty things .
I told a family member to get me some meat from the butchers . I suggested they ask the butcher show them his best end and see what he says .
I asked for an onion once I had it I said out loud thats a big one that will make my eyes water .
I moved onto desert and was asked why I was using whipped cream instead of double cream . I said you can use double cream but I prefer getting whipped myself 😈
So then I announced next week I will be showing you all 16 interesting things you can do with a salami sausage and raised my wine glass and shouted bottoms up .
Any questions ?




01:24 Aug 11 2024
Times Read: 491

Who is she ?
A misty memory
A haunting face
Is she a lost embrace ?

Am I in love with just a theme ?
Is she just a dream ?
A mystery
Who is she ?

I call her name across an endless plain
She will answer me where ever she may be
Somewhere across the sea of time
A love immortal such as mine
Will come to me eternally
Immortal she
Return to me

I Monster




16:38 Aug 10 2024
Times Read: 503

As I sit and daydream Im brought back to the same place as I wander the corridors of my mind.
I pass through the ancient and dark decaying rooms searching for that special someone who knows my hearts desire.
I sit silently as my mind wanders and continues a silent movie that remains on repeat.
I have no need to feel fear here even though I know danger lurks around every corner.
Everything I have ever wanted is here hiding in the shadows and whispering my name.
I can drift in and out of the shadows and pretend to the rest of the world that Im happy with my lot in life when Im secretly resenting every second of it and dreaming of something far beyond their reach and capabilities.
Im so taken in by my darkened dream world that it can twist my bones until they snap. I can scream but nobody would hear.
I pull myself down into this dark and depraved world and continue to search for one that can understand me and share my darkest desires and give me that sharp kiss that will bound my soul to this most beautiful place.



22:20 Aug 10 2024

The Mind is endless chambers we all store things from others. So we do not get hurt.


The Vessel Part 12

02:33 Aug 10 2024
Times Read: 509

I had my way back to London and awaited for information from informers I employ around the country.I find it useful to employ degenerate humans to assist me from time to time. Of course they do not know that Im a vampire the only humans that discover that don't have very long to live.
My informers gave me the address of a small and soon to be demolished church in outer London. The priest stays mosts nights alone drinking himself to death. Time for me to go give the hand of death a nudge.
I felt as if I could be walking into a trap so I made sure that I had enough human blood inside me courtesy of some young man who walked into my path just as I arrived. I don't like leaving things to chance and it would not be the first time someone has tried to attack me. As it happened the priest was alone and I hoped for a quick kill as Im in no mood for games.
I walked in the decaying church and I could smell rotting wood amongst a stale smell of myrrh and frankincense mixed with the priests whiskey. I hate churches they remind me of my own father and his intolerant friends. All those empty words of men who lied to gain control of the weak and gullible.The rantings of the repressed and the whores who threw themselves on the mercy of a god who had long since abandoned them.
I hate the sight of the holy cross it sickens me it always has even before I became a vampire its very presence made my skin crawl. Im looking forward to seeing this temple of lies fall.
I walked with my head held high looking around and sharpening my seances to the presence of the priest. He finally showed himself as he tried to hide his whiskey bottle.
He was shouting about how it was late and if I was seeking sanctuary I should go to the salvation army. He stopped dead in his tracks as his eyes met mine and the horrible realisation that he was up to his neck in trouble.
The priest looked at me with blood shot eyes and held his crucifix up at me.”You must leave this house of god now you are not welcome here demon” I laughed as his hand gripped the crucifix tightly.”Im not sure which books you have been reading but your dead man on a stick is not going to help you”There is nothing to save you Im more powerful than any faith you may be clinging on to.
“Im not scared of you demon as this is not the first time I have seen you” Hmmm he could be bluffing but for the sake of amusement I will hear him out.”Oh really and where might we have met before?”
“30 years ago I was working in Vienna and you and your coven of evil rampaged your way through the city” you destroyed life after life and I came across a child who had watched his mother die at your hands. He took me to the house where you had been staying and I began following you. I had to see for myself if the child was telling the truth. I watched as you killed a young woman behind my church. I found out who you were and began studying history books looking for you.
I sheltered that poor child for six months before you got your hands on him and destroyed him. I know all about you I know where you came from and I exactly why you are here.
30 years ago I did spend a few months living in Vienna it was mostly for business but I like to mix business with pleasure and as for that little brat that escaped that was down to Charles having an attack of conscious but I dealt with that once I found the time. Killing children is a waste of time as they have very little blood to give. Im not one for killing children but Im more than happy to hurt their parents.
And right now I need to know how much information the priest has given out on me. I fixed my hypnotic gaze on him and asked who els did you tell about me ? He revealed that nobody in the church would believe him and without the child he had no proof that I existed. This is one of the advantages of being a vampire rational people will never buy into it.I let him out of the trance as I want him to feel the pain I can 'cause.
“You really are a very foolish old man” You have devoted your life to a god that gives nothing and leaves you to rot on earth while you try to convince others that he loves them and demands that they conform just like you have only to be given nothing in return. Im three times as old as you are and Im still young and going strong so I must of done something right.
“What you did was forbidden by god and the devil made you his henchman” your evil and corruption is no match for my faith in Jesus Christ my lord and saviour.
“Your saviour has been letting you poison yourself for years” your heart is failing you and I can only imagine what state your liver must be in. But none of this really matters now as Im about to put you out of your misery.
“And who's going to put you out of yours?” I know about the girl you killed to gain your immortality.You destroyed the only human you ever loved didn't you? All apart of satan deal you take the life of the only thing you love and you get reworded. I know you feel remorse for your actions and thats why you have never passed your curse onto another female. You gave it to your brothers in blood but another woman was out of the question for you.
You may live your evil life but you will always be alone James Sutherland! Maria can never truly come back to you.
This fucking priest has gone way to far but deep down I knew he spoke the probable truth but only up to a point as nothing is off limits to me and Maria will always be mine.
His words only served to send my anger into rapid flames that engulfed the priests entire body. I watched closely as he flailed around in agony as the flames ignited everything he touched. I love to watch as humans burn alive. It comes from my childhood attending witch burnings with my father. The flames show the true soul and reveal devils face . He always smiled approvingly at me. I waited for the priests body to drop and as I walked away I was greeted by a large cross with its fake saviour on the door. I bared my fangs and my saliva turned to acid as I spat it on to Christs face and watched it melt. As I left the church exploded and I found myself in tolerable spirits.
All loose ends sorted and I can rest in the south of France for a couple of weeks. My house guest is not used to having a supreme male vampire living with her and I wouldn't want to frighten her off just yet VvvV




The Vessel Part 11

02:37 Aug 09 2024
Times Read: 531

I left Maria again and some what frustrated I had to journey to the home counties. Not a part of England I enjoy and with my guest soon to making herself at home in my farmhouse this loose end was the last thing I needed right now.
I had become concerned at myself because leaving behind a witness was not my style especially a witness with a drink and drug habit.
Reading her description and background Im going to taking out a spoilt rich hippy girl from Surrey. Looking at the address she's hiding out in one of mummy and daddy's cottages in the country. According to Richard's info her mother breeds pony's there and they all look exactly like her.Theirs nothing I hate more than the fake upper classes and their hideous offspring.
I can't trust anyone els to clear this mess up for me.Thomas always makes to much mess when he kills. I need Richard keeping an eye on things for me as I will be spending more time at my farmhouse and asking Charles is pointless as he debates far to much on if it's the right thing to do.
Right now I need my focus on my house guest so I need all interruption's stopped and everyone kept busy as my plans can't be rushed. So this county set bitch needs to be silenced.
Once I arrived at her cottage I received a call from Richard informing me that my guest had arrived. I ordered Richard to take everyone over to a home we keep in the south of France and I would join them the next day . I wanted to give my guest a couple of weeks to settle in before I put my plans into action. This would give me time to give my disciple's new places to be whilst I concentrate on my plans.
I left my car and began to scan the area and made my way down to the cottage.She was completely alone in this terrible imitation of 18th century luxury living.She had left a window open which is always handy as theirs no need for me to break my way in.I climbed through the window quietly and over heard her talking on the phone to someone. I decided to listen in on her conversation and discovered she was talking to a priest. She was talking over everything she seen when I killed her friend.She was drinking wine and smoking weed as well popping prescription pill's.I knew her blood was going to taste revolting and seeing the vegan activist's posters on the wall she was going to have no substance to her blood and the thought of how this bitch was going to taste was making me sick to my very core.
Her conversation with the priest had lead her to keep reading passages out from the bible as she clutched rosary beads. I knew then I was going to be killing a priest straight after this.I hate religious men and nothing makes me more angry than having to deal with men of god.Looks like the south of France will have to wait another day or two.
Religious icons do not repel me they just piss me off and unleash a violence that I cant control. A so called house of god can never give any mortal safe sanctuary from me.So this priest has just signed his own death warrant.
I hid as the girl went into her bathroom and began filling up the bath with water and bubbles. I decided that as my pray is going to taste rancid so I had better make her death dramatic and entertaining for my amusement. As she walked out of the bathroom I walked in and climbed in the bath and laid down under the water waiting her return.
I don't breathe so waiting under water is not a problem for me and I can see perfectly well under water. I could almost feel the warmth of the water as it rose over me and waiting patiently for her to come back. She soon came back and turned the tap off and turning her back giving me the chance to rise up from the water.I came up quickly and stood behind her reaching out my arm and wrapping it around her neck and pulling her back into me as she screamed out. In a situation like this I would usually enjoy the kill but knowing she was full of drugs and alcohol and non meat diet I just wanted it over with quickly.As I sank my fangs in her blood sprayed the white tiled wall and as predicted she tasted vile.I could only stomach small amount's of her blood the rest I spat out onto the floor.I had to keep going until she was dead and I needed some sustenance from her as I have a date with a priest later.
Eventually she stopped fighting me and her body stopped moving.In order to stop her turning I cut through my puncture marks with my nails . This cut her throat open and I pulled her into the bath and let her bleed out into the water.I watched as her body sank to the bottom of the red water. She had left her phone on a nearby table.I was able to get the priests information and work on making my next move.
I made my exit through the bathroom window whilst thinking one down one more to go.once back in my car I headed back to my house in London I needed a change of clothes and time to think of the best way to shut down this priest.Im finding myself in less than tolerable mood and walking into a church is not what I want to be doing tonight but needs must when the devil drives VvvV



03:28 Aug 09 2024



14:27 Aug 05 2024
Times Read: 573

Im feeling more and more that I would just love to live the life of Tom and Barbara Good .
Build my own little island around myself where I can grow my own food and have animals and just live off my land and be as self sufficient as possible .
I could turn my back on the outside world and live the good life and just say to the world I have no need for you I have everything I need on my own little Island so please just let me be .



15:03 Aug 05 2024

That sounds great. But the government has a way of ruining such things in certain circumstances in my experience.

15:12 Aug 05 2024

The Good Life is one my favourite shows!!!

15:18 Aug 05 2024

I love it . I think they had the right idea

19:50 Aug 05 2024

Yes. That would be a dream


15:57 Aug 02 2024
Times Read: 606

Im living in disbelief at the moment . The BBC have done it again another one who likes to abuse children .
Hugh Edwards is a news reporter at the BBC and the man who announced to the country that the Queen had died .
We found out last year he had been involved in some sick activity with an underage lad . He was suspended from the BBC and we were told he was under the care of doctors as he had metal health problems . Now we find out back in November he was arrested for making indecent images of children being sexually abused and one the children was six years old .
The BBC kept it quiet and carried on paying his four hundred grand salary and pension .
How many more times are the BBC going to do this . They covered up for Jimmy Savile for decades and his victims ran into the thousands . Then we found out Rolf Harris and Stuart Hall were at as well .
In the UK we have to pay for a tv licence that funds the BBC . If you don't pay you can be fined and given a criminal record and some cases you can end up in prison .
More and more people are refusing to pay myself included now . Im in agreement now that it is time for the BBC to be defunded . We are not paying for their bias and evil anymore !
The heads of the BBC refer to the British public as the great unwashed . These are supposed to be the purveyor's of good taste .



06:43 Aug 03 2024

Sounds like just another case of those making an easy profit at the expense of others. Besides the obvious guilty in the limelight, you have those in the shadows making money that makes it easy to just hide it until it becomes a problem then make their get-away with the obvious fall guy. Should do a journalism piece on exposing those backers and policy makers that really are most responsible for enabling it.


01:19 Aug 02 2024
Times Read: 625

I have been thinking a lot about the events of the last four days in England . Sadly a major incident took place on Monday afternoon in Southport. A group of children were attending a Taylor Swift dance class which had been organised to give the local children fun activity day as the summer holidays are in full swing .
A 17 year old man walked in to the dance class and began stabbing the children with a large knife .
The teacher who organised the event threw herself on as many children as she could to protect the children . A man who saw through the window ran in and was stabbed in the leg but he still tried everything he could to protect the children from this monster .
Sadly three little girls died from their injuries and more children and the dance teacher are still in hospital in critical condition . People who showed up told the press it what like a scene from a horror film .
Thankfully the police caught the monster and he has been charged with murder and attempted murder . To start with nobody knew who this man was because of his age he could not be named . Today a judge lifted that ban as he felt it was in the publics best interest for this monster to be named and shamed .
I keep wondering what on earth could have made him do such a terrible thing ? How could a group of little kids just enjoying a dance class possibly of done to him to make him carry out such a barbaric evil crime .
The three little girls were aged 9 years 7 years and 6 years old . I can't imagine what their parents must be going through.
Sadly knife crime is getting worse in the UK . The laws are to weak and the criminals know it . Riots have taken place in the UK over the last 3 days and the anger at our weak government and police force is very real . It will only get worse as Kermit the PM and his underlings try to convince us that we have nothing to worry about .
London has become a very violent city and its spreading across the country but because their are still people who refuse to accept that our country is broken and could very well end up seeing civil war if things remain this way.
Stop and search needs to be enforced across the country and the sale of Zombie knifes and other deadly blades needs to be stopped now !
Our laws need to be much tougher.
We have a knife Angel that travels the country which is to commemorate victims of knife crime . I get the feeling it’s a sight we shall see more of sadly .
I can only hope the parents of the little girls can get justice and find peace . If their is a god I hope the children are in a good place with what ever god is.



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