Sahahria has changed the Master's Mark in House Eternal- something we do as House Masters when new ones step in to be able to mark with something that is personal. This is cool in many ways, because she has something that suits her, and because I was able to change Chateau Orleans' mark to the fleur-de-lis :D The same mark remains on Vampire Rave as the mark that people have always associated with me, and suits this coven better than what I chose before (I could not use the fleur-de-lis for the coven while I was still using it in Eternal).
The mark is special to me for many reasons, and I remember Vespers putting it in Photoshop and blacking out the background for me when I first took over Eternal :) It's so cool to have it again.
20:12 Nov 02 2008
That's cool - I use the same mark as when I was master of Bohemia
20:43 Nov 02 2008
I love that mark, it's so beautiful. That's great that you get to have it again!
22:50 Nov 02 2008
I like it too, glad you got it back.
00:31 Nov 03 2008
I'm just sorry it took me so long to find something that suited what I had in mind! :) Rock on to having the mark back to its rightful owner!