Pssst hey you.......
Yeah you who has not one but two profiles in two different covens that are both blinded and yet you are not bothered but want me to respond to your latest journal entry of not being bothered. However still feel the need to rant some more.....
Firstly i would have to unblock you and that aint happening for me to comment in your journal. Why do that when i can dedicate this one right back at you and your dumbness.
Secondly i didnt go and jump another CM for your profile it was placed up in the classifieds and i responded. As a CM it is called a trade and it happens once in a while.
If your previous coven wanted to keep you then they would have not traded you out.......none of my business as to how they run their coven.
As for how i run mine is not really anyone else's business. I am as a CM allowed to give positions as i see fit. Your's just happens so to be a blinding position. Reason being is cause you were and still are an annoying asshole.
Im not sure if your friends or imaginary friends have ever clarified that to you, however there it is............
Now you may proceed to write another journal entry about how you are not bothered. I may choose to peruse through it in my spare time. But then again i may not. As for your position well you either self delete or you can sire. Either way the blinding stays and the blocking remains. Im sure you may feel the need to rate me low.....block me.....and of course negative honour as those really are only your options aside from journal ranting. Either way now you know what your position is and what happens.