Okay its a little confession time here. Every time i accidentally boob brush Paynes lustful boobs i cant help but whistle this song ;)
I love you,Wench!!!!!!!!!!
~hands Payne a mask shall we time warp~
Yes....Yes we shall!!
Okay you might have to help me with the jumping bit as mine are not duct taped down and i dont want to knock no one out when we are warping lol.
WHATTTTT???? Is this how you do me when I buy you the best boobie cream on the market???? Cheaterrrrrrrr!!! hahahha
-dies laughing at Heather-
Hey! I never said that you couldn't jump in the middle and Warp too!!!!
And as for the booby bashing of people,Rose...Don't aim them at me and all is good!
Lol okay i wont aim at you.......now lets get warping :D
I was looking for someone to prepare me a sandwich when I felt boobies in the force...The force is strong with boobies. ^_^