18:22 Aug 19 2023
Times Read: 133
She woke slowly, an awareness unlike anything she had felt before. He was here, his energy still in the air as her heart beat quickened. She sat up, the long tshirt she slept in no protection from the energy floating about in her darken bedroom.
At the foot of her bed laid a black dress. Even in the darken room she could see it, darker then the darkest shadow. She reached for her lamp, turning it on and gasp.
It was beautiful. Black, yes. But with a silver thread like thin veils running through it. He pushed her covers back, standing, making sure she did not touch the dress. Her bare legs lead to even more of her skin exposed to the energy and she crossed her arms over her chest, taking a breath to calm herself.
That dress- it was more than just cloth. She reached out her hand and she could feel it- energy. Dark cool wonderful power. She had only felt it one other time, when she was near the Boogeyman.
She looked about the room, but he was not there. She step closer to the dress, traced one of the silver threads… and felt it like the energy traveled up her finger tip, into her hand. She pulled it back, holding it up to check and she felt it fading away. Nothing you could see, but the feeling…
She glanced at the window, covered in chocolate brown blackout curtain. It was, in her dream, the portal to the other world. In the day time she opens it to the sun, but at night, when she slept it was always closed.
Why was this dress here? She looked back at the dress and her hand was drawn to it of its own accord, she just needed to touch it. To feel that power. She flattens her hand on the dress, still cool to the touch. Closing her eyes, she enjoyed the power that came from it, working its way up her arm.
She opens her eyes as the energy stopped at her shoulder, looking to see the silver threads seemed to move under her hand, as if they were alive. Did she dare to put it on? If she embraced it with her whole body, what would happen?
She glanced at the portal, and she knew, he was waiting for her. This was his calling card. He was asking her to join him. She smiled as she picked the dress up, moving to the dresser mirror to look at herself as she held it to her body.
She felt him in the dress. The same feelings she had when he touched her, when they shared a kiss under the moon, among the moon flowers. He was seducing her with the dress.
She lowered the dress to the bed as she watched the silver threads settle. It reacted to her touch. To her own energy, it seemed. Made for her and her alone. She smiled, her hesitation gone as she removed her tshirt, and put the gown on. It fit her perfect, like the few time he had touched her he had learned her curves.
She moved back to the mirror and she almost did not recognize the woman looking back at her. Standing in that black dress was the woman she always believed herself to be. Strong, beautiful, sexual.
She turned to the side, her hand moving over her curves, not minding them in the least. She looked at her face, the skin a pale porcelain color, the eyes a darker brown with the specks of gold, like the sun. She smiled, the black lips only adding to her dark beauty. She used her fingers too fluffy the reddish blond curls, lush and thick.
She steps back, and swirled, the dress bottom edge movement free and flowing. She felt the same, free of the weight of her life. Energy filled her, and her heart called out to the night. The darkness.
She laughed, joy filling her heart for the first time in so long, and she let the worries and concerns fall off her shoulders. That is when she felt it- his call.
She turned to the portal, but not there. She walked unware really, just knowing he would lead her. And he did- into her back yard. Shadows played along the tree lines, among the shrubs. The glow of the full moon giving off a light above among the stars. The light and shadow played.
It was just the night for her to embrace the darkness he had given the dress. To feel what he could give her, his desire to have her beside him. She stood, her hand on the oak thick trunk when she turned sharply to the tree line. He came out of the darkness, forming before her very eyes.
All in black, no weapons strap to him she noticed. He was here, in her world. He had come to her, and she knew it was a special gift her was giving her. His voice when he spoke make her shiver in a way the dress could never do- he had his own power. A power over her that she did not understand, but knew she had to explore.
“Ah, LadyVampir, your embrace of the darkness adorns you exquisitely.” She touched the dress at her waist, her body reacting to the tone of his voice, to his body, him being near her. But she knew it wasn’t the dress power that was doing that as she had felt this feeling every time she was in his presents.
She said nothing, watched as he came to her. Under the oak tree, sacred and old, he came close and held out his hand. She placed hers into his gloved hand, and he gently lead her into his arms. He started to guild her into a dance. One hand held in his, his other hand at her waist, he moved them about the garden, the shadows.
She smiled, the weight of this man, the very essence of him made her feel safe and protected. Yes, he was darkness but then wasn’t she always drawn to the power of the night. She lived in the light, yes. But her body, her soul craved more. It craved the power that was rushing over her body, that seemed to feel her mind with images.
The shadows around them seemed to dance with them, adding to the magical night. She smiled up at him, her hand at the back of his neck, and he pulled her close as he looked down at her with his black eyes. They moved as one as she did not think of her steps, she just floated about the garden with him, her feet on the grass as unheard music played in her head.
He led her to the darkest part of the garden, lost in the shadows under the oak, and she moved so her back was against the tree trunk. Alive, happy. She smiled up at him, her hands at his chest, looking up into his eyes as he spoke softly. ““In this night we are entwined within the darkness’s tapestry. Alone together, that is our shared universe.” And he leaned forward, giving her a soft kiss that made her toes curl in the grass. She exhaled as he took her lips, sharing her breath with him. Soft warm lips caressed her own, just a touch, and then he was gone.
She opened her eyes, looking up into his face as he held out his hand to her again. She smiled, taking his, and the dance started again. She knew this was a claiming, a bond being made. She knew it and accepted it. The darkness wanted her and she was more than willing to surrender.
They danced till the darkness started to weaken. She felt it, in the dress, and in the man under her hands. As the moon set, and the sun stirred to claim its part of the day, she looked into his eyes as he faded away from her. She stops her movements slowly, wanting to enjoy the last touches of the night as the day claimed her back into its world.
She stood, touching her lips, and turned back to her life.
19:44 Aug 13 2023
Times Read: 214
Under the veiled illumination of the moon, its silvery luminescence painting the world in an otherworldly hue, LadyVampir found herself within the seclusion of her chambers. In the midst of contemplation, she stood before a garment of profound darkness, its presence a tantalizing invitation to traverse the boundary into a realm forbidden to most. The beat of her heart quickened, hesitating at the precipice of allure. Tonight, she would take a step into the enigma, embracing the allure of darkness that had long stirred within her depths.
Summoning a steady breath, the dress was delicately assumed, its fabric embracing her form akin to the way shadows cling, an intimate second skin that whispered mysteries only she could decipher. The metamorphosis was undeniable. The radiant essence of a princess was eclipsed by an embodiment of enigma and allure. Within the enshrouding aura of the dress's beguilement, her innate beauty was elevated into a transcendent artistry.
Guided by the moon's ethereal glow, LadyVampir ventured into the moonlit garden, an undercurrent of anticipation enveloping her like a familiar caress. The very shadows appeared to dance in harmony with her newfound allure, the synergy weaving an atmosphere charged with both peril and exhilaration.
Emerging from the veiled darkness, the enigmatic Boogeyman manifested before her, his presence an irrefutable magnetism that compelled her steps toward him, reminiscent of a moth drawn to the seductive dance of a flame. His eyes, twin orbs of intensity, mirrored the very obscurity she had willingly embraced. "Ah, LadyVampir," his voice resonated in a velvety cadence that ignited a ripple of sensation along her spine, "your embrace of darkness adorns you exquisitely."
A mutual gaze ensued, their heartbeats reverberating to the rhythm of the night. The touch of darkness within her resonated in synchrony with the energy that emanated from him, resulting in an electric connection that transcended their contrasting natures. It was a dance poised between light and shadow, a mesmerizing intertwining of their essences.
An outstretched hand, an offer teeming with anticipation, beckoned her closer. An exhilarating shiver traversed her veins as her hand found a place within his. The instant their skin met, an electric current surged through them, a shared acknowledgment of desires concealed beneath their respective facades.
"In this night," his words wafted in a whisper saturated with a seductive vow, "we are entwined within darkness's tapestry. Alone together, that is our shared universe." United by the synergy of their forbidden inclinations, their movements fashioned an entrancing choreography, an unhurried exploration of their profound connection. Each step mirrored the rhythm of their veiled yearnings, weaving a saga of allure and mystique that waltzed within the cradle of moonlight.
As the night inched toward dawn, the earliest hues of daybreak streaked the horizon. The Boogeyman's figure wavered, his touch dwindling as shadows retreated. With a lingering gaze, he melded back into the darkness, his essence seamlessly reintegrating with the very shadows that birthed him. Amidst the waning night, LadyVampir was left in solace, the darkness within her subsiding as the enchantment of the dress waned. Daylight embraced her gently, leaving in its wake the remembrance of their dance etched into the canvas of her soul.
With the ascent of the sun, LadyVampir remained tethered to the knowledge that she had sampled a realm beyond her realm, a sphere of allure and darkness that would forever intertwine with her essence. It became a tribute to the ephemeral bridge uniting light and shadow, innocence and temptation, an indelible testament to their connection.
**This is written by the talented xXBOOGEYMANXx himself, as a gift to me. I chosen to share his words.