What am I feeling? I stand before a mirror looking at myself.. or what used to be me...Shes laughing at me...."I told you... but you wouldnt listen to me..." my reflection said laughingly.
I just stare at her... She was everything.. She was cold hearted, and No emotions what so ever showed in the way she acted or carried herself among people.. I had become Everything I HATED Most,Happyiness, Loyalty, Honor, Dignity, Friendship, Caring.My anger drove my fist hard into the glass. I cried hard on my knees.. as I picked up a shard of glass... Looking at it I saw her eyes laughing at me...
I shoved the glass into my skin and watched as my blood rushed forth onto the ground... I heard her laughter as I felt everything I had pour onto the ground....
That evil laugh...
"Surrender your soul... Become me once more... You will feel better...."
My eyes darkned and my feelings started to leave as I felt my soul leave my body and become trapped inside the shattered pieces of glass that were on the ground around me....
Looking around I tore the glass out of my skin and stood there a sudden evil laugh left my throat....I am what I wanted to be once more..
hey Vampric Angel and Viper Raven,
I changed it a bit To where Tibris is Panthras daughter... But that doesnt mean shes diffrent in Koga!... Love ya guys