I sit alone
watching you
wanting you
needing you
and yet
for some reason
you are far away.
Why do I feel this way?
I feel like im lost..
Help me..
Guide me..
Embrace me
Never let me go...
I try to hold onto you
"Death will come tonight.."
" One will die in this fight.."
"Protect her you if you will"
"But one will surely be killed."
I scream as somthing yanks me away
Where were you?
I run trying to reach you
Only to find that I was alone
At the end of the earth..
"Call for me..."
" I will come.."
The wind seemed to say
You seem to show up beside me.
What now?
I look at you
I see blood forming onto your shirt
"At least I got to stand beside you"
" One last time..."
You whisper as you fell.
Catching your body
My hand goes over your heart.
"I will be with you in the next lifetime..."
You smile
Your last breath slipping from your mouth.
"WHY?!" I cry
Gritting my teeth
I lay his body down.
"Til next we meet.."
" I will be with you always.."
The wind carries his voice to me.
So I walk the earth
Praying for Death
to be reunited
With my Dark Prince.
I sit talking to you
something on the inside begins to stir
what is this feeling im getting
from you..
It scares me..
We laugh
Heck we act goofy to each other
We help eachother out
When things dont always go our way
But this feeling still haunts me
What could it be.
What are you hiding?
Why cant you tell me?
What are you afraid of
Are you afraid.. Of me?
Are you afraid I might run away?
Or break your heart?
Your silence is what hurts.
Not that you wont talk to me.
Just you have something you wish to stay hidden.
What are you?
My Friend? My heart in another lifetime?
I see you sitting there struggling with it
It is in your eyes.
Just tell me....
If you cant..
then answer this question:
What are you to me?