Aching Sorrow Deepends the Pain
I just go out and cry in the rain
That way no one can see the tears
Those that I've cried for so many years
I just sit here thinking of you
Age seemed to change the best of you
You made my heart shine like the morning dew
You made me warm like a delicious stew
She, that woman you have married
Got rid of some sweetness that you carried
Dear God No
I am anew
Feel the Death upon my breath
The Were in My stare
The pain in my stride
A new understanding of me
for me
You may have a glance at my white flag sir, for i have surrendered to you
Your importance shall always be here
But the thought of you has disentigrated into the upmost foulest scum from which only a witch could hither forth
I am yanking the roots of the roots of my heart
I need to know more from the dark side of me
These are words that will mean nothing and everything soon after while
God make me strong
I'd like to save myself
To keep myself at bay is far out of the question and so much more complicated than things need be
One of a kind
Truly, One of a kind
I realise that now
At least I know the reason for everything
Look at me
Constantly chasing my future the way a dog chases it's tail
I'm surviving on emotions alone
Hm. Such useless things
Why can'tI just enjoy being neutral
Such electrifying pulses
It may feel good, but i don't need it
It's unhealthy for me
My crazed state is always dangerous
The demonic thoughts I have
Could it really be me?
Twisting gut
Crying tears of blood never meant to be wiped away
Oozing pain
How much longer till it ends?
Does it need to?
I hide her, but she's always there lurking within me, belittling me, pitying me
*sigh, i'll still just keep it a point to stay optimistic
This hole in my heart
Never to be filled
but always desired to be spilled
inside your soul
I want it to devour you
sting you
shower you
My love is at haste and it seems I cannot waste
such precious time
for it is in vain
I cannot say if I'd rather you stay go away
into the abyss
I want you
I need you
However, this is also in vain
this horrid stain on my life-
Are these games you play
for me to want to put a stake at my heart
You are certainly not naive
I'm more than sure
that you are able to percieve
what's there and what's not
I know you will never feel this way
and I cannot ask you to stay
ALthough I may feel crappy
I hope this time she makes you happy
Bloody Red Blasted Rage
If i do nothing and I am no one, then why not disown me
You really want me to die, do you really?
How do you want it
The knife in the drawer, the Pitbull the boy has up the street, those speeding cars on that slick long road
i just want to make you happy... really I do
But it never turns out right, and even when it does, it doesn't last long
My eyes are dry. no tears can flow
My heart is hallow, can nothing be special to be anymore
You apologize are immaterial, you don't need to say them
My dial is stuck on forgiving
I dread that you might leave or kill me with your own hands
Hm, my furry companion, you always lighten my heart, but that is what you were bred for
Despite what I am feeling, we'll be fine soon
She has to ecpress herself and get it out like me with my poetry
So don't fret
Rest yourself and let your master think