It's funny, I've looked for journals and all the like and couldn't find a daily, or weekly like minded entry about a vampire ball. Is everyone secretive? Is it wrong to let people enjoy the natural progression of a business that's, well, a party?
We got the contracts all signed and everything. Finished up the last bit of confirming the Hotel. It's nice, better than I'd ever imagine Nocturne would be in...well in Phoenix anyways. It's beautiful, truly.
Now it's the 'trying to get a regular routine, and set up a decent office area in our little apartment' stage. We have a nice apartment, but Nocturne is going to not only demand my attention, but also an actual place where I can plop my butt down and work on her. She's like a child just born. Screaming with its first breathes, and we hold her hoping for a happy life and trying to do what's best for her.
Thought raising a child was tough. No children do no come with manuals, but fortunately some type of businesses do. Nocturne is neither a regular business, nor is it 'technically' an event planning style; in most respects. She is, but we event plan only for Nocturne, exclusively. *sigh. It's tough, not going to lie, but fun.
Some people when they think of planning a party, they imagine running around with their clients, with the really cool headphones on, tethered with a clip board, rushing out of limos or cabs all about town. It's really not like that - yet. Oh I expect the hussle and bussle on the early days before the event, but not during the rest of the year.
My heads cluttered with ideas, which I dare not write them down, yes even for you who are reading this. My desk is a catch all with important papers and things to do list. It even has a things to get from the organizing store, which is on the things to do list which I can't find half the time.
Now she's stretching, getting into everything. What do I mean? Like a child crawling, she's spread papers into the livingroom, bookshelf, kitchen, and yes even the bathroom. We sooo won't go there. Anyways, that's why I need to make room in my room for her, like a crib more or less. Where I know where she is and I can 'Put her down for the nigh' so MY brain can sleep.
Funny isn't it? The comparison.
And I catch myself jotting down notes, and taking business calls on my cell phone when I'm at work. *shrug. That wasn't in the brochure, but I'm sure that happens when you start a home business and you keep your day job.
What does a gothic mom of a vampyre ball do for a day job? I'm nothing cool like Mistress Tracy, being a tattoo artist or painter. I'm not in the movies, I'm not working in theatre, I just work in an office. that's all. Nothing glamorous about the work at all. *shrug.
Funny thing this. I'm writing to you, though I don't even think anyone's really reading it. I don't want anyone to really know me, only Nocturne. Being totally anonymous, but I think it's cool to share with you the progression of the baby, eerrr Nocturne.
Goodnight reader, whom ever you may be.It's comforting to know that even though I go through the daily mysteries cautious and a bit nervous, along with Daniel, it's good to know you share with me my steps.
Good night and I'll write again when I get myself a chair so my wrists, neck and back don't ache while typing. Yup, it's on the list.