Vampyre Etiquette
In order to survive in the Vampyre Community there are some basic rules and behaviors one needs to remember. Respect is given to another Vampyre in accordance with the amount of Vampyric knowledge, power, experience, age, their lineage and sex.
True Elders and council members are appointed to their positions due the amount of power, knowledge, experience, lineage and to a lesser extent, age. Elders and Council members are never appointed with only one of the above-mentioned qualities, but all, with out exception. Granted anyone can run around calling themselves, or convincing others, to call them Elders. The difference is who can back up their claims and who cannot. As a friend of mine once said, "Don't let your mouth write a check that your body can't cash." It is a very dangerous thing to do so, especially because of what we are.
I will say this Vampyre females do not Rule all Houses or covens that is up to the Group....
Unlike mortal society, Vampyre females are the ones in charge. Males may be more powerful, but are submissive to the female's wishes. She has the ultimate call on things. Vampyre females are by nature very dominate, strong willed and violent, and not to be trifled with when angered.
Anyone higher in power than you, you must show respect to. Never look a Pure or a Royal in the eyes if you are Turned. Pures never look a Royal in the eye. Thus Turns and Pures may greet a Royal as "My Lord" or "My Lady", unless other wise ordered.
A Turned can never speak to a Royal unless the Royal starts the conversation. A Pure can talk to a Royal but must respect the wishes of the Royal if the Royal doesn't wish to speak with them. A Turned can talk to a Pure but must respect the wishes of the Pure if the Pure doesn't wish to speak with them.
While walking, just as in the military, the lower ranking Vampyres walk on the left hand side (protecting the heart of the Vampyre they are with). There is only one exception to this. It is that to show respect to the eldest. The younger vampyre, regardless of their lineage, shows respect to the elder. However if the age difference is only a few years (1 to 4) then respect is due to lineage. If lineage is unknown or lineage is equal then respect is due to the one of greater power.
Dinning: If you know anything about table manners then you are set. The younger Vampyres must wait for either the eldest or the clan leader to lift their fork before beginning their own meal. If you have no clue, this should help a little. Keep your elbows off the table. Never stuff your mouth. Never speak with your mouth full. Keep whatever hand is not doing anything in your lap. Never reach over people for something, ask someone to pass it. Rank has no order at the table, unless the clan leader desires it.
No "play fighting" in public places or public Havens. This kind of behavior should be restricted to your home or private Haven. Do not feed in public. This is something that obviously should be restricted to your home or private Haven. Never approach or attempt to initiate conversation with two Vampyres that are embracing (holding each other). These actions could be considered hostile, especially if their backs are turned to you. Always approach facing them, not from behind. If you must approach from behind, walk loudly and make sure that they are aware of your approach.
Our morals are not the same as the humans. We aren't humans after all, we are Vampyres. Yes there is a difference. Humans perceive themselves to be the top of the food chain and as such they feel that everything else should mimic them. Merely because we share similar bodies doesn't mean our behaviors, thoughts, feelings, codes of conduct, etc will be the same as theirs. So what then are Vampyre morals? For many of us they are second nature, but for some of us, especially those still experiencing the Awakening and those that have been Turned, they simply aren't and therefore must be learned. Some have a difficult time overcoming their learned human morals because they have been practicing them so long. But like the Awakening, all it takes is time and practice. Below we have taken the time to list most of the morals that should be held by any True Vampyre.
* We are predatory in nature. We take what we need, sometimes to the detriment of others. Though we may appear similar with our prey, it is the spirit or soul that sets us apart.
* We have no qualms about harming some one/something, especially when it comes to feeding our thirst or defending ourselves.
* We feel no guilt when we feed because we are predators.
* Stupidity and weakness are not tolerated, especially with in our own kind. When examples of such do exist with in our own ranks we will eliminate them by whatever means necessary.
* Loyalty is very important and taken very seriously. Those that are disloyal are also eliminated by whatever means necessary.
* Males bow to the wishes of the females. The females are the giver of life, the reason our kind continues upon this earth. Much respect is owed to them. It is rank specific. (Royal males obey the wishes of Royal females only. Pureblood males must obey Royal and Pure females. Turn males must obey all female Vampyres. In a case of conflict concerning the wishes of a Pure female [or Turned] and a Royal, the Royal female's wishes would over-ride the Pure's/Turn's.)
* Respect must be shown to those that are: older, higher ranking, more powerful, more knowledgeable than yourself.
Turning some one, just as rearing a child, is not something that should be taken lightly. When you Turn some one you in essence create a small child. And as the creator (or Sire) of such you have certain responsibilities cannot be neglected. You have a responsibility to closely monitor the progress of the newly born Vampyre, even as they progress into 'maturity' for a lack of a better word. You much teach them the proper ways, (*See also Laws of Vampirism) show them what is acceptable behavior, and what is not, the ranks and power structure, and teach them about their past. You must protect the Childe and provide donors as well as teach them how to properly locate their own donors once they are on their own. The behavior of your Childe reflects upon you as the Sire, you are responsible for their actions, regardless of how old the Childe becomes. Others will always look to the Sire if the Sire fails to teach the Childe properly. Your Childe will always look to you for answers, support and protection should they need it and you obligated to provide it as the Sire. As Sire you must be a teacher, friend, parent and protector. If for any reason the Sire doesn't perform their duties their clan or the Community shall replace them with another. This however, doesn't mean that a Sire can just abandon their childe. The Community greatly looks down upon and punishes this sort of behavior. Turning some one is and undertaking that must be thoroughly thought through and the would-be-Turned must be chosen with care. You have a responsibility to the Vampyre Community to Turn only those who are worthy of the Dark Gift. Use common sense and your instincts to guide your choice. If you as a Sire feel you have made a bad choice you have the responsibility to take the gift away.
A few tips for prospective Sires:
1. Always explain to your prospective child everything that they're getting into.
2. Never take someone younger than the age of 18 or spiritual maturity. This is for multiple reasons that should be obvious, the first and foremost being lawsuits.
3. If you have a structured group (clan, house, etc) follow their rules, even if you don't agree with their decision. There will be plenty of time later to explain why and what you don't agree with to your childe.
4. Give your childe all the attention and time they need during their development.
5. Screen them for the desired qualities before you start the process.
6. Don't turn some one just because your lonely.
7. Never turn some one because you care deeply for them.
It may seem like a good idea at the time, but what happens when down the road you break up and you hate each other? You are still the Sire of that Childe and you still have responsibilities to her/him. The same goes for some one who is your best friend. If you allow your emotions to cloud your judgement you will see past their faults. That is fine and well while you like each other, but it can and will cause conflicts later.
Now that you've read briefly about the responsibilities as a Sire, you must be wondering where the "How to Embrace some one" article is. There are many reasons that we do not include a "How to Embrace some one" article. For starters, this is a basic knowledge Vampyre site. There is much more to learn before you can make the decision to embrace some one. It's only logical that you cannot answer all their questions if you don't know all the answers yourself.
* We Vampyres in nature are heartless to those that offend or annoy us.
* Our emotions and feelings are usually kept hidden from those around us. Only the most sensitive individuals can detect our moods when we chose to hide them.
* We hate most things associated with the human world as most human things restrict us and we hate being restrained in any fashion.
* We are loners by nature and when we do chose to be around others, enjoy the company of a select few. (This for the most part applies to Royals, though other ranks experience this as well, though not as often.)
* We view everyone in the Community as family members and treat them as such.
* Rape, abuse, etc of children is forbidden. Killing children is forbidden. Rape in any form is also forbidden. Violating any of these is punishable by a painful and excruciating death.
* Drug abuse is unacceptable. Note that we say abuse and not use. Using them is fine; except when employed to manipulate someone to get what you want, like blood, sex, money, etc.
* To judge some one is to be judged. We do make judgments of others but that is reserved for when individuals make absolute fools of themselves.
* Adultery. This is different from clan to clan. To some clans it matters not as sex is no big thing to a Vampyre. Some take it very seriously, seeing it as a violation of loyalty, making it an unforgiveable transgression.
* Generally as a rule we don't discriminate. There are exceptions of course, such as humans, specifically the stupid individuals, and there are certain clans that loathe each other greatly. Race plays no part in discrimination.