LadyKem's Journal

LadyKem's Journal


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Questions answered...

17:02 Jan 28 2010
Times Read: 679

On 20:19:43 Jan 27 2010 (-0 GMT) Lykeros wrote:

Hey you. How goes?

Can I ask you a favor?

I know this is a pain but...

I'm doing a little research on some other (real not vr) covens and was wondering if you could help me out. When you get a chance, could you answer some of my questions? Thanks, I appreciate it.

For your coven/house:

a) is there a cost of enrollment, costs for supplies, and deeds any cost whatsoever?

b) what are their requirements to join?

c) what is attendance like? Do you meet online, in person, when or how often?

d) do you have levels? what are requirements for each, do you have choice to stay in comfort zone or exceed if you want?

e) if is required to worship specific dieties?, why?

f) can you provide proof of magic? , and guarantee one learns true magic?, are there levels of abilities. ex 1-9

g) is it a registered coven , is coven private teachings? , or are they able to have others sit in to choose by witnessing?

h) do you consider yourselves warlocks, witches, and so forth?

i) are u required to use candles , tarot, stones, or can you use the tools and be taught to learn skills with out tools?

j. are books required? and if so do you purchase them online, library and so forth.

k) Has your HP's or HPriestesses been trained by priests, or doctrines or degrees. How many years did it take them to gain their skills.

l.) is your leadership self appointed?

m.) are you able to speak to a Leader, Priest , Priestess personally or by phone email and so on or in event of emergency are you able to hold personal conversations with leaders not related to coven issues do they meet non coven related for gatherings for fun *picnics, parties for entire group, vacations so on.

Thanks, I know its a lot of questions but I'd appreciate it.


My response....

Oooh fun, I love quizes lol

A) I do not pay for enrollment, mainly I just let them pay for their ritual supplies and that's about it, but if they are hurt for money I would be more than happy to purchase their supplies and they give me an IOU. Everything I like to do is set in paperwork, so say I buy them $500 worth of supplies and they end up never/refusing to paying me back and abruptly leaving the coven, then I will have signed paper by them saying that they are responsible of paying me back that money and if need be I will take them to court for it.

B) Of course like most if not all Houses, you must be 18 or older (or the legal age in your country). This is mainly for legal matters. They also have to earn the trust of me and have the approval of our council (which people mainly like to keep at odd numbers for majority vote purposes) There is also usually an application that they must fill out (a lot of houses require an application fee, but I'm not greedy ;-P) And last but not least of what I can think of as far as requirements is that they must have an Adra, or teacher, who is willing to take them in and show them our ways until the student has reached the final outer level, or Calmae.

C) Attendance is different for every coven. It all depends on the day and how interested they are. You can't keep doing the same rituals or meetings all the time, you have to add some fun in to it. That's why I like to usually host a little party afterwards, drink and dance and play video games lol. Usually meetings or rituals are set during the weekends, unless they are holiday rituals like Samhain, then the date is all up to the calendar. Really it depends how in to your member's opinions and voices and what they want to do effects attendance.

I do meet a few people online, and I have to tell you it's a 50/50 chance you will like them. I met up with Samael on here a while back and we LOVED him, he was a great guy, funny, laid back, trying to get his shit together, and really in to the lifestyle.

But, we also met a person on here named SophiaOfwny... or something like that. It, yes I said it, lives in Rochester, which is about a 2 hour drive for us. We get there and we find out it's a young guy who uses the government to pay for his house, phone, everything. His house was a mess (he said he was just moving in, but still) but worst of all was he still had a guy voice, but dressed up like a girl and prefered we call him a girl (which is hard when he has a dude's voice). What upset me the most is this person was more worried about getting a sex change than getting his life together.

D) Every house should have levels. Since my house runs under Strigoi Vii beliefs, we have 3 outer levels and 3 inner levels that a person can be.

First there is the seeker, this isn't technically a level, but are interested in joining and are undergoing screening from the house. We allow them to read the first of our teachings, Liber Jahira. When they are finished with that and we believe they are ready to proceed, they perform their initiation rite upon the house.

After they do that, they are officially known as Jahira. Jahira is pretty much the basic knowledge of who and what we are, with the wisdom of some rituals.

Then after 90 days, if they wish, may proceed to the teachings of Liber Bellah and when finished may perform their rite into the Bellah Choir. The teachings of Bellah are mainly focused on energy work.

After 1 year and 1 day, the Bellah may then move on to our final outer choir, Calmae. Calmae dwells deeper in to the teachings and beliefs and gives you a better understanding of everything, including our rituals.

E) The beauty of Strigoi Vii is that we are not a religion, meaning that you can have what ever higher belief you may and will not be frowned upon.

F) Magic is not a major concern for out house, mainly because we are based upon three caste. The first is the Ramkht, or priest caste, these are the main energy and magic workers. Next is the Kitra, or councilor caste, these are mainly members who cycle energy, keeping everything steady and at an even rate. Finally is the Mradu, or warrior caste. This caste is mainly physical traits who are not as experienced with energy work as the Ramkht are. This is the main reason we do not worry so much about magic abilities.

G) Most Houses or Covens prefer to be kept in the shadows. Being registered would mean you are trying to reveal yourself and your members to the public world, which some may disagree upon. The furthest I will go to allowing others to participate during ritual are seekers and swans (aka donors). The reason I do this is because you can not trust people outside of the house with such knowledge, they may go running their mouths and there are threats out there, hunters are a real thing!

H) Some covens may do this, but I preferably don't. My House personally does not focus more magically than it does with it's familial bonds. Plus, those terms sound a little tacky to me.

I) The only time we really use tools is during rituals, and these all may vary greatly. Most energy work is best learned without tools, mainly because you never know when you will be needing to perform and you may not have all your belongings. There are some things that pertain to energy work though, like storing energy in to objects, which mainly we prefer objects like metal pendants or crystals because they are great conductors of energy.

J) The only books I require are Liber Jahira, Liber Bellah, and Liber Calmae. These are just so a person doesn't get lost in translation within the house. Each person has their own path which they must take on their own, if they want to learn more than is required, more power to them. Although I do provide many books in our library, many books by Michael W. Ford pertaining Luciferianism, and many books by Michelle Belanger, who is one of the founders of the Strigoi Vii path. I do plan to get many more books though for things such as Shamanism and astral travel and things like that.

K) In order to be the HP you must have some background of energy work. Taking outside classes for things such as Reiki are a plus. Being a HP is a very high roll, since it is the most difficult caste to master and you are also a member of the Council of three (1 priest, 1 councilor, 1 warrior, all the highest of their caste)

L) I am not too sure what you mean by self appointed, but I'm going to take a guess. You will only progress by how you present yourself to the council and me. If you ask for the inner teachings, you will not get them. This is just by the simple statement, "you don't deserve what you ask for". If you want to progress in this house, you have to show some effort.

M) If a person wants to bring forth news to the House, it is best done during a meeting. Unless it is urgent and cannot wait, you may contact your Adra for assistance. But if you feel it is a whole house matter, let your Adra know and they will address the matter to me and the council. Remember, bringing too much drama onto yourself looks bad in front of the house. Also, anything you do, your Adra is held responsible for until you become Calmae.

Anything that I didn't make out clearly enough just ask, always a pleasure.

In blood and shadow,

Lady Kem



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