An Introduction
Vampyres possess many skills and abilities, far more than I have the time or interest to document and write how-tos for. Use of one's abilities initially comes via instinct but will require practice and time to hone into a real skill or useful ability. Much of it is a lot of trial and error, but don't give up. Remember also that a skill is only useful if it is used, and much like brain or muscle tissue, will deteriorate if not used. Our first and most basic skill, and the one the comes naturally to us all is the manipulation of energy. Almost all skills that come after use this first skill at least partly, so it is important to practice this skill and become well versed in it. Energy manipulation is really only just extending your awareness to include your energy and using your mind and thoughts to command it at will. Focus is an essential part of energy manipulation. It is also important that you do not doubt yourself and have confidence in yourself and your abilities or whatever you try will not work, just like with the practice of magic. Below are some skills that include this ability that are pretty simple to do for any Vampyre, regardless of their progress.
Augmentation is essentially using your own energy through the command of your will to go beyond the limitations of your body. Again, focus is important and so is your confidence. Know that you can do this, don't just simply think it. Start by extending your awareness to include your energy and gather it at the center of your being. As you gather this energy pick a specific intent for it, as in running faster, seeing farther, raising your pain tolerance, healing faster, lasting longer in a sports game, etc. Now that you have a specific intent in mind, force the energy through out your body. You have just used augmentation. The more you practice this skill, the longer you will be able implement it. Realize however, that use of this skill as with almost any skill, will increase the 'burn' rate of your energy meaning that you will have to feed more often to replenish yourself.
The Energy Ball
This is exactly what the name implies, a ball of energy. Also known as the chi or ki ball and is quite simple to perform. Begin by placing your hands in front of yourself and cupping them, slightly apart with the palms facing each other. As soon as you do this you should feel energy gathering in the space between your palms. If you push your hands together a little you should be able to feel the energy give slightly while at the same time offering a slight resistance. Using your hands, form the energy into a ball. Know that you can form the energy into whatever shape you desire, but for now I'm keeping it simple in choosing the form of a ball. Now that you have crafted a ball of energy you may charge it with an element, emotion or sensation if you like. You can throw an energy ball at people and most people will react to it, though those who are not sensitive to energies will not understand what it is that struck them unless you choose to charge it will a specific sensation.
You go to bed feeling exhausted. You dream, a rather realistic seeming dream about feeding, perhaps on some one you know. You awaken feeling refreshed and ready to go. You happen to run into the person you dreamed about later in the day, or perhaps they even give you a call. You discover that you both had the same dream and realize that it was more than a dream. The person you fed from may even have marks on their body where you fed from and they are a complete contrast to your energized, happy self. You wonder what this strange experience might be.
For an underfed, energy starved Vampyre this can be a common occurrence. Most Vampyres will experience this at least once in their life. This experience is known as dreamwalking and it is a survival mechanism, a default setting if you will that ensures you get the energy you need one way or another. It is mostly an unconscious process, but it doesn't have to be. You can learn to control it in time and with practice, but if you neglect yourself or for whatever reason are unable to get the energy you require, the survival mechanism will kick in again whether you desire it to or not.
Dreamwalking is a talent largely used by Astral Vampyres. However Astral Vampyres consciously control their dreamwalking, unlike the example given above, which is usually the case for Sangs and Psys. Sangs and Psys can consciously dreamwalk, but rarely do because it is in their nature to obtain energy in other fashions.
Basic Healing
As Vampyres energy manipulation is second nature for us. Though we already have increased healing time when compared to humans, sometimes you just need something to heal faster than usual. Gather some of your energy and send it to the afflicted area. Some people use their hands to channel the energy, do what works for you. Charge that energy with the intent of healing. Visualize your body on the cellular level, will it to send more blood, antibodies and white blood cells to the area. Will your cell growth to increase and visualize the flesh knitting itself back together. If it is a broken bone, visualize the broken ends coming together and knitting. Fill the area of the wound with as much energy as you can spare. Once you have done this and you feel you have accomplished all that you can, gradually decrease the amount of energy you send into the area until the flow finally ceases. This is the simplest, most basic form of healing.
Advanced Healing
Not all things that cause a wound or illness necessarily have a physical cause but are instead something subtle. In this case, expand your awareness to the internal level of the afflicted and seek out the cause. It may appear as a dark area or spot, or just a sensation of perhaps pain or coldness. When you locate it use your energy and hands to pull it out and throw it away. Do not take such energy into yourself as it may cause serious problems for yourself.
There are times when a wound or illness has both a subtle and physical cause. Should this be the case, follow the steps in the paragraph above first before healing it on a physical level. If you were only to heal the physical problem and leave the subtle one, the physical one would eventually resurface.
Filters & Shields
The nature of a Vampyre is to feed on the energy of others, be it through blood, pranic energy, or the energy of dreams. Anyway you look at it there is energy flowing into a Vampyre at almost anytime. Due to this fact, shields do little good for a Vampyre. What sense does it really make to cut oneself off from that which sustains us? Filters make far more sense for our kind. Filters serve the exact purpose that their name implies, to filter out that which is unwanted. Filters can be used in place of a shield, and can be created to filter out whatever you wish. To create a filter begin as you would to create a shield, but instead imagine it to be a screen-like mesh that blocks out what you wish to keep out of yourself while allowing everything else through. Focus on that which you wish to keep out while crafting your filter. Conversely, you can use a filter to only allow in one type of energy while blocking out everything else. In this way when you draw energy from an individual you can use your filter to block out everything except the effect of the intoxicant they are under the influence of. You essentially rob the person of their high while experiencing the effect yourself, without actually having to ingest the intoxicant yourself. Though you can do this from a distance it works best when there is physical contact with the person. Once you have had your fill of the experience you can remove the intoxicant from your system. Look within yourself on the subtle level, find the cause of the intoxication, gather it up and release it outside of your body. If you have actually ingested the intoxicant the above mentioned process will work, but to a lesser degree. You should be able to use your Vampyre to override the rest of the effects.
Shields are often used for protection from attacks but as I mentioned above, being what we are makes a shield not the optimal choice for us. Energy manipulation is second nature for most Vampyres, so in an attack situation we need only use the abilities we already have. Our abilities afford us several options. You can use a filter to strip the attack of the harmful intent, send it back to the sender, drain the attacker or any shields they have, or you can take it into yourself. For the filter option see the above paragraph. The second option involves taking the attack, converting it and sending it back to whom ever sent it to you. If you are unsure from where the attack originated, trace it back to its source as you would a link or tendril of energy. You can then use this link to drain the attacker. You may also drain any shield the attacker has. If you choose the latter you will have to break down the energy yourself, a process that your body normally does on it's own. Just strip it of everything and make it into neutral energy. This all boils down to energy, which is something that we can manipulate.
Colors of the Aura and Common Interpretations
Please keep in mind that these are the common interpretations of the colors, but they are not necessarily set in stone. These colors may have different meanings to you.
Possible Interpretations
Red: The color of strong energy, fire and primal creative force. It is the hot, life-promoting energy. It can indicate strong passion, mind and will. A dynamic color that can reflect anger, love, hate and unexpected changes. It can also indicate new birth and transmutation. It effects the circulatory system of the body, reproductive (sexual energy) and an awakening of latent abilities and talents. Too much red or muddiness can reflect over stimulation, inflammation or imbalance. It can also reflect nervousness, temper, aggression, impulsiveness or excitement.
Orange: The color of warmth, creativity and emotions. It can indicate courage, joy and socialness. It can reflect an opening of new awareness (especially in subtle realms, {aka the astral plane} of life). It can also indicate emotional imbalances and agitation, depending on the shade. Muddier shades of orange can mean pride and flamboyance. It can also reflect worry and vanity.
Yellow: One of the easiest colors to see. Pale yellow around the hairline can indicate optimism. It's the color of mental activity and new sunshine. It can reflect new learning opportunities, lightness, wisdom and intellect. The more pastel shades can often reflect an enthusiasm for something in life, the power of ideas and spiritual development(especially in the pale yellow to white spectrum). It can represent the awakening psychic abilities and clairsentience. Deeper and muddier shades can reflect excessive thinking and analyzing. It can reflect being overly critical, feelings of being deprived of recognition and being dogmatic.
Green: The color of sensitivity and growing compassion. It reflects growth, sympathy and calm. It can reflect a person who is reliable, dependable and open-minded. Bright greens moving toward the blue spectrum in the aura indicate healing ability. It's a color of abundance, strength and friendliness. The muddier or darker shades can reflect uncertainty and miserliness. The muddier shades often reflect jealously and possessiveness as well. It can indicate self-doubt and mistrust.
Blue: The next easiest color to see in the aura. It's the color of calm and quietness. It reflects devotion, truth and seriousness. It can indicate the ability for clairaudience and for the development of telepathy. The lighter shades reflect an active imagination and good intuition. The deeper shades can indicate a sense of loneliness, which on one level reflects a life-long quest for the Divine. The deeper shades also reflect devotion. Royal blue shades indicate honesty and good judgment. They can also indicate the person has found or is about to find her chosen work. The muddier shades can reflect blocked perceptions, melancholy, rushing and worrying, domineering, fearfulness, forgetfulness and over sensitivity.
Violet and Purple: The color of warmth and transmutation. The color of the bleeding of the heart and the mind, the physical with the spiritual. It reflects independence and intuition, as well as dynamic and important dream activity. It can reflect an ability to handle affairs with practically and worldliness. The paler shades and lighter shades can reflect humility and spirituality. The red-purple shades can indicate great passion or strength of will. They may also reflect a need for greater individual effort. The darker and muddier shades can reflect a need to overcome something. They can also reflect intense erotic imaginations. Tendencies toward being overbearing, needing sympathy and feeling misunderstood are also reflected in muddier shades.
Pink: The color of compassion, love, purity. It can reflect joy and comfort and a strong sense of companionship. It can indicate the quiet, modest type of individual, along with love of art and beauty. It can also reflect immaturity, especially the muddier shades. It can reflect truthfulness or lack of it. It can also reflect times of new love and new vision.
Gold: Reflects dynamic spiritual energy and a true coming into one's own power. It reflects higher energies of devotion and a restoration of harmony. It indicates a times of revitalizing. Muddier shades can indicate the person is still in the process of awakening higher inspiration and has still not clarified it yet within her life. It reflects the alchemical process still being active, i.e. the person is still working to turn the lead of her life into gold.
White: Often seen in the aura prior to any colors. It's often seen as a diaphanous shade. When it does appear in the aura its often in conjunction with other colors. This is how you know whether it is an actual energy color or just a poor perception. When the white does appear it reflects truth and purity. It indicates that the energy of the individual is cleansing and purifying itself. It often reflects an awakening of greater creativity as well.
Gray: The color of initiation. It can indicate movement toward unveiling innate abilities. Those shades of gray that lean more toward the silver reflect an awakening of the feminine energies. These are the energies and abilities of illumination, intuition and creative imagination. The darker shades of gray can indicate physical imbalances, especially if seen next to specific areas of the physical body. They can also indicate a need to leave no task undone. Much gray in the aura can indicate a person who is secretive and who is the lone wolf type.
Brown: Often appears in the aura. Although many think it reflects a lack of energy or an imbalance, this isn't always so. When it is seen in the aura, especially around the head and feet, it can reflect new growth. It indicate establishing new roots and the desire to accomplish. It can reflect industry and organization. But brown across the face or touching the head may indicate a lack of and need for discrimination. If seen in the areas of the chakras can indicate cleaning of those centers are needed. It can indicate a blockage in those areas. It can also reflect problems in the physical, but don't jump to conclusion. Feedback from the person is the best means of understanding it.
Black: One of the most confusing colors in the aura. It's a color of protection. It can shield an individual from outside energies. It can also indicate that a person has secrets. Can also indicate that a new understanding of burdens and sacrifices is going to manifest. It can indicate imbalances. Physical imbalances often appear as black or darken areas in the aura around the physical body. In the outer edges of the aura black can indicate holes or tears in the auric field.
Silver Twinkles: Often appear as soft twinkling lights with in the aura, usually very sparkly and in silver in color. They can mean many things. They are almost always a sign of great creativity and fertility. When they appear in the aura of a person it indicates the creativity is being activated within the individual's life. When seen around women they often indicate fertility and pregnancy. They are always present around women who are pregnant or have delivered a child within the past six to nine months. You must remember though that not every one that has the twinkles is pregnant.
You must remember that when you are observing someone else's aura you are doing so through your own aura. Because of this the colors you observe may not be the actual colors in the person's aura. For instance, if your aura is yellow and the other person's is blue you will see green as the colors of the two auras blend together. Just something to keep in mind.
The information about the colors was compiled from experiences of the author, other individuals and a book called "How to See and Read the Aura" by Ted Andrews.
Order I: What is the word lycan mean?
Order II: What is otherkin?
Order III: What does a lycan entail?
Order IV: What are Totem Spirits
Order V: What are the four types of shifting
Order VI: The Awakening of Lycans
Order VII: Manifestation of Lycans
Order VIII: How do Zoans communicate with the host
Order IX: Furries Vs Weres
Order X: A little bit of Demonology
I shall refer to the subjects with in this text as "Lycanthropes, Lycans, Werewolves" But I also mean to say Otherkin at the same time, this saves on length of this text. Thank you for understanding this.
Order I:
The word, Lycan, Derived from Lycos, meaning wolf. Anthrope, Meaning of man,man, human. Together these words are said to be Wolfman or werewolf. Zoanthropes Zoan meaning of all animals and anthrope, Were Animals. Another word you should know of is Therianthropy. Therianthropy is basically another way of saying Zoanthropy
Order II:
Otherkin. This word describes the rest of the Zoanthropic community. In this sense, If you are a werewolf, a Were cat, for example would be otherkin. Otherkin in the big picture means "Other family" since animals are all one big happy order.
Order III:
A Lycan or Zoan is a human body that is a symbiotic host to other animal spirits/demons that inhabit the body for an unique purpose. Most spirits are guides to the host and help the spirit barrier make the proper decisions in his/her life on the journey that they so choose to take. A lycan can possess spiritual energy enhancement with in the aura and biorhythm of the human soul. Bonding is much more powerful, enhanced, and more swift than a normal human.
The senses of a zoan also may be adequately augmented a bit. And sensory perception will be quite powerful at times. Moon phases may cause the spirit(s) to manifest themselves in different augmented behaviors.
Order IV:
Totem spirits are mostly of the belief of the Indians of north America. There are other origins of this type of manifestation dealing with spiritual entities living with in a human host. The totem spirit is assigned to a person at birth and will teach and guide that subject until their corruption or death.
These spirits are very gentle and wise, they do not cause burdens or curses as some people would say. They are there to watch over you and protect you. Aggressive dominant spirits may be harder to control in the urges and must be worked with immediately after awakening (See below).
Order V:
The four types of shifting. Shifting is a complicated matter. Some are real some are false in my opinion. They are: Mental Shift, Physical Shift, Spirit Shift, Planal Shift.
Mental: One who mentally shifts experiences a transformation of the body into animal body parts growing out the regular human body parts. This can only be seen and felt by the Zoan that is experiencing this. Mental shifts can be mild to extremely intense, possibly covering the whole body.
Physical: This is where I draw the line between reality and falsity. You may believe what you wish but I do not believe in this power. A physical shifter is one who can change their bodies into another species of animal.
Spiritual: This is where an animal spirit changes a human host into an Therianthrope (see Order I). Spirit shifters are the most common of the 4 and the most realistic and closest form of being a Zoanthrope.
Planal: This refers to one who has been able to shift into an animal or other being with in the Astral Plane or other planes for that matter. In dream states of meditative out of body states the subject can travel into a plane and shift and be free of their human bodies.
Order VI:
Awakenings are very special times, almost like birth days of the spirit itself. Animal Spirits awaken at a young age about the same time puberty happens. The spirit finds that you are mature to begin guidance and comes into play. If for some reason you aren't ready the spirit will wait until you are. This is rare but happens. Some don't awaken until they are 30 years of age.
When you awaken you are most likely to understand this in four concepts. Meditative Vision, Dream, Occurrences, and occurrences. You can have a vision of a wolf or such trying to lead you to a destination. Or a dream about wolves and a wolf pack and some other instance of freedom. or or you can have an occurrence of a wolf in nature in real life come and show you its friendship or even see the spirit itself with out dream or vision. and you may have deeply thought revelations of who you really are. Sometimes there is a mixture of the four.
Order VII:
Lycanthropes, among otherkin in general manifest themselves. There are many different ways that I have known Lycans to be.
a. Visionaries
b. Alphas
c. Subordinates
d. Furries (a mixture of were and the furry fandom)
e. Loners
f. Witness's
g. Abominations
h. Polyshift
i. Guardians
j. Corrupted
To explain in detail:
A. Visionaries:
A visionary is one who sets out on a quest to better the lycan kind. They have a mission of a specific task or tasks. They are most likely leaders maybe even Alphas or Lonewolves, and/or Elders.
B. Alphas:
An Alpha is the highest ranking wolf in an organized pack. These are true leaders and should be held with great respect. An Alpha has an important role in the community, gathering pack members into organizations to perform tasks with in the community by leading them properly and teaching his/her pack disciples the correct ways of the wolf and the pack. This structure keeps the community on its toes moving to the rhythm of the Lycan day and night.
C. Subordinates:
These are those who follow the alpha or betas with in the pack. They are the citizens of the city and help get things done in the pack and give the pack the reason for its existence. subordinates shall not be treated wrongly they are loyal and well loved as well as any other rank in the pack. These include Subordinates in general, and Omegas. Omegas are those in the pack that keep it stable, with love and playfulness, most are pups that seek maturity and are there with a purpose of giving the pack new spirit and new blood.
D. Furries:
Furries are usually (not always) people who enjoy Animal shift so much that they play it on the internet, stories artwork, and in real life with fur costumes. These people have a life style of the sort and are happy go lucky people. some furries are were's some aren't, In my expeditions I have found most of them aren't they just like to hang out that way.
E. Loners:
Loners (like lonewolves) are those who take no heading to the community and/or packs. They are on there own to find themselves and their ways. Loners can one day join the pack and become an alpha, or they can continue to be submissive. A loner is a special breed all to their own. The psychological makeup is different normally, than most lycans.
F. Witnesses:
These are those who are hidden behind the scenes posing or being another role with in these roles. (Mind you, that anyone in these roles can be more than one manifestation). A witness will see what happens with in the community and will learn the secrets of the good, the bad, and the ugly.
They will witness the coming events of good fortune for our kind or the horrible corrupted slaughter of our kindred. They see every moving moment weather it be bad or good. They see and feel things most don't understand. If you happen to meet one of these, be kind or face their Wrath for these are filled with emotions beyond any others.
G: Abominations:
These are very controversial were's. They have the ability to be both Werewolf and Vampire at the same time. They are polyshift in a way only the other is a demon/spirit of a vampiric nature. These aren't necessarily more powerful but they have the ability to take energy from other sources and feed on it better than lycans can. But that is also a weakness. All creatures are balanced, so are abominations.
H. Polyshift:
A polyshift is a multiple spirit inhabited human host. This person may have a wolf, a hyena, a whale, whatever it may may be. It isn't uncommon to have multiple spirits. But some say there are deities that watch over them that can be confused as spirits with in the body. So be careful.
I: Guardians:
Guardians are those who feel they are defending the earth against evil corrupted individuals both otherkin or human. Guardians must be especially careful how they act against or for any other creature on this planet. They are here to protect their kin from any uprisings that may be obstacles to the movement of the Were communities. Good judgment and guidance of the heart, will bring good quests to save us from those who wish to hurt us to an end.
J: Corrupted:
Those are disdained for being in this category beware. These are the unjust wrongful people of the lycan community they seek with malice to hurt the community or hurt other individuals that are only trying to understand themselves. They have gave up their spirits to being tainted. trapping the spirit inside the fowl body until it finally dies. These should be kept away from the community at all costs banned from the society of otherkin. They act with hate and malice instead of acceptance and love. After all these years of pain and torture to our wolven brothers in the wilderness the wolf has never hated man kind, only have been protective against those who hunt them. Hate is NOT an emotion of animals. Out of all the time I ever felt an aura of an animal I have never felt hate even when they are abused by owners.
Order VIII:
There is a metaphysical / paraphysical process that this works with. There are 3 components, the Flesh (mind included) The Soul and Spirit, and the Biorhythm and Aura of the human body. The spirit sends its signals into the aura, which then is converted by the Biorhythm with in the body into a form of energy that can be interpreted by the brain by E.S.P. (Extra Sensory Perception) Signaling. This is known as a M.S.C.P. (Metaphysical Signaling Conversion Process). Once this signal is handed down from the spirit to the brain. It is interpreted as thoughts with in the mind, or dreams, or visions. The thoughts are not like schizophrenia type voices. They are simple revelational thoughts that inspire you into the right path of life. They will also teach you as well. Most elder Lycans will learn a great deal from this method and become wise faster than the human host could ever get.
Order IX:
On the topic again about Furries and Weres. Most furries are not all Otherkin, a lot have the spirit but Furry fandom is not a spiritual belief it is a lifestyle. Furries can be anything in belief maybe no belief at all.
Order X:
Demonology is a touchy subject. Those who have demons inside them are very defined. For example, one who is an abomination could have both spirits entwined into one. Forming a demon entity. Demons are higher level muninal spirits that are made up of smaller ancient spirits rolled up into one higher level spirit. Munin is a term for ancient spirits acting as a collective to form a similar task. Demons manifest them selves as many things, very little is known about them. A lot of religious beliefs claim they know demons in specifics I'm not sure about any of these claims, that is out of the scope of our lexicon. Just remember what a demon is composed of and how it works with multiple spirits with in a body.