here is what lies within a misunderstood mind, here is what lies within a misunderstood heart, the matter of who loves who, the matter of certainty is unknown. Same goes for the fact of us trying to find a sense of clarity, the sense of right and wrong. The matter of regret, giving up what we held dear wether we gave it up for a pretty face, or some other matter. In this case the matter lies in the hands of the womanly beloved. Her love lingering in this mans hands, as he pushes her away to be with his "significant" other, as he has already claimed to let go, while she herself has not. All the while here in her heart this poor soul, an empty blank mind, wanting that feeling of redemption the lingering of his embrace yet his elegance in his name. He lives so close yet so far from her. Love is to be Burned, as hate is soon to be loved.
~Indra sian April 28th, 2008 in rememberance of what ashes lingers in the memories.
23:20 May 21 2008
..unrequited love? ..a bitter-taste.