Every Sunday, I do laundry. I seperate the clothes and place them around the laundry area, back in our Dining Room/Laundry Room. I usually start with the darks and end with whites. But due to this, I did it opposite.
Don't mind this....its not a rant, or not a big one, just things that are going through my head.
Apparently Portland mayor, has fired the current police chief and replaced her. Statement made yesterday by the new chief, "Portland is the safest it has been in many years." This is followed by the report of the dead body found, the police officer shot and the protesters walking through downtown Portland. Yeah right....safe! NOT!
People are up in arms about the immigration. I am of two minds. You need to remember, we are all immigrants to this nation, save the Native Americans. It hasn't been long, since we have demanded that people that live here, become citizens. I agree that they need to become citizens to get the benefits, such as welfare and disability, but it comes down to the government to enforce that. Again, its left in the Governments hands. So, I don't have much hope. If that governor, takes it upon herself to make a state law about immigrants, kudos to her. At least someone is stepping up to the plate.
I wish The Biggest Loser would go back to being an uplifting show and not drop down to the level of Survivor. I also wish they would do a show, for those of us that are disabled. Everyone they show, are people that simply need a kick in the ass, to get exercising and loose weight. What about us with disabilities, that can't run, that can't walk on a treadmill (my foot drags so I tend to trip). What of us that eat nutritiously, but simply can't get the cardio, due to the disabilities. I'm not just talking about Multiple Sclerosis, but what of those with scleroderma, severe Asthma or those in wheelchairs. Help us reach the same level, teach us that there is hope for us too, other than to have our doctors pat our heads and say, "Do the best that you can, but you need to loose weight."
And Lastly.....
Someone made mention to me, that they wished they could be disabled like me. To sit down and relax and not do anything all day. Well folks, here's a hint. Unless you have an established hobby, its boring as hell. Remember, I was a active EMT/Firefighter, when I was diagnosed. I went from working sometimes 18 hours a day, helping my community, to barely being able to get out of bed and take a shower! Its not a vacation folks. I deal with days of vertigo, pain and the inability to walk straight. I am forgetful, sometimes to the point of being in tears because I forgot something important. If you want my life, fine, sure. You can have it. But you have to take on the diagnosis of Chronic Fatigue and Multiple Sclerosis to get it. You have to take on the pain, the spasms that rock your body so violently, that even perfect strangers come up and ask if you are okay. You have to take on the loss of feeling in your feet, that comes and goes, sometimes as quickly as taking a step. This is not the life I choose for myself. At times its frustrating and it is extremely demeaning that although my mind is intact, my body can't do the job that I love. It destroys your self confidence and self esteem. I am not taking a vacation folks, I am attempting to survive.
You fight harder to survive than most realize. Your MS, your life, has made you the incredibly strong woman I know and love. Remember that for me?
I applaud you everyday, and especially when I read what you go though. While I do not have MS, one of my aunts does and I watch her suffer, I do go through a lot of what you do with my condition (it runs very close ties with chronic fatigue to the point that the same specialists run appointments for both). I actually do not talk to a lot of people because they can not FATHOM what pain and exhaustion I go through, and want to complain about being tired after a 15 minute walk when I get wore out moving from one end of the house to the other...
I agree, it is not a vacation. There are many days I think back to what I used to be able to do even a year and half ago, and wonder where that person is...
Just try to remember every time someone says it that you are stronger than they will ever realize. You are a fighter to take everyday as you can, doing what you can.... Those that don't understand would never wish these kind of conditions on anyone, let alone you (or themselves).
Saturday, it was beautiful outside. Sunny, blue skies and about 70 degrees, with no Hail, Rain or clouds in sight. So, I nudged and cajoled until LordV relented and we went to the Apple Tree Park. One of the many historical parks around the area.
It is situated, right on the Columbia River, next to the Interstate Bridge. There is a section of the bridge that is a drawbridge, so that the larger boats of the areas, including battleships can travel up and down the river. As you can see from the pictures, it was a beautiful, peaceful day.
We decided to pack a lunch and take Maddie along and arrived to a sweet little park, full of rolling hills and little paths. Sorry we didn't take more pictures, but we were enjoying the stir of excitement that Maddie caused.
As always, Maddie enjoys being outside, but one other thing she enjoys, is toddlers and kids. As we were walking up, all the toddlers and kids in the area stopped playing, just to watch Maddie. One toddler, walking with her grandfather, stood and stared at her. Her grandfather said she was scared of dogs, but I saw a little smile on her face. So, I brought Maddie over to her and when she didn't move, I grabbed her hand, opening it, to hold it in front of Maddie's nose. Maddie give it a snip and a bit of a lick, which sent the toddler into gleeful screams. I again grabbed her hand and showed her how to pet Maddie. She was smiling and kept turning to her Grandfather and babbling.
As we moved on, she made a lot of people laugh, just from her jaunty step. As we sat down at the top of one of the hills, another toddler came toddling up, with her father following her. She was simply adorable and we found out her name was Madelyn. She wasn't scared of Maddie, but I again, had to teach her how to approach Maddie, allow Maddie to smell her and how to pet her properly. This child would come over to us, three more times, through the time we were there, to pet Maddie or to offer her treats. One of the last times, she bent down, over Maddie and gave her a big hug from behind. All Maddie did, was try to crane her head to see who was hugging her.
With that hug, Maddie sat up and Madelyn stuck out her chin, right in Maddies face. Maddie, very carefully and tentatively, slowly came closer and closer to Madelyn's face and gave her a very tiny lick. Again, a shriek of laughter erupted from this tiny child. The father looked stricken. Apparently, they had recently gotten rid of one of their dogs, a Labrador retriever. Apparently, he had nipped Madelyn in the face. After careful questioning, I discovered that apparently the dog had a open sore on his front forepaw. The father admitted that it was possible that Madelyn had stepped on it, but they couldn't have the dog nipping the baby.
I tried to explain the pack mentality, but gave up when he said that they were going to get rid of the other dog they had, due to it being too big. Its frustrating to know that there are some people out there, that don't realize that when you bring a baby home, you need to retrain the household pets, along with the rule to never leave a child alone with a dog, until they are older. Oh well, some people have no common sense.
Here are some pictures, mostly of Maddie but we did have a wonderful time.
Love the pictures. :) Wonderful dog, water, boats... makes you want to be there.