I am a survivor!!
13:03 Feb 08 2014
Times Read: 343
Well it is confirmed I am having the Hysterectomy. TI has been set for March 10th. I am 43 years old, and I have no childre, and no one special in my life. As much as I would LOVE to have a child, I can always adopt if someone special comes my way. THe doctor suspects endometriosis and it is time for me to stop being in pain.
Most people think I am a fine because I a survivor! I wake up everyday in a huge amount of pain from past medical issues. BUT I go on. You can choose to mope, an say OH POOR ME, and sit in pain, or you can get up, put your make up on, do your hair, get dressed and you can push yourself everyday to go a little further. I choose the later. Some days are hard and it is hard to function, and yeah someways I can be a complainer, because we all have our bad days, it is a fact of life. However, the moral of the story is, FIGHT, be a survivor and be thankful for what you have.
THe GOddess has been very good to me. I do live with many diagnosis every day, that are being treated, yet they are being treated. The goddess has plans for me on this earth, I have met so many friends, and they touch my life in so many ways, and I guess I touch there's as well. I am thankful for my life. I am even thankful for my pain as it reminds me that each day it gives me something a new to fight for and reminds us that a scar as been created that makes us the person that stands before us.
Yes I am a survivor. and it will be a new step in my life to have this surgery on the 10th of March, but I am ready for it! Who knows wha the future will bring, but I know the goddess will take care of me as she always does, and my friends will be there to support me, you are all great. Thank you!.
Thank you Isis for being so Good to me!
17:10 Feb 16 2014
yes you are and I love you