LacyLashes's Journal

LacyLashes's Journal


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16 entries this month

Spinning Stops

03:36 Sep 30 2011
Times Read: 470

So much has been going on lately, it's set the world to spinning. Shut off my phone, got some gentle music playing, taking it easy.

Sometimes you just have to sit still until the spinning stops.




Next Art Event

17:57 Sep 28 2011
Times Read: 475

I can't wait for the next Art Event! I had such a wonderful time. I'm always a bit shy the first time I go anywhere I've never been before, but now that I know what there is to it; I can hardly wait at all to go back.

I'm busily working on my projects. It's my goal to have an entire outfit made (finger crocheted) by the time I get there. The whole outfit. Dress, lingerie, bag, hat, mask, boots, stockings. It's a little ambitious, but if I keep at it I just might.





Giving Myself A Lecture

17:48 Sep 28 2011
Times Read: 478

Just working out what to do about certain situations as they arise can be tear your hair out not worth it.

There is nothing I can do about it at the moment, and I am not going to make myself crazy trying to figure it out.

I'm just going to leave it lie for now and wait until the shock of it has passed to try and come up with solutions.




Using My Manners

14:47 Sep 28 2011
Times Read: 486

I am in love with that tree. I wish it lived in my backyard so that I could sit with it all the time. Instead, it is in someone else's yard, so I can only slow in passing and listen to it's whispers in the wind a moment or two..perhaps glance my fingers along the crimson leaves that hang on a low branch.

I would take a picture of it, but that's seems almost sacriligous..and rude, to capture it so without it's permission.

For something that lays down roots, I would imagine that sort of Freedom would be important to it.

I just love it, this tree I call Finery Tree.



15:04 Sep 28 2011

I'm jealous of you getting to see the tree..

If you do convince yourself to take a sneek picture of it, please post for the whole world to enjoy it's beauty? :)

Would be utmost appreciated :)


Not Today Not Today

11:10 Sep 28 2011
Times Read: 489

Got up this morning bright and early before the Sun. There's a load of laundry in and things half begun. In a little while I'll throw them in the dryer and wake my daughter for her morning shower. I'll prep things and start our breakfast and pull out the laundry hot and fresh to fold.

We'll scurry and hurry to finish all the little getting readies and then we'll scamper out the door and hightail it to her school. I'll kiss her goodbye until this afternoon and then rush home to finish a million other chores before my real work begins..

..or I'll be lazy and take a nap and fool around online once the chores are through.

Because I have the kind of job where I can say..not today..not today.. every once in awhile.

That often makes me smile.




Was Made To Smile This Morning

17:24 Sep 27 2011
Times Read: 491

I was so very touched this morning.

I was standing in line at the checkout with a coffee for my morning walk, and a little bag of trail mix for breakfast; just as the cashier was ringing things up I heard a voice behind me say, "I'll get hers Ma'm."

I turned around to see a kindly older gentlemen there. I protested,

"Oh no thank you, you don't need to do that, I couldn't.."

He interrupted me,

"I see you all the time walking around, volunteering places and helping folks out. I'm paying and you can just shush alright?"

I thought I would die blushing, but I couldn't protest anymore without being rude.

What a kind deed, it certainly made my day! :D



15:01 Sep 28 2011

And there you go! There is still love and kindness in this world and can come from the most unexpected places..

Kudos to you for helping people and making the world a better place!

I imagine this to be a "thank you" from the world to you :)


After School Special

15:58 Sep 26 2011
Times Read: 493

Ever known someone who is addicted to "schock factor?"

They go from thing to thing, searching out the next big controversy? I personally believe it's an addiction of sorts. They have to do whatever it takes to conform themselves to "non conformity"..all in the name of "being themselves."

It kind of steals from folk who really are just being who they are, and in the meantime, robs these individuals of any real self-identity they might have had.

There should be an after-school special or something. ;P




Fresh Out of My Own Words

07:18 Sep 21 2011
Times Read: 505

The only way that I can sum up the way I feel tonight, because I am just getting too silly with it for words.





14:36 Sep 20 2011
Times Read: 512

This song is my entire being today!



14:39 Sep 20 2011

It's a little cheesy and a bit over the top romantic, but it's darling and I melt for violins.


Beautiful Morning

12:49 Sep 20 2011
Times Read: 513

I am so happy this morning I could do cartwheels and I just might try. Had a beautiful breakfast and having some delicious hot tea. Everything tastes better on a morning like this one. I feel like a cat stretching beautifully in the Sun, or a plant during a nice gentle rain. Like everything is right with the World.

I know this feeling won't last forever, but I'm going to savor every single solitary moment of it.




Homemade Lullabye

05:50 Sep 20 2011
Times Read: 516

I am awash and quivering. Flushed and shivering.

Maybe this should be a poem it's gotten me so expressive. (lol)

I need to lie down and get to sleep, but I'm not even sure if it's possible at this point.

I think the only lullabye that's going to work tonight is going to involve a loud cracking noise. (And no I'm not talking about suicide or guns, and yes, I am deliberately being vague.) Sorry, don't mean to leave anyone out on this one, but I kind of have to.

Well, off to it.




Breaking Wishes

23:16 Sep 19 2011
Times Read: 520

This Winter is positively going to be a balancing act. I have to work hard to keep the stepping stone into the life I want for my family and myself firmly in place, all the while keeping myself sane enough to manage that feat.

I have new steps to take and old habits I am still breaking to worry about.

And I have some real issues I must address, because they always seem to get worse as the Winter months approach. I have to secure something for myself as soon as possible, and there are all kinds of criteria to meet revolving around it.

I wish it was as simple as it once was. But see, wishing is one of those bad habits I need to continue breaking..




Sugar Cookies YUM

21:29 Sep 19 2011
Times Read: 522

Eating homemade sugar cookies I just baked, getting ready to have a nice cup of hot tea and try to warm up a bit. It's awfully chilly today. I do hope it's not frigid and raining the next three days. I've got to walk her to practice and we both will have to suffer through the biting cold. I suppose I could walk laps around the practice field while she practices. At least I'll keep warmer.

Ah, until then, it's the little electric heater, warm nummies and my cozy dry socks. :D




I Confuse Myself Sometimes

06:18 Sep 19 2011
Times Read: 527

Had an encounter with someone tonight that, while brief, was so intoxicating to my memory..overcoming my natural instincts in that situation was nearly impossible.

I refrained from picking up on all the cues and responding in like. I held back everything screaming in me with a Will I didn't know I possessed.

It would have been so easy. It would have been so simple. It would have been so welcome.

How can you be proud of yourself and pissed at yourself at the same time?

And how am I ever going to go to sleep now?




Verbal Handholding

19:34 Sep 13 2011
Times Read: 540

He called me today. I know he's been gone for less than 24hrs, but it was such a relief just to chat with him for a few minutes. I've been a little overemotional about everything lately. I haven't had my hormones for a few months and it's kind of taken it's toll..those things can play havoc with your emotions.

I do love him immensely, but I like to think that I am normally a fairly rational person. I don't like to cry, although I recognize it's healthy to a little bit..once in awhile. I detest losing my temper, although that happens far more often then I like to admit. I like being in control of how I express my emotions..and it makes me crazy when they are more intense than they really are. (Don't know how to explain that one, I suppose you'll understand if you've been through it.)

Feeling tons better since that phone call though. A little verbal handholding, even from a distance, can be a small miracle on a day like this. I'm so glad he thought of me as busy as he is. :D




Letting Him Go

04:53 Sep 13 2011
Times Read: 544

My husband just left to go for training. He'll be going to Afghanistan when they are through. I might get to see him for a few days around the Winter Holidays.

I am so jealous of every moment we had with everyone else today. I haven't had two minutes alone with him the past couple of days. I wanted to get nasty more than once and just tell everyone to go away.

Part of me wanted him to drag me off somewhere, but he was doing the things he loved the most and won't be able to do there. Playing World of Tanks, chatting with his friends.

It's hard not to be hurt that I wasn't one of those things. I keep trying to remind myself that that is selfish, and that things just happened that way. There wasn't anything meant by it, I'm just being oversensitive because I am upset he is leaving.

I don't want to cry. Crying hurts. I don't want to go to bed, because I'll have to face the fact that he won't be coming to bed for a very long time.

And it's even more frustrating that I've been through this before and it still feels like this. You would think I would learn or something. (LOL)

I don't think he has a clue how much I love him.

Well, I guess that's my "meltdown."



03:17 Sep 17 2011

...I know that he knows how important you are in his life. You are the image in his mind and heart, that will take him from beginning to end, and then, before you know, he will be by your side. My regard to a Good Soldier and to an excellent wife.

03:46 Sep 17 2011

Thank you. I'm feeling abit better now. We've been chatting on the phone. It's always tough when he leaves, and it never fails to send my emotions on that wild roller coaster ride.

There's no doubt I'll be missing him every minute, I love him so much!

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