I've been so tired the past few days, it's like all the life has been sucked right out of me (pun intended.) ;)
I'm doing all that I can to counteract it, but I am learning to avoid caffeine. It just doesn't seem to help, and every once in awhile I think it just exascerbates things.
I need to get up and get active, maybe bring a trashbag to my daughter's school's playground when we go to pick her up and let her play awhile and clean things up.
Need to be productive, sleepy and unproductive only hurt me in the long run.
I just don't see how gender/race matters in the scheme of things.
And I don't care what anyone says, it just isn't necessary.
People are free to do what they want, and by the same logic, to suffer the consequences of what they do.
But to ask an individual to bear the consequences of a group they didn't voluntarily join? C'mon, give me a break!
It just doesn't stand up to logic in my eyes.
I am very happy to sign it on one hand, and very sad on the other. We are selling our river property. I wanted very badly for us to fix it up and make improvements on it, but it is not to be for us to be the ones doing it. That part makes us sad. I had many good times there.
However, there are memories attached of things I have since seperated myself from, and I am happy to let them go. Also, I am happy to know that the person buying it has the capability of making it beautiful again.
It can be hard to let things go, but the rewards will outweigh the pain of the loss.
Well, off to sign that contract..
I was just informed abit ago that a decapitated body was found only a street away from me. I could literally walk a few blocks to where it was supposed to have been found. The whole neighborhood is going crazy.
I'm curious to see the confirmation on that and to hear the details.
It will be the second murder inside of a year, and I actually knew the guy who committed the first one, we used to be neighbors.
This neighborhood just gets more interesting by the day.
Turns out that decapitation was a little exaggerated. They DID find a body though. Apparently they had evicted a guy for not paying rent, and hadn't seen any activity in the place, so they assumed he had moved. They sent the cleaners in to clear the place out, and they discovered his body..and a METH lab in the apartment. Apparently he died from the fumes coming off the crystal meth he was manufacturing.
One less stupid person breeding, I'm not going to cry for him. What an idiot..
The world is getting worse in so many ways that it continues to get increasingly harder to keep a pure heart emits the depravity of it all...
I feel a greatness in you and hope to see more of it as time goes by I hope to hear one day of your miraculous recovery, and I commend you for you outlook. The world would be a much better place if there were more people like you here. Ones that strive everyday to be better, and admit when they stray. It is quite refreshing...