Front Yard Curb Appeal is coming alone nicely.
The Red Lava Rocks are all laid in my front yard design as well as both the Red and Black Mulch. I'm laying the Brown Mulch in the morning. Once that is done, I have to wait on my lawn guy to dig up three bushes, a small patch of grass and plant two palm trees before I then lay some extra mulch where the bushes will no longer be. I also purchased an artificial hallow rock to hide the manual sprinkler system on the side of the house.
Once that is done, all that is left is to purchase a bench, solar laps and path lighting and I'll be done.
Get'Er Done! ^_^
I've wondered why people say "Happy Memorial Day". Should it really be a day of "Happiness"? Some say the best way to honor the deceased is by celebrating "Life".
I suppose everyone has their own way of honoring.
My brothers, uncles and grandfather would rather see me smile then have a grave look on my face. I appreciate all who have served and I always lend them my ear or my ass if they need to unwind. I say "happy" because they fought for my right to smile and smiles I shall give them all. And a hug.
My online ass you weirdo pervert whom I hold so dear :P
Oh...Thanks for clearing that up....Or should I say cleaning that up....LMAO!!!
So I just got off the phone with a friend and I told her that I really liked her photos and thought that she was very attractive. However, she told me she didn't think so. She said although she loves herself, she doesn't like taking pictures and doesn't see the attractiveness in herself as others see.
Now hearing a female say this is beginning to be almost the norm. At first I thought it was just modesty, then I felt they were just fishing for complements, but I hear it so often that I think some of them really can't see the beauty they possess.
I've been with females like this before and it never worked out. They say be careful of people who say they don't love themselves, but say they love you. But what about people who don't see their own attractiveness, but still agree to be with you?
Some may feel if they just tell that person that they are attractive a lot, they may start to believe it. However, that is not always the case. What many don't understand is how other people see them is their own personal opinion and shouldn't matter as much as how they see themselves. The way they see themselves is like a virus. Other people will began to see them as they see themselves.
Example, since beauty is in the eye of the beholder, if I see a woman and feel she is very attractive, she may or may not say "thank you", but if over the course of getting to know each other she continues to tell me she doesn't like her weight, she doesn't like her skin complexion, she doesn't like the scars she has, she doesn't like her hair, she doesn't like her nose, she doesn't like her eyes, she doesn't like her lips, she doesn't like her teeth, she doesn't like her breast, she doesn't like this and that about herself, after awhile of being subjected to that and no matter how many times I say I find it attractive, I will began thinking maybe something may be wrong with my perception. Then I will began to see her through her perception rather than through my own. I will began to notice all of those flaws that never bothered me before and realize, wow, this chick really isn't all that attractive. Why? Because thanks to her she's programmed me not to find her attractive just like she doesn't find herself attractive.
Hey, if you feel you're unattractive and you're single or in a relationship, but they keep looking at other people.....Check your programming. Both your Self-Programming and how you are Programming others to see You!
Personally I don't think I am that how because I am on the pudgy side BUT, I know I am a good person and I know my personality is awesome sauce so I know I am a hot commodity. I also know humility so while I do think I am good looking,I do realize that I am not as hot as some people but I am hotter than most people if that makes sense. I have pros and cons just like all people but I like me :)
We lose weight, we gain weight...That's life. It is only society that programs us to believe there is a standard of beauty and if one does not meet it, then one should feel negative about oneself. How is it that guys can grow a large belly and still feel great about themselves, but a female does it and wants to hide away from the rest of the world unless it's due to pregnancy? It's all programming. Sure, there may be things for some reason we may wish was changed about ourselves, but to go beyond just a minor annoyance to feeling unattractive and constantly berating oneself to others is not logical. We possess the power to make ourselves happy. To accept ourselves as we are. To be comfortable in our own skin. So why do some choose to make themselves miserable I will never understand. Aren't there enough people trying to do that to us already?
Very thoughtful. I have noticed a difference in how I see myself when I am purposefully positive about how I look. What we say to ourselves programs our perceptions.
^^^ So Very True...
So I purchased and just finished laying 45 bags of Red Lava Rocks in my front yard as well as pavers I relocated to the new yard design area. However, I need about another 30-40 more bags to finish the area. Oh my aching back......
Poor Bandit. He's scheduled to get neutered on June 1st. :(
It's a county mandate that pets get neutered or spayed or the owner pays a larger re-registration fee each year.
I suppose they figured they'll do that in an effort to reduce the number of unwanted animals they have to euthanize routinely. I worked 3 Summers straight at an animal shelter when I was a teenager so I know what goes on. Strays come in by the truck load all day. We lock them up like guards running a prison. If they have tags, we attempt to contact their owner. We feed them, wash them, clean their areas, break up fights, separate the males from the females, stop males from raping other males, segregate the violent offenders in a more secure area, have them all screen medically. The healthy ones are placed in another area as soon as possible for possible adoption. All the rest that do not meet the "healthy" criteria are euthanize by lethal injection. Thrown in a deep freezer if the truck is not there to transport all the deceased animals to the crematorium or thrown directly into the back of a pickup truck that is later tarped for travel. It was sad to have to hold a very friendly dog who is happy and licking your arm and face while the vet injects it with a lethal dose of poison. Then you watch and feel as their life slips away in your arm. Some go straight limp while others struggle for life. The kennel staff grabs it and throws it like trash into a freezer or the back of a truck.
Female dogs (among other female animal species) can't just have one offspring at a time or two at the most. They have to go and have 6 or more.
I suppose Nature figures since puppies (and other animals) seem to come pre-programmed to love, humanity needs all they help it can get.
Netflix's Season 4 Mako Mermaids Marathon....Complete!
It's after 2 a.m. so it's sleep time....Zzzzzz
Time for a Netflix marathon. Netflix just notified me of Season 4 of Mako Mermaids. I love underwater fantasy movies.
I thought I was the only dork that watches that lol.
LOL! ^_^
Ooh crap, I knew there was something I was planning to watch this weekend! Thanks for the reminder :)
OMG, there are moe of us :) Sweet :}
Dorks unite! Let's Netflix and Chill....Hahahaha!!!
Hell yeah, my second profile is even dedicated to that show!
That one member who makes a point to leave VR, posts a journal entry about it, vowing never to return, then returns and doesn't even say hello.
You know who you are. I know you're one of these many profiles.
You know you love VR. Hey, I don't judge.
Welcome Back!!! ^_^
Melanin: The pigment that gives human skin, hair, and eyes their color. Dark-skinned people have more melanin in their skin than light-skinned people have.
Racial classification according to skin color became more complex when anthropologists added other, less obvious characteristics, in their attempt to achieve a scientific classification of races. It was later found that skin color depended essentially from the amount of melanin, and could vary widely in the same community. Thus, it could not provide a satisfying way to classify ethnic groups, much less "races." Following World War II and the discredit of such racial classifications, more and more biologists and anthropologists began to question the concept itself of "race." Thus, The Race Question statement by the UNESCO, in the 1950s, proposed to substitute the term "ethnic groups" to the concept of "race," arguing that human communities were defined as much by cultural traits (language, religion, etc.) as by biological characteristics (skin color being only one of them, along with blood types, which did not recover previous racial classifications, etc.).
Some Societies and Cultures have programmed into their people that the darker one is, the less attractive one is.
It's sad to have met so many attractive females who still struggle with the effect of that type of programming.
It's also sad to see how the issue of the color of one's skin continues to be the source of jokes, teasing, and narcissism even among nuclear family members.
It starts at a young age. I mean I had a 4 year old comparing my brown skin to her brown skin and arguing with me that I’m black. I told her that I’m human and that my skin color was brown. I told her to look at the black ink of my tattoos and compare it to my skin tone. I asked her which was brown and which was black? She said, but she's brown and she was told that I'm black. Wow!
At a young age the difference between Color, Race, and Ethnicity isn't explained well. Not by society nor by some parents.
- Color is the natural appearance of the skin, especially of the face; complexion, based on the amount of melanin in one's skin.
* NOTE #1: The color of one's skin IS NOT one's race!
- Race is associated with biology. First and foremost a human is of course part of of the human species/human race. However, there are small genetic variations across the globe that engender diverse physical appearances, such as variations in skin color in which the amount of melanin in one's skin has resulted in human categorizing other humans based on this as well as other physical features.
- Ethnicity is associated with culture. Ethnicity is the term for the culture of people in a given geographic region, including their language, heritage, religion and customs. To be a member of an ethnic group is to conform to some or all of those practices.
* NOTE #2: DNA - DeoxyriboNucleic Acid, a self-replicating material present in nearly all living organisms as the main constituent of chromosomes. It is the carrier of genetic information. The fundamental and distinctive characteristics or qualities of someone or something, especially when regarded as unchangeable.
1) Race is the inheritance of your DNA.
2) Culture is the social/religious milieu you grow up in.
3) Ethnicity is the branch of the race that your DNA occupies.
4) Creed is what you believe, or even codes of honor that you expect and/or live by.
5) Skin color is the color of your skin.
6) Nationality is the name of the land you are raised on insofar as it is called and recognized by the modern nation-state community.
Many human societies classify people into racial categories. These categories often have very real effects politically, socially, and economically. Even if race is culturally real, that does not mean that these societal racial categories are biologically meaningful. For example, individuals who classify themselves as “white” in Brazil are often considered “black” in the U.S.A., and many other countries use similar or identical racial terms in highly inconsistent fashions (Fish, 2002). This inconsistency is only reinforced when examined genetically. For example, Lao et al. (2010) assessed the geographical ancestry of self-declared “whites” and “blacks” in the United States by the use of a panel of geographically informative genetic markers. It is well known that the frequencies of alleles vary over geographical space in humans. Although the differences in allele frequencies are generally very modest for any one gene, it is possible with modern DNA technology to infer the geographical ancestry of individuals by scoring large numbers of genes. Using such geographically informative markers, self-identified “whites” from the United States are primarily of European ancestry, whereas U.S. “blacks” are primarily of African ancestry, with little overlap in the amount of African ancestry between self-classified U.S. “whites” and “blacks”. In contrast, Santos et al. (2009) did a similar genetic assessment of Brazilians who self-identified themselves as “whites”, “browns”, and “blacks” and found extensive overlap in the amount of African ancestry among all these “races”. Indeed, many Brazilian “whites” have more African ancestry than some U.S. “blacks”. Obviously, the culturally defined racial categories of “white” and “black” do not have the same genetic meanings in the United States and Brazil.
We are all the same ‘Race’. If one wished to categorizes another, use their ‘Ethnicity’ or ‘Nationality’. Using ‘Skin Color’ is ignorant especially when most of us learn the color wheel at a very young age.
There is so much talent displayed on VR. Members play character roles quite well. You have the Villains, the Heroes, the Monsters, the Lunatics, The Victims, the Protectors, the Scapegoats, the Extremists, the Sexaholics, the Virgins, the Dictators, etc, etc, etc.....The funniest thing I've ever came across was a member who had created multiple profiles and was fighting with themselves. It was classic. Members were taking sides and this member was rating themselves 1's and blocking themselves and spreading rumors about their own profiles and the works. I was entertained for weeks.
Thank you VR. You keep me entertained. ^_^
Schizophrenia is always highly amusing especially when people really aren't schizophrenics :)
What's my role?
Btw... I made you a snack. It's in my journal. ;)
No doubt about that - I'm just wondering which category I fall into as well, lol. One thing is for sure though - LM has definitely nailed the role of Awesomeness! ; )
Sometimes its like a car wreck, you don't want to look but you just HAVE to!!
Fuck yeah that is soooooooooooo me :D
Hell yeah!!! Now we got a club going. Haha!
Well, when I hit Sire I am gonna open a new Coven. Sex and food will be the topics. Nothing else really needed in life lol.
I LOVE it. This is probably the best journal I've read ALL DAY!! ;)
Oh no! A coven that has a twinkie stuffed with a pickle and covered with chocolate as its crest!!
Ok, it's 1 p.m. and I finally got out of bed an hour ago. I really don't like this awake during daylight crap. Maybe I can train Bandit to love running around outside during the night and sleeping during the daylight. Nahhh...Puppy needs sunlight. Sacrifices I make I tell ya!
I am a night person too. I just woke up at 11 am. But I have a cold. I like early mornings too, then night when the moons just coming up. I think when I do retire those time will be when I am awake. Wonder Beagle likes night time too. I think he has a bit of vamp in him. He likes to sleep all day.
Wonder Beagle just earned some awesome points. ^_^
So she had "The" tattooed on one thigh and "Word" tattooed on the other.....LMAO!!!
Listen....don't knock on my door wearing a low cut top wanting to talk about your Jesus....
There was a woman that found it hard to fill a void she felt was in her life that would make and keep her happy.
She told herself, "If I just found a nice guy and got married, I'll be happy".
So she did.
But the void was still there.
The guy and marriage couldn't keep her happy.
She told herself, "If I just get a new job, I'll be happy."
So she did.
But the void was still there.
The job, in fact a number of good jobs couldn't keep her happy.
She told herself, "If I just get a new home in a nice area, I'll be happy."
So she did.
But the void was still there.
The new home in a nice area couldn't keep her happy.
She told herself, "If I just get a new car, I'll be happy."
So she did.
But the void was still there.
The new car couldn't keep her happy.
She told herself, "If I just get back into church, I'll be happy."
So she did.
But the void was still there.
Going to church couldn't keep her happy.
She told herself, "If I just finished my education, I'll be happy."
So she did.
But the void was still there.
Her higher degree couldn't keep her happy.
She told herself, "If I just had a baby, I'll be happy."
But she couldn't...
So she told herself, "If I just get a pet, I'll be happy."
So she did. More than one.
But the void was still there.
The pets couldn't keep her happy.
It bothered her that she couldn't conceive a child. She was sure that was the void.
She told herself, "Maybe if I had a new guy, I'll get pregnant and I'll be happy."
So she left her loving husband, her nice home in a nice area, her new job, gave up their pets, packed up her things and drove away in her new car to be with her new guy.
Did she find happiness? Her Ex-Husband wasn't sure. He had heard that she married the new guy, she got a new job, she joined another church, she went back for another degree, she got new pets (twice), but baby.
The Ex-Husband felt she was just repeating the same cycle, but oh well.....He was too busy BEING Happy.
Some females are so funny.
At the Beginning they're angry thinking life is so unfair to females and how most males are given in general "MORE".
Then they discover Feminism and they're all about fighting for gender EQUALITY. Which is great!
Then they upgrade to Matriarchy and become all about "female rule" and how them having a vagina and being able to give birth actually makes them better than males along with other listed reasons. Yeah, ok..Whatever!
Then they began to list things they hate about males. For example, some hate males with foreskin even though it has been proven that all the negative talk about foreskin has mostly been proven false. All the while when they themselves have a hood over their clitoris which guessed it....foreskin!
It's just that males have more of it.
Annnnnd we're back at the Beginning. Geesh!
MGTOW man, I am totally down with the MGTOW crowd. They make way more sense.
Some days I'm not sure if this is my reality or I'm still being held a prisoner at The Center for the Study of Awesomeness.. ^_^
Well my next Home Project will be my Front Yard.
Due to California's water shortage, they have us reducing watering up to 50%. Telling us to let our lawns go brown.
The more water we use, the higher the amount we are required to pay as we reach certain usage zones based on some type of data estimate.
I've decided on a curb appeal design that requires pulling up most, but not all of the grass. It will require laying multiple bags of Red Lava, Desert Tan, and Southwest Cobble Rock, also Red, Dark Brown and Black Mulch. I'll have to spray paint the design in the yard and get with my gardener for a quote for taking up the grass portion next week sometime.
Of course the down side is that colored mulch (depending on the brand) may be toxic due to the forms of dye used. Also, the beautiful color fades over time and has to be replace so I will be using more rock than mulch.
It has gotten so bad in other areas that people are paying to have their lawn "painted" green. Wow!
Oh wow. Okay, if you are in southern California, I highly suggest you watch a youtube channel called Growing Your Greens. The guy lives in pasadena and he is growing his own food and saving on his water usage. Check him out because I have gotten a lot of pointers from him as to how to capture water to use in my garden. Just an idea to mull over :)
My brother, just let me set up my Hogan in your backyard, over there by Bandits area and I will do rain dance and Creator send clouds over your lands only and rain will pour. Just as long as you let me live in your back yard and share your porn I will Rain Dance daily.
^^^ Awesome! LOL!
stop that....... LOL
^^^ Made you look...LOL!
of course i had to f--kin look...geeeez lol
turd :P
still funny kinda sorta lol
Hell yeah you looked. You looked and you liked it! You liked it and you looked again. You're so dirty like that. That's why we love ya! ^_^
no, just bored, and i looked. lol
got not much else to do LOL
When living in a world being warned that everything enjoyable or helpful can literally kill you or have you kill others.
Sex. Due to STD/STI.
Meat. Due to health concerns.
Dairy. Due to health concerns.
Sea Food. Due to health concerns.
Vegetables. Due to health concerns.
Hotels. Due to germs.
Video Games. Due to mental issue concerns.
Music. Due to mental issue concerns.
Movies & TV. Due to mental issue concerns.
Seat Belts. Due to possibly being trapped.
Medicine. Due to side effects.
Water. Due to water pollution.
Breathing. Due to air pollution.
So on, and so on, etc, etc....
But you refuse to give up on living your life and sitting in a corner waiting to die...
Anger is a noun defined as a strong feeling of annoyance, displeasure, or hostility. A strong feeling of great antagonism as the result of some real or supposed grievance; rage; wrath, fury, indignation, rage imply deep and strong feelings aroused by injury, injustice, wrong, etc. A strong feeling that makes you want to hurt someone or be unpleasant because of something unfair or unkind that has happened.
With that being said, when our strong feelings of anger are acted upon, some call it "losing control". Some go as far as saying they "blacked out".
There are disciplines taught and studied to either suppress anger all together from one's life or at the minimum maintain self-control during the throes of anger due to the damage anger causes.
There are also those who study people and learn what cause them anger. Usually it is what is considered one's weakness. Most of the time it is what one values very dearly and to harm it or deny one from having it in their possession or deny one from enjoying the benefits of it where they derive pleasure from it will generate anger. Mission complete!
A Few Known Reasons For Anger:
- Defamation of character. Why? Because some hate the thought of others seeing them in a way they do not want to be seen.
- Lying. Why? Because most people want the truth.
- Destruction of property. Why? Because we value what we've invested our money in or that in which we own.
- Cheating. Why? Because most do not enjoy disloyalty and betrayal.
- Unfairness. Why? Because most hold high regards for fairness and equality.
- Theft. Why? Because someone has taken something that doesn't belong to them and denying the rightful owner of it.
- Control. Why? Because our freedom is something cherished.
“Anger is a double edged sword and it generally cuts the one who yields it the deepest” ~ Stanley Victor Paskavich
Human nature demands that we express our anger somehow instead of keeping it bottled up inside where it will eat away at us like a cancer. The question is are we willing to accept the damage that will be the by product from the course of action we choose to take?
So very true Mogy dear
It's learning how to express anger, how to let it out. I am still working on that....BUT I have gotten a lot better. Since I keep to a morning routine of rising early, doing morning prays to Creator, smudging, I have less anger issues.
Chef Mogy in action
Hahaha... I think I just laughed too much. But I say, that does look yummy.
Sometimes just knowing the "reason" helps some people endure what they must go through or make sense of what event has taken place.
In the absents of "reason" confusion, fear, hate, anger and suffering may prevail.
Or they get so hung up on trying to survive the aftermath that they forget to live.
I know I had for the longest time.
I agree. Wise words Oh Pagan Lord :)
Someone with a level of 50-59, give XbluesandX some honor and push her to 666....LOL!
Hahaha... I'm just seeing this. And all this time I thought it was the powers that be that kept my honor hovering around 666. When in reality it was you. Maybe YOU ARE the powers that be. (insert silly face here)
Wanna know a secret? The 2 middle digits of my SS # are 69... I wonder what that means?
Yeah, it's me again. I'm awake. Don't act like you're not happy at the news. Haha!
Want me to leave snuggle cakes some honor?
Happy news? Want a good stock tip? GSAT. It 's going to triple
You can thank me later. :)
I don't keep up with those that have multiple profiles so if I chat with you as if I've met you for the first time under one of your alternate profiles....that's why. ^_^
Some act like its our job to keep up with there 15 alts to know who they are. One even sent me a list of her, kid you not, 14 profiles, like I am suppose to check this list now to know who the person is. Not going to happen. This month I am here 3 years. Just this month Erin gave me a 2nd profile, has to do with the paper so reason. But I do not expect people to remember its me on it. My take is if you want to have 40 profiles, knock your self out but do not message me on 40 profiles to tell me its you like I am suppose to remember.
LOL, I feel ya both :D
The fact that they have multiple profiles is ridiculous... Its like they want to have some alternative ego... I think one profile is sufficient. I have only one, and ONE I WILL REMAIN...
My apology for everyone who had to lie by saying 'Good Morning' today. I'm now awake so go forth and say it truthfully or change it to 'Good Afternoon' or 'What An Awesome Day'.
You're welcome. ^_^
Time to eat and get in some Cello Practice prior to attending my Cello Lesson today. With the Backyard Project consuming my time and triggering my OCD...I've slacked from practice this week....LOL!
How's that coming along?
Coming along quite well actually.
So a female friend shared this post from another female about guys...
I replied with the following:
That's funny since not too long ago some females were proudly singing....
She probably wonders why she's still single.
That was brutal. I feel dumbererer just reading it.
Wow! I don not even know how to intellectually respond to that. "This is a new kind of messed up! " I am pretty sure they validated just about all of the Psychological disorders listed in my Libraries...". lol.
Wait, What?! You can remember your past lives, but you can't remember a phone number so that's why you need your cell phone?
What I find humorous, but religious believers don't, is when someone dies, some people act as though it has never happened in the history of man-kind.
As sure as humans are born, humans will die.
Oh, you believe in the rapture? Hahahah!!!! I believe in a Zombie Apocalypse more so than an invisible Sky Deity sucking up humans into a golden kingdom. ijs
Most people believe what they want to believe, what's in their best interest. When things are bad in this life, they want to believe things'll be better in the next.
06:54 May 31 2016
Sweet :)