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Attempting to gain access into The Coven Of MOGYOLOGY for toxic shenanigan purposes, if accomplished, will only get you publicly exposed, blinded, kicked and blocked.
Well, after 3 days of watching my Grands....Feeding, Clothing, Putting to bed, Waking them up, Changing diapers, Brushing Teeth, etc., etc.....Hey, I had my time with my ow kids so it's nice to turn over Parental duties back to my Son and his Fiancee' now that they finally made it home from the hospital with the new baby.
I gave my greetings and now in the Sauna Medicating and Meditating.
Now the real interesting dynamic starts.
How will my family adjust to life with an infant, a 1 year old and a 3 year old?
I woke up at 9 pm last night and haven't been to sleep yet.
Currently watching my Grands because my Son drove his fiancee' to the hospital and now my new and only Bio-Grandson has FINALLY decided to make his appearance.
My Son's fiancee' was so passed due that they would have had to induce her this Friday if no baby by then.
So they left around 11 a.m.
The baby arrived within an hour after that.
So I'm here watching my other Grands.
And soon, there will be 5 (2 Adults, 2 Toddlers and 1 Infant)
Who else wait too long to comment on a journal entry that they read and by the time you're ready, the member has already made a more current journal entries so now you have to guess which Journal Category the previous journal was under?
It's such a fun game!
For example:
Was it in the Corruption Junction, or was she in a Circle Jerk mood?
Well, I accomplished 98% of what I 'should' have done today.
It's almost midnight and what was left for me to do were:
- 100 slow ass crunches or whatever I can do with an arthritic lower back vertebrae.
- Place my meds in the little daily pillboxes that the VA says should help maintain and even improve my physical health, except for the illnesses/conditions that are permanent (i.e., lower back and lungs).
21:36 Feb 15 2020 Times Read: 1,417
Narcissism is the pursuit of gratification from vanity or egotistic admiration of one's idealised self image and attributes. This includes self-flattery, perfectionism, and arrogance.
Ok, I'll admit, this is a more difficult 'De-Programming' challenge.
More difficult than even Religion.
Look, I know...I know....
You're not making me aware of ANYTHING new about myself!
Ummmm....It's ME!
The one person I do know 100% is ME!
I also know areas of ME I "want" to improve.
Honestly, thanks to a number of events, I have.... a.......mmmmm.....Psychological thing I'm working on.
Book of Shadows
When I was a kid (psychological trauma usually starts in childhood, am I right? LOL!), I was bullied!
I watched a lot of t.v. though and remembered a movie called, "My Bodyguard".
It taught me to stop being a "victim" and start fighting back!
So, I enrolled myself into
As a result, my life forever changed.
My self-esteem improved, but I think I went overboard a bit when I seen a movie called "The Last Dragon".
I started wearing an authenic Kung-Fu Uniform to school knowing if anyone gave me shit, I could handle myself.
And I Did!
I never got suspended for any fights.
I never lost any either.
And then there was my being on the Honor Roll and all that Positive Stuff.
Then I joined the Marine Corps.
Accomplished serving both as an Enlisted Marine and as an Officer.
I developed a sort of thing where I never talked about myself being Awesome, I just displayed it in my Actions and allowed my results (Promotions, Awards, and Rewards) to speak for themselves.
Then I completely Retired at the age of 42.
Everything was kinda.....Shocking, but at the same time, Expected.
I was like.....That Really Happened?!
And that's when I started sharing what had happened and what I had been through to get where I am.
Hell, maybe my story will benefit someone on their own personal journey.
So yeah, BELIEVE me....I'm......TRYING to 'Get Over Myself'.
But, fuck, shit takes time.
I mean, my Spiritual Goals are:
1. Break away from Christianity. (Accomplished in 2013)
2. Develop my own Spiritual Path. (Accomplished in 2013)
3. Redeuce Suffering from my life (Accomplished in 2011)
4. Remove Ager from my life (Accomplished in 2011)
5. Remove Spiritua) Fear from my life (Accomplished in 2013)
6. Reduce my Ego (Pending-Work In Progress)
* Note: Greed was never an issue.
So, I figure, as long as my Ego isn't Physically Hurting anyone....No Rush!
Now, if my Ego Issue causes someone to be
Although I'm not physically harming them...
Now....Back to some Inspirational Music and Affirmation
Well, since I'm going to be sitting in here sweating away, I might take my mind of the heat and and send some Marco Polos and play on VR. ^_-
Way better than speaking on a regular phone call.
1. Stimulates both senses of sight and hearing
2. No interuptions by someone speaking over you to get THEIR thought out
3. The conversation is saved so I can listen to it whenever I wish and can go back and view it again whenever I wish (as long as it's still available).
I was keeping a lot of mine in a folder on my desktop since Lili and I share the same Imgur account. Ok Bro, here is where it gets sad, lost the folder when my pc died and I got a new pc.
Now I am loading them all to Imgur and trying to sneak them past Liliancat.
Now I'm not one to spread rumors, but I heard Dakotah gave Zombie new headphones and said that they were a gift from Morrigon who claimed one of Cartomancer's Tarot Cards motivated her to do so.
I heard Zombie's reaction was that of amazement at all the love....
Awe thank you LordMogy I certainly do try my best. I want to say further that is why I share pictures of her with all my friends here because all she knows is how to love and make me laugh. Most of my friends here have known her by pictures since the day she was born, she has lots of Aunties and Uncles here she has never met. For me this place with all my VR family you are family to me blood or not.
Ok, I'm all caught up visiting those journals and pages that drew me in so now time to go eat while wataching some YouTube videos in the Home Theater Room.....
Then another Sauna Sesh.
Then editing Thur's Video.
Then publishing Thur's Video.
Then who knows....Whatever I feel like doing before recording Fri's Video.
I'm hoping to be discipline enough to complete Sauna Sesh #3 after recording in the Dungeon.
The Struggle Is Real when High-ly Medicated BEFORE going into the Heat.
However, my defininition of it is it's just some Funny-Fuckery. All laughs and Roasting each other.
That toeing the line where you don't break TOS and no one took it too personal, but we deal with strangers who may just not be use to it or is having a bad day.
Oh the baby will come when he or she ready....if it is a girl she will take her sweet time...she gotta do her hair and stuff you know what women are like...lmao
I remember after Retiring and before developing my own Spiritual Path, some of you who have been around since 2011 may remember, but this would pretty much be my day-to-day life for like maybe 8 months or less.
I mean....
One day, while standing in my Marine Corps Museum,
I simply decided to
By simply asking myself what has brought me joy over my lifetime?
And then narrowing the list down to only 5 words of which I had almost complete control in being able to focus on those 5 words 24/7 for the rest of my life.
Now, I wasn't naive to think I could kill it, but I could fight back!
And this was all prior to Cannabis use. I didn't start using Cannabis until 2017, some 5 years later.
This was during my BDSM, Occult and Gothic Lifestyles being added to my then developing Spiritual Path of MOGYOLOGY 2012-2013 time frame.
So seeing that Depression was an undying Reality (because one can never truly kill their past), I simply found away to contain it!
I locked that OTHER Reality away within me as I exist within and am Lord over my OWN Reality now.
but sometimes, just sometimes, I can sense it...wanting out!
I was willing to accept whatever comes from creating and Living the Spiritual Path I haad created out of sheer necesity and determination and Never Give Up attitude, be it Positive or Negative. In This Life or in The After-Life.
You know my Ego issue and don't be fool, EVERY, U.S. Marine, Past, Present and Future, had, has, and will have that same issue. It is apparent when they decided that they actually believed they had would it took to Earn the Title, U. S. Marine!
Some may hide it better, but it's there.
I believe my Soul is a Black Star (a.k.a. Black Hole) trapped in this meat suit.
However, as I travel my new Path, I'm finding other Souls that come into my Reality providing me the strength I need to keep Depression...Contained!
YOU all are those Souls
Those Stars!
Oh, and my favorite type of Energy Feeding contains...
Well, having my family live with me for awhile I had to accept the possibility that I would catch colds, especially with young kids whose immune systems are still developing.
So yesterday, my Son came down with another head-cold. No, no symptoms of the Corona Virus. I have been recommending to my Son and future Daughter-In-Law to wear masks whenever they get sick, but when you are not use to wearing them, you don't. To also keep washing their hands as to night touch things everyone else will be touching and spreading the cold-virus.
So this morning, I awoke with my 3rd head-cold since 2011.
Thanks, Son! I love you too....
As I said before, I hadn't been sick from 2011-2018.
My family moves in with me in 2019 and now I'm on my 3rd head-cold since then. No body aches and no fever, thankfully.
I've just been fighting the symptoms as soon as they hit and the cold-virus doesn't seem to like my Sauna Treatments and Cannabis use either. LMAO!!!
In other news, still recovering from my Weight Goal Set-Back. I'm at 233 lbs and the yo-yoing is still in effect. Trying to get back into the 220s and my goal is to remain between 200 lbs - 210 lbs. But, yeah, I had slipped into the low 240s for like 2 days....Yikes!
This is the very man that called me moron for a week straight inside my inbox before I had to block this man Called VampireKing777 on all 9 of my accounts.
So Zombie made a post pertaining to, if I remember correctly without going and searching for the original journal entry, how maybe Royal Sires should explore some type of role on VR specifically designed for them.
Well, since drama will always find its way to almost every Social Media Site, I propose the Royal Sires establish an 'Unofficial Vampire Rave Council'
whose (unofficial) responsibility would be to tred where our Admins don't and shouildn't. They will oversee VR Drama Claims by giving those claiming wrongdoing (Plaintiffs) by another VR Member an opportunity to present "Proof" of said wrongdoing as well as solicity the 'Defendants' to provide any proof they might have and then after deliberation (24-Hours), The Council will publicly share their findings by way of our Journal Section or Forum Section, and then make a public Stamp marking one of them with a type of 'Dishonor Mark of Shame' and each Council Member will use their Royal Sire weight to give 'Negative Honor' to that member as a result of being found to be Dishonorable.
Any one member setting a trend of loosing their cases due to lying and deceit would also be found sitting in the Bottom 10.
So yeah, the Bottom 10 would become more than who doesn't like who, but would be based on VR Judgement by the Royal Sire Council Members (Unofficially).
If only one provides proof and it is found to be suspect, while the other chooses not to participate in the mock VR Trial, then the judgement would simply be an 'Unsubstantiated' alligation. This also covers if no conclusion can be reached based on a lack of credible evidence.
And a post would be made explaining such decision.
However, I'm Highly Medicated and this could be just one of many 3rd Eye Inspirations for more VR Shenanigans for my Entertainment.
So my Bro, Dakotah, comments about going out for BBQ.
First off...
But, watch out, Brother, it could be Vegan Faux BBQ.
They are really getting awesome at making non-meat products look and taste like actual "meat"!
Ummm, I mean...
I Know Right?!
There should be a cry out for...
I'm sure they're breaking some sort of Copyright, Trademark, Patent, hell, Crimes Against Nature, something!
We should round them all up, strating with 'TheArtistRose' because she seems to be the most active perpetrator at the moment. Posting her Food Porn and what not.
As if we want to see that.
ummm....I mean...
Next, I'd say, 'tr1n1ty01'. I've actually sampled some of her faux meat and other Vegan Market Products!
When I think of those samples she sent to me.
I am all for it that and world peace and rugby scrums and what ever comes in on the train lol
17:08 Feb 10 2020 Times Read: 1,955
I'm on and off VR everyday and spend way last time than I use to back before 2013.
However, I'd like to personally thank every VR Member that contributes to stimulating my senses of Sight and Sound by Journaling.
You are all truly a source of Energy, Entertainment, Knowledge, Inspiration, and yes,
even Wonder
for me.
I understand that
One's Perception
One's Reality
Therefore, I don't care if a person is calling themselves a bottle of ketchup and is worshipping a sandwhich, I'll entertain them and believe they believe what they are telling me because it's THEIR Reality.
Do some lie?
Of course some do.
However, that's their Reality that they are riskingt being destroyed once that Truth Bomb explodes and fucks up their lie.
Hey, building your Reality using Fantasy that can be blended into your Reality to the point that it is either factual or has been legitimized or simply falls into the category of one's Spiritual Beliefs and has nothing to do with your believing them or not, is their choice and it's THEIR Spiritiual Belief/Faith whether you approve or not.
Now, building your Reality on Lies which can be challenged based on any number of things of which includes Common Sense and the Laws of Nature is a Reallity waiting to come crumbling down after any number of challenges.
Example: Blending Reality and Fantasy
"I'm a Pagan Gothic Warlock Lord Minister"
This claim is legitimized by my having been officially Ordained by the Universal Life Church with the title of Warlock Lord within my own Ministry I developed for myself. Even had my Sigil Trademarked.
Example: Lie
"I'm and Alien Vampire that can fly at will".
1. Prove it!
2. Gravity
3. Lack of wings
4. Have you been prescribed meds?
5. Are you off your meds?
So yeah, from your Pain to your Pleasure.....I thank you for taking time to share.
I haven't watch cable t.v. in over 3 years now.
One may say that I'm in the wrong to feed into another's psychosis.
Oh, that's your opinion?
I know it can be just soooooo fustrating to take the time out to read someone else's journal entries and it gives you a slight migraine, but hey, YOU brought that on YOURSELF for going to their journal.
The way I see it, if they are not face to face, physically harming anyone, then, like mine, their reality is just "Different" than others and what they are saying or doing isn't preventing me from paying any of my monthly bills.
For example, I capitalize words that shouldn't be. Why? Because in my Reality, that's my way of placing emphasis on what I'm relaying.
Do I ALWAYS follow corret english sentence structure, punctuation, grammer, etc., etc.?
I LOVE Arts and Crafts...
(Gothic Octopos Dab Rig)
What does an octopus represent spiritually?
The spirit of the octopus, considered to have extremely powerful psychic abilities, symbolizes your strong intuition. As the octopus resides in the depths of the ocean, it is often equated with deep emotions. Some other spiritual traits associated with the octopus totem are focus, intellect, talent, and complexity.
I LOVE Movie Props/Memorabilia
(Scorpion King Bracelet)
Scorpion as a totem
As totems, scorpions are symbols of passion, dominance, defense, transformation, rebirth and ardency. ... People born under this totem are highly emotional people.
The Scorpion and the Frog
The Scorpion and the Frog is an animal fable which teaches that vicious people often cannot resist hurting others even when it is not in their interests. This fable appears to have emerged in Russia in the early 20th century, although it was likely inspired by more ancient fables.
A scorpion, which cannot swim, asks a frog to carry it across a river on the frog's back. The frog hesitates, afraid of being stung by the scorpion, but the scorpion argues that if it did that, they would both drown. The frog considers this argument sensible and agrees to transport the scorpion. Midway across the river, the scorpion stings the frog anyway, dooming them both. The dying frog asks the scorpion why it stung the frog despite knowing the consequence, to which the scorpion replies: "I couldn't help it. It's in my nature."
The fable's moral is that, like the scorpion, people with vicious or self-destructive personalities often cannot resist hurting others, even those who try to provide help.
So yeah, last night prior to midnight, I accomplished all my remaining activities I chose to do since I ONLY do what I wish to do.
- Edited Sat video
- Published Sat video
- 60-Minute Sauna Sesh #2 (Aroma, Light, Music, Cannabis, Darkness and Heat Therapy)
- 60-Minute Sauna Sesh #3 (Aroma, Light, Music, Cannabis, Darkness and Heat Therapy)
- Consumed Meal #3
- Recorded a Bonus Video to show off new Gothic Octopus Dab Rig for a closer look
And yeah, that's Living My Best Life too....
Now, to decide what it is my WILL to accomplish today.
- Woke up
- Burned my incenses and aroma candles
- Loaded the dishwasher and started it
- Swept kitchen floor
- Took out trash
- Prepared my mels
- Fed Bandit
- Checked on my Arts and Craft projects
- 60-Minute Sauna Sesh #1 (Aroma, Light, Music, Cannabis, Darkness and Heat Therapy)
- 1 Hour Marco Polo with Niece
- Consumed Meal #1
- Consumed Meal #2
- Edit Sat video
- Publish Sat video
- 60-Minute Sauna Sesh #2 (Aroma, Light, Music, Cannabis, Darkness and Heat Therapy)
- 60-Minute Sauna Sesh #3 (Aroma, Light, Music, Cannabis, Darkness and Heat Therapy)
- Consumed Meal #2
- Possibly record a Bonus Video to show off new Gothic Octopus Dab Rig for a closer look
That last one if you don't have kids because if you can't be happy living alone and you're arguing and causing drama for your ownself and you're the only person in the house, you may want to seek therapy. LOL!
Lmao!! The latter is not an issue I assure you.
I love being by myself. Gives me time to study, research things and do my hobbies.
I used to hate being by myself but I find the older I get it doesn’t bother me like it used to.
Tonight and future Monday recordings, I'll spend a few minutes answering some of the following:
Gross Never Have I Ever Questions
1. Never have I ever sat on a public toilet.
2. Never have I ever put gum under a table.
3. Never have I ever stepped barefoot in dog poop.
4. Never have I ever tasted dog or cat food.
5. Never have I ever had a baby spit up on me.
6. Never have I ever thrown up after seeing someone else throw up.
7. Never have I ever picked my nose and ate it.
8. Never have I ever used someone else’s toothbrush.
9. Never have I ever worn someone else’s underwear.
10. Never have I ever used my hands as a tissue (out of necessity).
11. Never have I ever crop dusted an elevator.
12. Never have I ever peed in the pool.
13. Never have I ever clogged a toilet.
14. Never have I ever tasted earwax.
15. Never have I ever wiped my armpits with a towel instead of showering.
16. Never have I ever worn the same pair of underwear more than three days.
17. Never have I ever destroyed a public bathroom.
18. Never have I ever thrown up in my mouth and swallowed it.
19. Never have I ever used a public restroom that had no toilet paper.
20. Never have I ever wore perfume or cologne because I didn't have deodorant.
21. Never have I ever broken the "five-second rule."
22. Never have I ever gotten poop on my hand.
23. Never have I ever had such bad diarrhea that I didn't make it to the bathroom in time.
24. Never have I ever thought a fart smelled good.
25. Never have I ever licked a coin.
26. Never have I ever worn the same jeans for a week without washing them.
27. Never have I ever changed a diaper.
28. Never have I ever gone more than a week without showering.
29. Never have I ever had a smelly burp.
30. Never have I ever watched pimple popping videos.
31. Never have I ever peeled a sunburn and enjoyed it.
32. Never have I ever picked a scab.
33. Never have I ever picked stuff out of my belly button.
34. Never have I ever used the bathroom and not washed my hands.
35. Never have I ever smelled clothing to see if they were too dirty to wear again.
36. Never have I ever had stinky feet.
37. Never have I ever let dirty dishes sit in the sink for over a week.
38. Never have I ever blown my nose and looked at what came out.
39. Never have I ever trimmed my toenails with my teeth.
40. Never have I ever turned underwear inside out to get more use out of it.
41. Never have I ever popped someone else's pimple.
42. Never have I ever peeled dead skin off my feet.
43. Never have I ever rubbed my skin to get the dead skin to roll up.
44. Never have I ever peed in the sink.
45. Never have I ever had a drop land on the toilet seat and not cleaned it off.
It is believed that when one continues to see repeating numbers, it is the universe attempting to communicate.
Well, fuck, I've not found this to be true based on the assumed meaning behind each set of repeating numbers.
However, being the spiritual being I am, I'm going to come up with my OWN meaning based on what happens out of the ordinary up to 1 hour AFTER I see the numbers.
Because if the Universe is trying to communicate with me that way, it's failing.
It reminds me of speaking with some people and having no clue what they are attempting to express to me.
The Extreme Football League (X League) is an American women's tackle football league, with games played during the spring and summer months in arenas and stadiums. The league was originally founded in 2009 as the Lingerie Football League (LFL), and later rebranded as the Legends Football League in 2013. Then, rebranded again as The Extreme Football League. ~ Internet search
These players aren't paid (in fact, they pay an annual $45 registration fee to play), nor are they provided any medical coverage by the league—two issues that have led to ongoing lawsuits. ~ Internet search
Dedication or allowing some rich guy to get over on them?
As previously stated, the cash amount to be 'Gifted' between $25-$50 USD will also be chosen by Bingo Spin Wheel method.
Winner failing to claim their prize within 3 days forfeits their winnings.
Serenity & Happiness To You
~ LM
The Path of MOGYOLOGY Ministry continues to look at unique ways to share the results of living a life focusing on whatever contributes to the 5 Elements of Warlock Awesomeness: Serenity, Happiness, Love, Sex & Magick.
The Path of MOGYOLOGY is active when it comes to "Giving Back To The Community" or "Paying It Forward".
Therefore, it is my honor to share with you the first "Giving Based" program designed to directly "Bless" the lives of individuals from around the world.
The Program has been appropriately named, "The Bless Program of MOGYOLOGY".
PROGRAM DESIGN: As the Gothic Warlock Lord Minister and Coven Master of The Coven Of MOGYOLOGY, EACH MONTH, I will be Randomly selecting a Member of The Coven Of MOGYOLOGY and 'Gifting' that member between $25-$50 USD.
A Random Member will be chosen using a Bingo Spin Wheel. Each Coven Member's name will be assigned to a Bingo Ball and placed in the Spin Wheel for the chance to be 'Gifted' for that month.
The cash amount to be 'Gifted' between $25-$50 USD will also be chosen by Bingo Spin Wheel method.
Any Sire is welcomed to Join and then Leave The Coven Of MOGYOLOGY each month at the chance of being 'Gifted'. You are also welcome to stay.
The drawing will be video recorded and posted to my journal the 1st day of each month.
DISCLAIMER: The Ministry currently only utilizes PAYPAL, VENMO or ZELLE accounts to transfer funds. No, I am not endorsed by them, work for them, or getting some sort of kick-back from them, I just don't want to pay a Transfer Fee and I'm not trying to connect every Cash Transfer business to my bank account or providing other financial information.
Yes, I'm aware that I will be sending money to strangers, but I will not be looking at attempting to recover and have refunded back to me any money. This will be a 'One-Way' transaction only. What they do with the cash after I send it to them is their business and has nothing to do with me or the Ministry.
The Ministery is not Tax Exempt nor is the money going to a charity so there is no tax write-off. The Ministry is simply "Gifting Cash" to people on a "Monthly Bases" and for LIMITED TIME (TRIAL PERIOD) starting on 11/01/2018.
22:10 Feb 29 2020
MOGY is giving people spankings!
22:23 Feb 29 2020
@Rose.......Nah, I'm just making known a course of action if toxicity is brought my way.
And that I keep my word.