Music Lovers Revolt04:33 Jan 29 2009
Times Read: 641
I stepped over to youtube to watch Ludo play love me dead because it's been getting a lot of airplay, and because it's been stuck in my head all day so I wanted to see what they actually looked like.
Then there it was... The button... On a universalmusicgroup page... go figure...
Of course it says "advertisement" on the bar, but I want to see a button that says buy song from "Ludo" not a button bar with "buy from Scamazon or iPrunes".
When I can pay the Band and not some fat cat in an office for my entertainment then I'll start paying for the music and such, until then forget it corporate America... Show me their cut, as I'm sure they aren't getting the lions share...
Besides, once they play a song over the radio "On the air" isn't it then in the public's domain? Doesn't the air belong to all of us? Or have they sold it off?
So they release it into the wild, and I capture it and convert it to mp3, isn't that fair game? it was back in the day with our cassette tapes... And since when did a mp3 even constitute "High fidelity" anyways? LMAO it's got to be lossless/FLAC format file to be any good on a real sound system.
We all need to tell dicks like Lars Ulrich and Gene Simmons to harden the fuck up... Fucking babies go whining to the politicians that sold our air, what? they haven't got enough gas for the Ferrari?... fucktards...
Those are the same politicians that accused them of turning our teens into drug addled Satan worshiping pagan killer kids? and that gave us censured cd's? Two faced pieces of crap I say.
Music Lovers Revolt!
The digital revolution is way past begun, and with music it's looking like it's up to us to really revolutionize it, The Corp.'s wont step aside willingly so speak out, and try to support the Bands directly, not the Corporate Music Pimps...
Come on bands, your bargaining power is coming, don't let them keep you as a bitch or some horse in a stable, hit up your fans, direct market to us, the way to kill your middle man is coming, and don't worry, you'll still have champagne and roadies tomorrow. I promise;) lol
12:31 Jan 29 2009
I downloaded the album from Bittorrent. Easy enough. Nevermind this "paying" bullshit. :)
The band isn't actually all that great, just a couple of songs.
13:18 Jan 29 2009
Yeah, I'm a total data junkie:) 1001010101001010010
Browsing Demonoid, pb and btjunkie keeps me very busy lmao.
I wonder when they will start the 12 step program for data addiction? I could probably use it...
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