Kyrian's Journal

Kyrian's Journal


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2 entries this month

COURT Part 2 - The Outcome!

00:01 May 16 2006
Times Read: 629

The fucking judge made a decision that I really am not happy with! The asshole didn't serve me his response paperwork on or before April 30th. However, the judge allowed him to do it today! Fuckerface! He's lucky I didn't smack the fucker! If only he didn't have the power to mess up my life, I very well might have! : ( As a result of the judges actions, the asshole can now pick Alyssa up at my house and take her anywhere in the Region of Peel, that he wants to! Fucking Dumbass! Although, that means that she'll never be more than 30 minutes from home! (Thank goodness for that!) Well the judge is that fucking stupid after all! (Just moderately! lol) He made sure that only the asshole can pick her up and drop her off! (None of his Uncles can do it!) Also, if the asshole doesn't have her home right at 6:00pm Saturday or 4:00pm Sunday, I can call the police! : D

Technically, I will be doing that! However, why call the station when I could call either Uncle Frank or Uncle Allen? (Uncles with badges! Woohooooooo, you have to love that! LMAO!) All they have to do is call in to work tell their bosses, and then go deal with it themselves! Family really does come in handy sometimes! LOL

He can't consume alcohol 12 hours before picking her up, and not at all while she's in his care! When he gets his license back in September, his plate # will be given to the Peel police, who can then pull him over for random checks! hehehe sucker! He will be given a breathalizer test, if it's positive and she's in the car, thay will place her in the police car, take her to the closest police station and call me to pick her up! The asshole will remain in jail over night (or longer, depending on alcohol level!). He will then be unable to see Alyssa until an emergency courtdate can be scheduled and attended! On this date, he will be given limited or no visitations! The asshole would be FUCKED! YaY!

Maybe the fucker will smarten up and prove to be a good father to her! I fucking doubt it though! You won't see me holding my breath! He has been warned, hurt my baby and I'll fuck him up! Nowhere will be safe for him to hide!




COURT Part 1 - The Bullshit

23:43 May 15 2006
Times Read: 631

Son of a fucking bitch! I have never felt so sick in my life. My baby girls life is now in the hands of another, who I can't honestly say has her best interests in mind! How could he? He's never even seen her, so how can he know what is best for her? I listen to her cryingabout the asshole not loving her! I hold her 'til she stops or falls asleep!I tell her that he does love her! (Am I stupid for doing this?) Everything I do is done for her benefit or to teach her right from wrong! The fucker has never done anything even remotely paternal! (Unless you count ignoring her for most of her life, or buying her expensive gifts so she'll love him!! : (

In court just now, he lied through his teeth, and refused to tell the truth; I just hope that the judge sees through his bullshit!! He tried to say that my family brow beats him! LMFAO, if we were going to beat him at all.......it would be with hard blunt objects! : D

He also tried to deny his lack of attention to Alyssa, by blaming me! It might have worked if he had kept his mouth shut! The judge asked him why he was there?, his response was to see more of Alyssa! The judge again asked him a question.........why try now?, the stupid dumbshit replied, because she took me to court! The judge wasn't very impressed with that answer! He elevated his voice when he said, you're telling me that you would have never went for visitation if the applicant (me) had never taken you (him) to court? The asshole said if he has to pay that kind of money, then I had better let him take her for the weekend! I almost started laughing at his stupidity! The judge again elevated his voice..........what is she to you, an investment? She's not good enough, unless she's worth money? Needless to say, he was speechless! LOL! I was unsure of how I should feel, all I could think about was him being able to have her all weekend and never coming back! : (

We've seen the judge twice now and all we've decided on was acourt date! (which later changed anyways!) YaY! Fucking YaY! Yet another court date!Just more fucking bullshit to go through!

The waiting for the judges final decision is the worst part of this! I hate being unsure of myself, I like to be in control of my life and what is happening around me! This was hell! If he lets the asshole have Alyssa everyother weekend and he takes off with her, I will burn that fucking court house to the ground, and skin every fucking family member that the asshole has until they tell me where my baby is! (Ok, so I wouldn't actually do it, but I was thinking about it just now! lol) The things we think about when we lose control! : (



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