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The god Theory

09:19 Sep 21 2009
Times Read: 563

This work is not intended to express fact. It cannot be proven whether a god exists or not. I merely present this work as something to think about.

What is god? There are several views about what god is:

Views of 'god':

The Most Supreme Being: Some believe that god is omnipotent, omniscient, and omnibelevolent.

The Most Perfect Being: Most believe that 'god' is eternal, all-powerful, all-knowing, and all-loving and is one being who possesses all of these properties.

God is Love & God is the Universe: These are forms of god that actually presents god as existing by fact to express thinkable propositions to the extent that “love exists” and “the universe exists.”

The Source of Everything: This view refers to the entity without which it is supposed that nothing could exist. Put another way, by such expressions is usually meant the entity whose existence is supposedly necessary for existence itself.

Then you have the attributes of 'god.'

“Omnipotence” = 'god' is omnipotent if, and only if, this god can perform any act that is both conceivable and compatible with all of his other essential characteristics

God’s actions are constrained by, at least, logic and consistency with his other essential attributes. In other words, most would probably agree that god cannot do the impossible inasmuch as it is logically impossible; and most would probably agree that god cannot commit evil acts inasmuch as that would contradict his omnibenevolence

“Omniscient” 'god' is omniscient if, and only if, this god has all and only true propositions as beliefs

Omniscience as the property of possessing maximal propositional knowledge

“Omnibenevolent” = 'god' is omnibenevolent if, and only if, this god loves everyone maximally

“Maximally loving” = 'god' is maximally loving if, and only if, this god always does everything in his power to protect everyone’s best long-term interests out of concern for others’ welfare and does that which is in everyone’s best long-term interests out of concern for others’ welfare. If 'god' performs that act which ultimately brings about a greater degree of happiness, comfort, well-being, etc. among people generally than could any other act, then god does that which is in everyone’s best long-term interests while pleasing most people does not immediately please everyone, in bringing about the greatest possible measure of overall happiness it creates the ideal world, and the creation of that world is certainly in everyone’s best long-term interests whether he realizes it or not.

All this said, I can conclude that--should a god exist--God is responsible for the existence of, at least, everything except himself; which would make no sense.

Consider these words by Epicurus:

“Is god willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent

Is he able, but not willing? Then he is not malevolent

Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil?

Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him god?”




The Real Problem with America Pt. 2: The real Christian belief

20:18 Sep 18 2009
Times Read: 570

Many of the people that raise their children the way described in part one are all people who do not follow the teachings of Imman-el properly. They use Christianity for; their own personal gain, as security so they feel safe, to get their way with people they are uncomfortable around, and a variety of other reasons. These are also people who do not read Biblia Sacra and take the prescriptures in Biblia Sacra out of context.

Real Christianity was not intended to even have religion in it. Religion is human's attempt to reach their god through rituals, rites, ceremonies, etc. In real Christianity, one knows that his / her god is trying to reach mankind. A real Christian is believes that Imman-el will come down at the end of the world and save all who believed. This means that a real Christian is does not fear the end of the world because they know they did right and that their god will take them up.

A real Christian believes that people are born homosexual. Just as a married man lusts for other women, homosexuals and married men alike are not supposed to act on those feelings. To a real Christian, marriage is for their god, not for each other. Besides, Imman-el said nothing about homosexuals; good nor bad. Any christian who spits hate toward gay people, uses violence on them, etc. is not a Christian. Any christian who believes that god would never create someone to be homosexual is not a Christian.

Nationalism and Christianity do not go together. This is something that the Roman Empire started and the United States continued. When christian-America was founded and emancipated from Britain, the intent was for there to be no Christianity. However, it found its way into the government anyway; and now you have christianity the way America makes it to be. In real Christianity, one is only to have faith in his / her god; not in a nation. god Is the only one authority to a real Christian. Imman-el told people to help every other person, this included people of other nations. He taught against discrimination for every human is a sinner. Any christian that believes that military is good and support things like that is not a Christian.

Sports and the ideals of Imman-el also do not go with one another. Everyone is to be treated equally and give glory to god. Any christian who is a fan of sports and glorifies a sports hero is not a Christian. A Christian does not like sports, it creates not only separation of man from their god; but it also makes people glorify someone other than god.

In the teachings of Imman-el, nothing belongs to any human. Everything belongs to god. Therefore, one must hold their possessions with a "loose grip." Imman-el taught that since everything belongs to god that god decided what is done with these possessions. Imman-el taught that people should share. He taught that everything should be distributed so that everyone gets the same amount. People must also not forget that god is all people really need (besides food, sleep, etc.), anyway, so they mustn't put too much attention into their possessions. A christian who has many possessions and never lets anyone else have them and holds onto them tightly is not a Christian. Anyone christian who keeps money in their bank account so they can have it for themselves when they "need" it is not a Christian.

Christians do not watch television for very long each day. They believe that television is taking glory away from god; as it is with literature, ironically. For example, when one likes a book so much that they start paying attention to that author and wait for his / her next book to come out, Christians believe that this takes glory away from god. Any christian who doesn't want to miss a TV show or can't wait for an authors next book is not a Christian.

christianity Is more of a product today. Televangelists are not Christians; but christians. They use Biblia Sacra to make money. Christians would not support this at all. Any christian who watches televised church ceremonies and/or attends "mega-churches" is not a Christian.

A Christian believes that a church is a fellowship of people who believe in god, not a place to go and worship their god. Any christian who believes that they have to go to church because this person believes that it is the place that you worship his / her god is not a Christian. No Christian HAS to go to church, however most still do for they are merely using a building to bring their fellowship of people together so to worship their god.

In conclusion, many people in christian-America are not Christian but they use Christianity for their own purposes. However, this does not happen just in christian-America. Any people in any nation who practice christianity improperly, uses it, or practices catholicism are not Christians.

DISCLAIMER: I am not a follower of any belief system. Even Christianity still promotes that women are not equal to men and that nations should follow god's laws. I do not support either and there are still far more reasons for me not to believe any system of beliefs or religions.





19:21 Sep 18 2009
Times Read: 571

christian-America obviously excels at promoting the discrimination of those who are different. Personally, I believe that everyone is different from one another and everyone is equal. However, I am not discussing the usual prejudice this time.

I would like to touch on the subject of gothic people and their own prejudice. I am not talking about what the media thinks of gothic people and I also know that there are gothic people who accept everyone, anyway. However, there are still many gothic people who discriminate against people who they think are "conformists."

I do not promote the idea of staying away from people who have different beliefs. However, I think that when someone has different beliefs than another's and that person chooses to be immature/defensive about it; then maybe it is best not to talk to this person.

This is what I would tell someone about how treating others should go:

Unless the someone is mean to you, you should be nice to everyone and give them a chance. Also, don't hold it against everyone like the person that is mean to you; not everyone thinks like that person. If a person discriminates against you, don't use time talking to that person. Just ignore them and if they use physical violence to get their point across to you, then be proud to get beaten for what you believe in. There are people that do want to kill others for being different, so this can be a touchy subject. Sometimes, if there is enough support on the side that is against you, it is necessary to stay away from that area all together. christian-America is a cruel place to live and the government has made it to where it is not fair for anyone who is "different." Sometimes, when things like this happen, you have to move or you have to quit school and get home schooling. It is something that cannot be helped.

In conclusion, one should always be nice to everyone until someone is mean to that person. Then one should not talk to only the person that was cruel or discriminatory towards him / her.

Please, do not stoop to the christian-American level.



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