KinatasXCharge's Journal

KinatasXCharge's Journal


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08:38 Feb 13 2016
Times Read: 336

I’ve been a Super Soldier for as long as I can remember. My father started training me when I was young, before we knew I had powers. I learned multiple fighting forbiddens, how to shoot guns, and how to survive. When I was just a few months old, my mother and father divorced, my mother taking my twin.

I have never seen my brother, but I know his name. Joshua Miller. I have tried to look through the database, but I cannot find any trace of him or my mother. I may never know my “other half.”

I am the captain of the Super Soldiers: Soldiers created inadvertently by the government, given powers by a serum. I am in charge of training them, and getting them ready. It’s hard to train our recruits. They are generally difficult, but we now have recruits with awakened powers.

I woke up early today. I’ve not moved from bed. It’s not even six o’clock, yet I cannot sleep. At six, I have to get up, and get ready to train the new recruits. I know I won’t have bed head anymore: I shaved my hair last night.

I decide to get up anyway. I like being early. I climb out of bed, my body weighing me down. I was up late reading about the new recruits. There are about ten of them

I slowly make my way to the light switch and flick it on. My blue eyes take a minute to adjust. My room is one of the larger rooms in the base. Unlike the rooms for the recruits, I have a choice as to what is in my room.

Over the years, I have added to the once bare room: A book shelf filled with novels and manuals, a desk, a computer, a black chair, an extra dresser for files, a king sized bed, a full bed set, and a guitar. I don’t play the guitar as much as I used to.

I walk to my full sized bathroom, flicking the light on. The small, grey bathroom seems bare. I walk to the sink, grabbing my toothbrush. I turn on the hot water, running my toothbrush under it.

As I start scrubbing my teeth, I think about the day ahead of me. I never take showers before training: it wastes water and soap. As I finish brushing my teeth, my alarm goes off. I rinse my mouth out and leave the bathroom, turning the light off as I leave.

I slowly make my way over to the alarm and hit the dismiss button on it. I walk over to my tall black dresser. This one came with the room. I open a drawer and pull out some black pants. I close that one and open another, pulling out a matching shirt.

I quickly change, knowing I won’t have time to get to the mess hall before the recruits arrive. I slide on my combat boots. I straighten up, take in a deep breath, and let it go. I am ready to start the day.

I walk out of my room, flicking the light off. I hate wasting anything, so why leave lights on.

As I walk down the hallways, soldiers pass, saying good morning. I nod in reply. They all know I rank above them, and they all respect me.

The hallways all look the same, but they all are unique. I walk through the labyrinth, counting corners and my steps. I am working in a new training room today, so I need to count out the directions.

I am greeted at the door by a guard. He nods at me as he opens the door. I take in a deep breath: this is the moment I have been training for my entire life.

I walk into the room, looking at the new recruits. They’re younger than expected.

He looks like Joshua, someone thinks. I follow that thought to the girl on the end. She is a few inches shorter than I am, and very petite. Her long blonde hair with pink highlights amuses me. I notice her hair in the braid on her shoulder.

I walk to the front of the middle of the group and stop, turning on my heel. “Today, who you are, who you were, will die,” I announce to them.

This is so stupid, the girl in the middle thinks. I look her over. She barely meets the shoulder of the girl next to her. Her long bright red hair curls toward the bottom. I admire the fire in her heart.

“You will decide today what your name shall be,” I say, looking at that girl. The name in her file said – no, that name is no longer hers, I think.

I look back to the girl on the end. Her bright blue eyes catch mine for a brief moment. That moment feels like a lifetime.

“I am Psyche. I have power to push thoughts, and to read them.” I look at the short, red haired girl. “You can think this is stupid all you want, but without this training, you will be killed.”

She looks at me in disbelief. If you can really read my thoughts, then you will know my name is –

“You no longer go by that name,” I yell at her. “That name means nothing now. I have not had my birth name since I was fifteen. I am almost eighteen now.”

She looks at me angrily. I know she is upset.

“Use something that is of significance to your power,” I assert, looking at her. “Show us what you can do.”

The recruits exchange looks. The room is quiet for a few minutes before the girl on the end speaks up.

“Siberia. My name is Siberia,” she says before lunging forward. In midair, she changes to the form of a Siberian tiger. She stands proud and looks at the others. She changes back to the way she was before. “I can become any feline I desire, although, my favorite is the Siberian tiger,” she explains.

I nod, smiling. She is just the beginning.

My real name will never be spoken again, she thinks. I hear a sorrow in her thoughts.

“Craze,” I hear. I look to the source of the voice and find the same defiant girl from before. She looks another soldier in the eye. As she does, he grips his head in agony.

After a few minutes, his thoughts jumbled, she closes her eyes. His thoughts clear and he returns to normal. “I drive people insane,” she laughs.

You didn’t have to tell me, a guy next to her thinks.

I hold back a laugh as the soldier she attacked stands up taller. He has short, semi-red brown hair. He is not built for this military. “I’m Atom,” he says, negative energy springing from his body.

The soldiers around him collapse to their knees. I watch as they start losing consciousness. He ends the energy, sending out positive energy. “I manipulate energy types, negative, positive, and none.”

The three parts of an atom, I think. Others think it too.

“Missile,” a stocky young man says, stepping forward. He has a shaved head like my own. He looks more like a soldier. He turns to the girl next to him. “Hit me.”

He’s insane, she thinks. She is just a hair shorter than him, but has no muscle on her body. Her dark hair is only to her chin, shaping her face. “I’m Hammer,” she states as she swings at him.

Her fist makes contact, sending him to the rafters.

Holy shit she’s strong, he thinks as he descends. He hits the floor unscathed and stands. “I cannot be wounded by any way known to me.”

“You’re my biggest threat,” Hammer laughs. “You’re not that tough,” she says looking him over.

“Enough,” I say, loud enough for them to jump. I know I scare them.

“Justin, Justin Sayne,” says the young man who was attacked by Craze. He looks as crazy as his name sounds. “Someone do something physically possible I shouldn’t be able to do,” he says loudly. “I am a soldier, only been trained as such.”

Siberia steps forward. She does a triple back hand spring. She looks at Justin, expecting him to fail.

He does as she, not missing a beat. “I have the ability to imitate what I see.”

I nod, imagining how easy it would be to use in a fight.

Will you announce my name? I know you can read thoughts, therefore tracing them back. I’m Maria, the smallest in the group thinks, looking at me.

She is barely five feet tall. Her long blonde hair falls around her shoulders. He blue eyes are soft, but harbor a secret.

I raise an eyebrow. “This is Maria,” I say, holding out my hand. She opens her mouth.

All of us drop to the floor, holding our ears. For a few seconds, a screeching noise fills our ears. Suddenly, the last few stanzas of “Jolly Sailor Bold are heard, including the name Maria.

When she is finished, we are all mesmerized. The girl next to her steps forward.

“Melaura,” she says, closing her eyes. When she opens them, they glow white. Her white blonde hair matches her eyes almost perfectly. As if on cue, a white beam shoots from her body to the wall opposite her, destroying a good portion of it.

As the light fades, she closes her eyes. She opens them to green eyes. “Sorry about the wall,” she says softly.

I will be your voice, I think, sending the thought to Maria.

She smiles and nods. Thank you, she thinks.

I nod to her. “Today marks the beginning.”

“The beginning of what,” Siberia asks, looking at the others. They all wonder the same thing.

“Your future.”



22:17 Feb 13 2016


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