KinatasXCharge's Journal

KinatasXCharge's Journal


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2 entries this month

Princess Alanna: The Princess With Cancer

08:56 Feb 04 2015
Times Read: 228

Princess Alanna was a beautiful princess. She had bright cerulean blue eyes, and her hair was long and golden. She was loved by all of her people, and those outside the kingdom.

Everyday, she would dress in a long purple dress, and walk throughout the market. She always gave to the poor, and helped those in need. She never ignored someone who needed her help.

She was to be queen one day. Her mother and father were to crown her the day she got married, but she had yet to find a suitor for her hand in marriage. She was given the opportunity to choose who she married. Everyday, she met suitors, and each day was the same: no man that she met did she feel was worth the crown of the kingdom.

The king and queen decided to have a ball. The point of the ball was to find their daughter a suitor. Alanna agreed to the ball for she was tired of searching for the right suitor day by day.

“It shall be a masquerade ball, so no one can recognize my beautiful daughter,” the king said, hugging Alanna. He ordered her dress to be made, and a mask of ivory to be carved.

When the night of the ball arrived, Alanna was in a long white and gold dress, disguised with a mask to hide her true identity. If she could find a man who would care, and take interest, without her being a princess, she would marry him.

“Will this night prove to be successful? Or will this night fail me?” Alanna had high doubts about the ball, but proceeded anyway.

As Alanna walked through the ballroom, looking at all those that had gathered, she thought to herself, these people don’t truly know why they are here. She sighed and sat down at a table.

Alanna’s throne was empty, and people talked about it. When someone brought this up with Alanna, she claimed not to know where the princess had gone.

As the night passed, many young men had talked to Alanna, but none had asked her to dance. She sighed, starting to believe that the young men in the kingdom only wanted her hand in marriage because she was a princess.

Late in the night, just two hour before the ball would be over, a young man in a black mask bowed to her. He asked her to dance, and she accepted.

They danced for an hour, but he knew all along whom she was. He addressed her as Alanna, and she pulled away. He became angry with her and walked away.

Soon after, another young man, a young man with black hair, asked her to dance. She accepted, knowing that this man had no idea who she was. She laughed as he stumbled. It was obvious this young man did not know she was the princess.

When the clock struck midnight, Alanna asked the young man his name. His name was Alexavier. He asked hers. She turned the question around and asked him if he had any idea.

Alexavier did not know the mystery girl he had was the princess. He told her that he had had a wonderful time dancing with her. As they leaned in to kiss, there was an explosion.

The young man that Alanna had been first dancing with was a sorcerer who was after the throne. He walked forward and addressed Alanna. She realized that the man she had danced with had been an evil sorcerer who had been trying to over throw her parents.

The man walked to Alanna and ripped her mask off. The man walked to Alanna and ripped her mask off.

“You have deceived us all, Princess.” He sneered at her, angry she had turned him down. “You will wish that you had never met me.”

Alexavier realized in shock that the girl he had been dancing with was the princess. “Princess?” He looked at the sorcerer.

The sorcerer’s name was Alexon. “You all have fun and waste your time attending petty little balls, instead of worrying about your own safety. I swear to you that you will never forget this day.” He pointed at Alanna. “You will suffer for this. I curse the day you were born. An incurable disease that will leave you weak and lifeless will plague you. You will never become queen.”

There was a flash, and Alexon disappeared. Alanna looked at Alexavier and realized that he truly did not know who she was. He led her to her parents and left her at the thrones. He ran off into the crowd to try and find Alexon.

Alexon had returned to his home to await Alanna’s death. He only had to wait a little while for her to die. The king and queen could no longer have kids, so if Alanna died, the kingdom would be his.

As time went on, Alanna became really sick. Her hair started to fall out, and she stopped eating. She started to realize that the curse that had been put on her was dangerous.

Alexavier hadn’t come to see her since the ball. It seemed as if he didn’t want anything to do with her. No one had seen him throughout the kingdom, and his family was also missing. It was almost as if the perfect suitor had never even existed, and Alanna started to question herself.

Alanna stayed strong for her kingdom. She swore to beat the curse that had made her sick. Though her hair had all fallen out, she was still beautiful. Her people still loved her, and she did her best to resume helping those in need.

One day, an old wise woman came to the princess in her chamber. Alanna had gone to her room to rest, for the curse had made her weak. The wise woman introduced herself as Esmeralda. She had heard of Alanna’s illness and knew of a cure.

“My princess, you must find your true love, and have faith that he will know that you are his too. Only true love’s kiss can break your spell.”

Alanna looked at her in despair. “But I know not who my true love is. Surely I do not have enough time to find him.” She wept softly.

Esmeralda knelt down to be level with Alanna. “But you have my dear, you have. That young man with whom you danced the night of the ball, he is your one true love.” Esmeralda looked up as a servant opened the door. “I must leave now Princess, but believe you me, you will be cured of this disease.”

Alexavier was nowhere to be found in the kingdom, but a nearby prince had been sending letters to Alanna. The letters were full of stories. The stories were filled with happiness.

One letter told of a young man that had travelled to the kingdom looking for a cure for the beautiful princess. The prince told Alanna to come to his kingdom with her family. Alexavier was in the kingdom.

“Is it possible that the young man has been trying to find a way to cure you, though the way was hidden?” Her father was in disbelief that the young man had traveled so far.

“But father, if he really is my true love, he would do anything for me.” She wept softly. “Please father, I don’t want to be sick anymore.”

After seeing his daughter weep, the king hugged her, soothing his hurting daughter. “If this is what you truly want, and you believe he is the one, we shall go.”

Soon, Alanna and the king and queen were traveling to the prince’s kingdom. Alanna did not hide her head as they travelled.

Once in the kingdom, all eyes were turned to Alanna. People throughout the kingdom snickered and talked about Alanna not having hair.

“Do not pay them mind, Alanna.” Her mother held her head high, but Alanna couldn’t stop thinking about the people.

As they neared the castle, Alanna requested to walk. She walked behind the carriage, keeping her eyes ahead. She smiled as she walked. All eyes were on her. A little girl ran to Alanna and hugged her. The little girl had also been cursed, and had no hair. Alanna offered her hand, and with the little girl, walked to the castle.

Alanna brought the girl into the castle with her. Her parents saw that Alanna was not the only one with the curse, and smiled at the little girl. As they neared the throne room, Alanna took her crown off and put it on the girl’s head. The girl looked up to Alanna and smiled.

“Though I do not know you, the curse binds us together. Come to me and I will always give you what you need to break your curse,” Alanna said softly, looking the girl in the eyes. She knelt down and hugged the child, happy to have met this little girl.

As the doors to the thrown room opened, Alanna saw Alexavier. As the doors opened fully, Alanna saw that Alexavier was the prince.

Alanna gasped and looked at Alexavier. He walked forward and offered her his hand. “I am sorry that I could not have told you sooner,” he said, apologizing. She took his hand, though she did not let the girl’s go.

Both kings and queens gasped as they realized what was truly behind the meeting. When Alanna, her parents, Alexavier, and the little girl reached Alexavier’s parents, Alanna and the girl bowed. Alanna’s parents followed suit.

Alexavier revealed that he would like to marry Alanna, and she accepted. The little girl that was still holding on to Alanna’s hand looked up at her. The crown was slightly too big for her and was lopsided. Alanna crouched down and straightened the crown.

Alanna looked to the king and queen of the kingdom and asked them to take care of the little girl until she could get better. They accepted and opened their arms to the little girl. Alanna let the girl keep the crown and run to them.

Alanna and her parents had to go back to their kingdom, but they arranged plans for the wedding. When Alanna and her parents arrived home, Alanna fell into a deep sleep. Nothing would wake her.

Word was sent to Alexavier immediately. On his way to Alanna, he encountered Alexon. Alexon knew that Alexavier was going to try to rescue Alanna from her curse, and swore to stop him.

“You will not take the kingdom away from me when I have come so close to obtaining the throne.” Alexon started forward.

Alexavier drew his sword as Alexon advanced. Alexon’s sword had already been drawn, and was coming down. Alexavier just barely parried the attack, saving his life. He knew that the only way he could save Alanna would be to kill Alexon.

Alexon knocked Alexavier backward, making him lose his sword. As Alexon approached, Alexavier drew his dagger. As Alexon swung, Alexavier ducked and drove his dagger into Alexon’s heart.

Alexavier watched as Alexon fell, and hurried on his way. When he arrived at the palace, he knew that he must hurry. When he arrived at Alanna’s chambers, the king and queen were by Alanna’s bed, holding her hands. They backed away as Alexavier drew close.

He kneeled at Alanna’s side and kissed her. He then bowed his head and stood up. Alanna’s eyes slowly opened. She looked at Alexavier and smiled.

“You came,” she said softly. She hugged him, relieved that he had come to save her. She knew that he would find her.

“I will always come to save the most beautiful princess I have ever seen. I will always save my true love.” Alexavier was too happy to think of anything but her. “Shall we go now?”

“Yes, my parents must know the good news,” she said as he helped her stand up.

Soon they were wed, but Alanna did not let her hair grow back out. She knew that her experience with the curse would only help her in the long run, not curse her more than she had been.

She became a legend to all that lived in her kingdom for years to come, the Princess without hair. Her story is told to make all little girls who suffer the same “curse” feel beautiful.




Lost Girl (Based on True Story)

23:40 Feb 02 2015
Times Read: 240

At just sixteen years old, a young woman discovered she was not like other humans. Residing in her, in place of her soul, was a half demon, half angel. This angel harbored the Light of Heaven.

She didn't know what to do, or what to tell her parents. She knew that she had a wolf soul, but never that she was half angel, half demon. For many weeks, she tried to find out what to do. After a month, someone stepped forward.

His human name was Caleb, but, he was, in fact, Joshua, the archangel. He revealed her true identity: Kinata, the angel of music.

He was her guard, made to protect her. What made it even worse, was that they were childhood friends, and he had fallen in love with her. Generally, angels are not to fall in love with their charges, but this was an exception.

After months, almost a year of being together, he cheated on her, giving into urges that she couldn't help him with. The two hour drive between them caused too much tension. Once he betrayed her, she had no one.

As three years went by, she discovered that she was more than angel and wolf, but dragon, mermaid, elemental, fairy, elf, and kirin as well. She had known for even longer that she was in fact a vampire.

She has hidden this from everyone she cares about. She's now ready to be open with more people she can. She is me.



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