Kiara's Journal


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54 entries this month


13:14 Feb 28 2006
Times Read: 603

Yeah I'm tired today...really tired. I was up late last night worrying about my dog. I hope she'll be ok, she seemed ok this morning. I hope it lasts.

Blah chem is boring right now...but meh. What do you expect I've already sat through this class once in the past 24 hours. My bruises are turning a nasty blacksh color...that can't be healthy. So yeah off to surf the web and find something fun to do.





My dog brit...don't die

03:45 Feb 28 2006
Times Read: 606

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My dog Brit had a stroke today around 5...my mom works with older people all the time and has seen people who get minor strokes, like what Brit had today, then get a bigger stroke not long after and die from it. I don't want Brit to die...she's my puppy. I've had her for over 5 and a half years, she's not that old. I held her when she had her stroke...god I was so scared she was gonna die. I was holdin her and ballin and tears where fallin on her nose. Don't die Brit...

I can't see the fucking keyboard...


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Back lol

02:53 Feb 28 2006
Times Read: 609

Meh wasn't on much yesterday, sorry to anyone that really truly cares. Yeah been a bit depressed lately. Partly because I found the wolf charm I bought for my dad when I was in the first grade, ten years ago, and he never got. He had promised to come and visit me that christmas...never did...and to this day never has. Also cuz one of my best friends won't talk to me anymore. Says he doesn't talk to anyone at school anymore....bullshit. Also we were talkin bout family in German class...that all ways upsets me. Everyone else had good family memories to share...and me? Only pain, sorrow, loneliness and abandonment.


But one thing did cheer me up in German, and kinda depressed me again at the same time. Frau started talkin about how Germans love flowers. I love flowers...never get any...but I still love flowers. My favs, Tiger Lily's, Forget me nots, daffodils and roses. But not red roses, crimson red roses...picky I know but thats me. Last time I got flowers was from my ex over 6 months ago. And they kinda died really fast...





Duct tape!

16:10 Feb 25 2006
Times Read: 613

I love duct tape! And my new duct tape coffin purse. The lid isn't very coffin shaped, but the bottom half is. Kinda messed up on the lid. Meh. Now all I need is some spikes from QH and something to latch it with...don't know what though. But I did give it a litle handle so I can hold onto it. I just have to find another cereal box to make the inserts out of. Shiny silver duct tape outside with a soft dark green and brown camo inside. Thanks for the first cereal box Chris! The btis of it are all over my floor. Gotta clean that up eventually. And get the duct tape off the carpet...that'll be fun. And all before my mom gets home at 430...joy...-.-





Stupid proxy

13:31 Feb 24 2006
Times Read: 616

Had to restart the comp again...I'm tryin a different proxy now. if it frezzes again I'm just gonna leave the comp off and sleep or somethin I'm tired.





Mornin peoples!!

13:22 Feb 24 2006
Times Read: 618

Sittin here in Chem as usual...this proxy keeps frezzing on me...ugh. I've already had to restart the comp. Meh I've got an hour left in class about, little more a little less. IDK. The clock on this comp is all messed up. Chris brought me cold pizza for breakfast this morning! Yummy my favorite. :p...my suckers almost gone. Gonna have to go to QH tonight nd buy another one, along with some new Black Love incese. Hmm...what else do I need. I'm gonna have to go through my trunk tonight and see whats running low. I think I need more candles but I'm not sure.

Then later tonight I'm making a coffin purse! Hehe. Just gotta go to Chris's and get the empty cereal box. Instead of covering it with fabric like it says, I'm going to have a duct tape coffin! Woo. With camo insrets, and I don't know what to do for straps yet. I know I have to buy some spikes at QH tonight as well to attach them with...but what to use. Hmm....*ponders* I'll find something...my suckers all gone. Meh.






03:26 Feb 24 2006
Times Read: 621

Hehe almost forget about this for tonight. O.o Well today was better, I feel much better today! We had a black history assembly today....I got a back rub during it. I flunked my pre calc test, I know it! Oh well not like I really care. As long as I pass the final. Class list for next year due tomorrow. Hope I get all the classes I want this time. It's my senior year next year dammit! If I don't get the classes I want heads will roll! Seriously...






02:30 Feb 23 2006
Times Read: 626

Well I'm feeling a little better, but my ovary still hurts. And now my throat is a little swollen. SO yeah, bout another half hour then I'm going to bed.






20:51 Feb 22 2006
Times Read: 635

My ovary hurts...




Stupid comp

14:10 Feb 22 2006
Times Read: 637

Well I am back earlier than I thought I would be. The comp didn't like the idea of going to Photobucket. Meh. So yeah...bored as hell again. But I just read CuRsEdToDaRkNeSs's forum in the sandbox. The something funny for women or what ever. Ah that was funny! I loved it!

We women have a right to bitch and moan and complain! Specially if you've had an ovarian cyst that burst on your right ovary. Like me, oh shocker. I'm only 17! That kinda shit shouldn't be happening to me...now it feels like someone is trying to rip my ovary out from the inside every other month...then add that to the cramps. And that every other month is this month. It hurt over the weekend really bad and went away...and now it's back. I really should get the damn thing out. That'd be nice. Then I'd only get 6 periods a year not 12. Mwahaha. The doctor said it might not work anymore anyways, so meh.


Wow...that one long ass entry. =D




Mornin all

13:33 Feb 22 2006
Times Read: 639

Well Chris got me a new proxy code to get past the schools systems. And it's working...cept it won't keep me logged in on vamprefreaks, and won't log into myspace or xanga. Meh. Off to look up new pics on photobucket! Later






03:27 Feb 22 2006
Times Read: 643

I got asked a weird question tonight. LOL.

'Are you wearing underwear?'

LOL. Yes people I am wearing panties tonight. Lacey black ones to be exact. Hehe.






22:27 Feb 21 2006
Times Read: 645

Today at school was boring....blah! After school we went to subway again for dinner. I love subway. Yummy chicken subs. Then we walked around for a while...it was cold. Then my house! Hehe. I showed Chris my room. The dark walls and ceiling...but mostly the bed. Hehe. ;p Prolly gonna take Brit for a wakl in a bit with Chris like usual. Then I have to start proving my thesis for my research paper. Won't be to hard, I already have my proof to start proving it, I just need more stuff. Well off to find some warmer clothes...I'm cold.





Shopping again!

01:50 Feb 21 2006
Times Read: 653

I went shopping again tonight. I went to QH with Chris to buy a Pentagram belt. It rocks! I love QH. I want that dragon powdered incense burner. It was pretty neat. And the oil warmer...that was sweet. I really want those wolf earrings! :( But I won't have enough cash til next weekend...*pouts* I want more jewlery...jewlery queen here. Hehe. I love silver its so shiny...






14:55 Feb 20 2006
Times Read: 658

*YAWN* I had like 6 hours of sleep and now I am wide awake...sorta. LOL. Gettin read to call Chris and go over to his house for a little bit. I need a blank CD to burn my new play list on...And my mom is to dumb to buy me new CD's. *grumbles* LOL. Last night I took a 1000 question survey...damn that thing took forever! But I finished it and put it on my pro. Read it, I dare you! It's fucking long. I read Chris's...took me a long time to read all of it. But meh. I read it, and my name was in it! Hehe. OK, well I need to go change if I'm going to Chris's...and I should prolly call and wake him up too.





Another Movie Night

03:49 Feb 20 2006
Times Read: 662

Well Chris came over again today and we watched Holy Grail and most of Mothman Prophecy's. It was fun, all I gotta say is Chrisis full of sirprises. =D And I'll leave it at that. Haha.





Movie Day!

04:07 Feb 19 2006
Times Read: 666

Had a movie day tonight at Chris's house. It was a lot of fun. We watched Team America, then his mom left and we ordered some pizza. Then we watched most of The Nightmare Before Christmas, his sister left in the middle of it. I was in charge of 'babysitting' him. LOL. I locked him outta his room for a min. It was funny, the door knob comes off. I ran into his room and shut the door while the knob was out. Fun fun I must say! =D I'm gonna try to get some sleep now...to much energy drink I think. Chris gave me an M-150 and I'm still wide awake.





Movie Night!

04:09 Feb 18 2006
Times Read: 670

Today was movie night at the Palace. They were playing Grease. I like that movie. I went with Chris and it was fun. They had pizza...it was nasty pizza. LOL. Tomorow, movie day as wel. Going over to Chris's to watch Team America and The Nightmare Before Christmas. Fun fun! *yawn* OK I'm tired. Night people...





Portfolio update!!

17:45 Feb 17 2006
Times Read: 671

I've spent over 2 hours transferring pictures off the digital cam, cropping them, resizing them, uploading to VR, and adding their descriptions. You better all like them. LOL.





Picture time!!

15:23 Feb 17 2006
Times Read: 672

Time for me to transfer all those new pics. I'll put them up here later.





Band Prom!!

15:12 Feb 17 2006
Times Read: 673

Band Prom was so much fun! I had a blast. We partyed all night long...well til 10. LOL. But it was crazy before the dance. I got home, spent most of the time I was home getting ready, off to flute choir. I got like 10 calls on my cell during practice, geez. Then had to drive home, drop Caitlyn off, then back home to do my hair. Then I was off to Chris's house to pick him up and off to the dance finally! I tryied to get Chris to dance to that band favorite dance along song...that didn't turn out so good. LOL. But we still had fun, we walked around a lot and I took a bunch of pictures.

Which I will try to get up tonight along with pucs I took on Tuse. that I promised. There's gonna be a lot so yeah. Hehe and a new profile pic for me! OK well I'm off to get some breakfast or something, no school today for me! Home all day then off to go see Grease at the Palace with Chris and some friends. I can't wait, I love that movie. Not obsessive love though, not like with The Nightmare Before Christmas. LOL.





Band Prom tonight!!!

20:48 Feb 16 2006
Times Read: 678

I really should be getting ready for band prom right now...I need to dry my hair it rained on my way home. :( Grrr...Hmm should I wear the black bra with the see-through white shirt or the white bra...;p Hehe...choices choices. And I still have to clean my pin stripe chucks. They're fancy, the have pin stripes. =) Thats my defense and I'm sticking to it! Hehe. I love my chucks!





Still hyperness...

13:28 Feb 16 2006
Times Read: 680

Still hyper from that Monster energy drink last night....but not as bad. Chris tried to give me another energy drink this morning...it was nasty! I spit it all over the floor. LOL. Then I had to go run and drink some of Molly's black coffee.

It's finally getting warm here. Woo!!! Nice weather finally, I really hope it lasts. More walks around the neighborhood with Chris. =) But band prom tonight, I can't wait! It's going to be so much fun, I was up late last night painting my nails...I never paint my nails. Meh. This is starting to get long. Oh well. I feel like typing this morning. OK now my stomach hurts...owe. OK well I'm off.






02:16 Feb 16 2006
Times Read: 681

I really shouldn't drink Monster...I've been all hyper since 4. Me and Chris went up to Subway and Quwansen Hut again. Got more incense and candy! Don't really need the candy now, hyper enough. To...much...monster...suppose to be doin homework...but can't focus...UGH!!! Meh. Later






00:20 Feb 15 2006
Times Read: 688

Well today wasn't as bad as I thought it was gonna be! I have a new boyfriend now, and he bought me an incense burner. It's a dragon around a castle, and it rocks. I love it, thanks Chris! I also bought some rose and cherry oils, a dream catcher and some total bitch gum...don't ask it's stupid. Well I'm off. I have new pics for my portfolio I'll add later tonight.






14:08 Feb 14 2006
Times Read: 690

Hehe. OK I'm on, but only for a min. I'm not suppose to be using this proxy site. Kyle yelled at me not to use it again but I did. Sorry Sexy Kyle, don't hate me. I'm just a little to addicted to this place. Meh...bored here in chem...ugh. Someone come put me out of my misery...or take me away from here. Either will do. Or better yet, some money for plane tickets! Hahaa. OK well I'm off so I'm don't use this thing to long and get Kyle in trouble. I'll be back after school. Later everyone.





Gggggrrrrrr...my heads gonna explode

03:30 Feb 14 2006
Times Read: 691

Mixed emotions coming off som many people, its giving me a head ache. Stupid conections...your sad, your upset, you pissed at the world, your pissed at me, you want to kill me, you love me, you don't wanna fuck your best friend, worried about NHS, worried about test, quizes, note cards due, why is she ranting, make the crazy chick shut up...Please make up your minds. It feels like my heads going to explode. I'm sick, I'm tired both physically and mentally and I feel drained...I can't stop it for the next few days.





The day before

00:02 Feb 14 2006
Times Read: 693

Today is the day before the most depressing day of the year. But I was pretty happy all day today, not really depressed at all. It was nice for a change. But I'm sure I'll be depressed tomorrow. How much ya wanna bet I get zippo for tomorrow, just like every year! I'll bet all the money in my wallet. Which really isn't to much. Shoppin spree at Hot Topic the other day. Pretty much spent all my cash on a new tee, hat and some keychains. Oh well. Off to practice soon.






01:05 Feb 13 2006
Times Read: 699

OK everytime I'm on the Rave, people try to hack my comp. Thank the Goddess for my firewall! LOL. No seriously. But I've got a friend tracking them down through their IP's...and one's from china...damn. I've got global hackers...shit I'm screwed. And one from Maryland...please stop hacking me...I love the Rave I wanna stay!! I'm gonna attempt to stay away from the Rave for a few days, email me if you wanna talk to me please.



.:Update:. Changed my password and I'm getting less hackers...but still am.




I shouldn't have...

00:36 Feb 13 2006
Times Read: 702

...eaten my moms cooking tongiht. The way she knew it was done was the smoke alarm went off. No lie, it went off and she's like, 'I guess it's done.' I think I may need my stomach pumped...So yeah, I've had no fun today. But I've got to burn a Cd for Ashely, I can't wait til see gets the money to Cory and he goes out and buys somethin for me. Ah my sweet sweet smoke award! Mwahahaa...excuse me while I got vomit burnt food...and no I don't smoke cigs.





*grumbles* Stupidness...

01:25 Feb 12 2006
Times Read: 704

Well as you can tell, I'm not at battle of the bands. *sigh* I was allowed this morning, and then my mom up and changed her stupid mind. Said I wen't to the mall so I wasn't allowed to go. I went to the mall to buy a new T-shirt and earrings to wear to battle of the bands! Dur! Ugh. Well atleast I got a new pair of pentagram earrings and an Edward Scissorhands Tee. Along with some new keychains and a Fullmetal Alchemist cap. So yeah...pissed that I'm stuck at home on a Sat night. Well off to watch movies since there's no one on to talk to.

Someone please fuckin call me...I am bored outta my mind...






17:17 Feb 11 2006
Times Read: 706

Well for today...I have a lot to do. Ugh. I've got a shit load of cleaning to do, shopping and battle of the bands tonight. Won't be on much today. Sorry people. If ya have my number call me k? If not, sorry. Send me a message of something alright? Bye for now.





Tomorrow night

02:15 Feb 11 2006
Times Read: 707

I hope tomorrow cheers me up. Me an Dessie are going to the mall. We gotta do some shoping for the dance on thurs. She needs a dress, and I need new high heels and a black dress shirt. Then its off to the local battle of the bands at the Palace theature. I just hope I have a good time and not freak out again...so many people so many emotions and me all depressed and no control...ugh. Joy. Like Fiz is sick...and trust me I feel his pain. Darn my gift/curse thingy.





Its that time again...

00:53 Feb 11 2006
Times Read: 708

Well...its that time of year again...its almost Valentines Day...I hate Valentines Day. I always get deperessed this time of the year, ever since I was 5 years old. When was 5 my grandpa Joe died on valentines day, ever since then I've been depressed around this time of the year, can't help it no matter what I do. The worst part is I was so young I don't remember him very much. I only have a few memories of him, and they're kinda fuzzy. But yeah...the yearly depression begins again...oh joy for me.


Just once I wish I could have a happy valentines day...




Sadly me in a nut shell

03:19 Feb 10 2006
Times Read: 712

Advanced Global Personality Test Results
Extraversion |||||||||| 36%
Stability || 10%
Orderliness |||||| 30%
Accommodation |||||||||| 36%
Interdependence |||||| 30%
Intellectual |||||| 23%
Mystical |||||||||||||||| 63%
Artistic |||||||||||||||| 70%
Religious |||||||||||||||||| 76%
Hedonism |||||||||||||||||||| 83%
Materialism |||||||||||||||||| 76%
Narcissism || 10%
Adventurousness || 10%
Work ethic |||||| 23%
Self absorbed |||||||||||||||||||| 83%
Conflict seeking |||||||||| 36%
Need to dominate |||||| 23%
Romantic |||||||||||||||||||| 90%
Avoidant |||||||||||||||| 63%
Anti-authority || 10%
Wealth || 10%
Dependency |||||||||||||||||||| 90%
Change averse |||||||||||||||| 70%
Cautiousness |||||||||||||| 56%
Individuality |||||||||||||||||| 76%
Sexuality |||||||||||||||||||| 83%
Peter pan complex |||||||||||||||||||| 90%
Physical security |||||||||||| 43%
Physical Fitness || 10%
Histrionic |||||||||||||||||||| 90%
Paranoia |||||||||||||||| 70%
Vanity |||||| 30%
Hypersensitivity |||||||||||||||||||| 90%
Female cliche |||||||||||||| 56%
Take Free Advanced Global Personality Testpersonality tests by similarminds.com

Stability results were very low which suggests you are extremely worrying, insecure, emotional, and anxious.

Orderliness results were low which suggests you are overly flexible, improvised, and fun seeking at the expense too often of reliability, work ethic, and long term accomplishment.

Extraversion results were moderately low which suggests you are reclusive, quiet, unassertive, and secretive.

trait snapshot:

messy, depressed, introverted, feels invisible, does not make friends easily, nihilistic, reveals little about self, fragile, dark, bizarre, feels undesirable, dislikes leadership, reclusive, weird, irritable, frequently second guesses self, unassertive, unsympathetic, low self control, observer, worrying, phobic, suspicious, unproductive, avoidant, negative, bad at saving money, emotionally sensitive, does not like to stand out, dislikes large parties, submissive, daydreamer




I hate the world today...

02:34 Feb 10 2006
Times Read: 713

I hate the world today....and there's a 95% I hate you too, 3% I can tolerate you, 2.5% I like you and .5% I love you. That is my YIM message for the moment. All true. I'm fuckin pissed at everything right now...stupid pro is being difficult...people gettin on my nerves...ugh. *screams* I just need someone to talk to but everyones either goin to bed, not talkin to me, or their comp is in the shop...I hate my life at the moment it you somehow didn't notice.






01:15 Feb 10 2006
Times Read: 715

OK feeling a bit better. Just got done with reading my new book, Got Fangs? Confessions of a Vampire's Girlfriend, a few min ago. It was really good...but kinda dropped off. I want more to the story! Does Francesca redeem Benedikt's soul or not. Ugh. Stupid book, but I liked it. LOL. I need a new book now...any suggestions on good reads?






14:23 Feb 09 2006
Times Read: 717

OK well I've made a bunch of profile updates if you haven't noticed. There are new icons and a few new quotes and I changed the song at the bottom. Well I am off to sleep...being home sick sucks ass...






13:37 Feb 09 2006
Times Read: 718

Blah I stayed home sick taday. I'm goin back to bed and playin video games.





The rantings of a dead soul...

03:05 Feb 09 2006
Times Read: 720

I sit here and smile and talk to a friend. But I'm dead on the inside. I like him a lot... I mean a lot! But he said those dreaded six words. 'I just wan to be friends.' *sigh* Yes, I smile but I'm dead and cryin on the inside where no one can see. Cept the few that read this. We can still be friends, but it hurts. Why not give it a chance huh? It can't hurt any worse to try...






13:59 Feb 08 2006
Times Read: 724

Meh well I feel a bit better...I've got a mega hangover headache but I'll live. Ugh. Well movie night for this sat is off now, no movie night. Oh well. Maybe next weekend, but prolly not. Class change in 30 min. I don't wanna go to hist. Oh well, just gonna sit here and talk for another 2 min then go.





Not good...

13:03 Feb 08 2006
Times Read: 725

Yeah...I should really buy some filters if I'm gonna do that again. Atleast the vent in the shower got all the smoke outside. Ha...pick me up smokes don't work so well when you have asthma. Ugh...






02:21 Feb 08 2006
Times Read: 727

Its funny when your sitting on the phone talking to three people and neither of tehm know you are crying...haha....:'(





Denken...german haha.

01:44 Feb 08 2006
Times Read: 728

Ich habe viel kürzlich gedacht. Und Weinen eines Bits zu...I nur nicht weiß was zu machen. Es gibt so viele Dinge auf meinem Gemüt kürzlich...and jedes Ding ausschaltet schlecht zum größtem Teil. Gut genug Deutsch für heute Abend, hinter zu Englisch.

Yeah of you translate that literally it sounds funny. What it says is "I have been thinking a lot lately. And crying a bit to...I just don't know what to do. There are so many things on my mind lately...and every thing is turning out bad for the most part. Well, enough German for tonight, back to English."

Bored...blah. Yawn...I'm sick and I wanna go to bad. But I'm waiting for a phone call. Verdammen Sie, Eile auf und Ruf Josh!






12:46 Feb 07 2006
Times Read: 729

Owe...my stomach still hurts from all that coffee last night...uuuhhhhh...pain. Now my stomach hurts and I got cramps. No more coffee on mon nights for me, I'll stick with the oolong tea thank you very much.





Coffee shop meetup

01:57 Feb 07 2006
Times Read: 730

Tonight was the local pagan meetup at the downtown coffee shop. I had a lot of fun, I went with Joshy and his mommy. And I drank a whole ice mocha...it was so yummy! I meet some of the local pagans around town and got to know them a bit better. But I don't think Joshy knows I like him...ssshhh don't tell him....although he might read this. =) Ooopsss. O.o





Class change

14:21 Feb 06 2006
Times Read: 733

Ugh I feel like I'm gonna throw up...stupid cramps. Well class change is in less than 10 min. Gotta get ready to go. See you all tonight after school. Check out my pro I've added and changed a few things.





Mornin to whom ever reads this still...

13:56 Feb 06 2006
Times Read: 734

Well morning all, at school today. We should have had a snow day today...but we didn't. Hopefully tomorrow I need some more sleep. *yawn* I kept waking up last night every two hours for some reason, but I fell back asleep fast, but still. Meh. Maybe I can get some sleep in hist class next. I hate hist, then can't sleep in band and I have to say awake in Holocaust cuz there's notes every class. Ugh. I hate notes too. Well I have bout 30 min til class change. Of to rate a few more profiles before I have to go.






21:32 Feb 05 2006
Times Read: 735

Oops forgot to post yesterday. Well I went to Solo & Ensamble yesterday. It was a lot of fun. Not sure what score I got on my solo...the rating wasn't up before I left. After that I went to winter formal with Krysta. All I have to say is that rocked!! I had so much fun last night at the dance. My feet are killing me, and my neck hurts like hell, but I still had fun. Best time I've had at a dance...cept at Band Prom last year. Now that was a party! This years is on the 16, 11 days to go I can't wait. Still need to find a date...






02:43 Feb 04 2006
Times Read: 742







Single or Taken?


Do you smoke?

Do you drink?

Do you do drugs?

Do/Did you do good in school?

Do you do sports?

Have a part in any school activities?









Hug me?

Kiss me?

Would you let me kiss you?

Snuggle with me?

Make love with me?

Move to be with me?

Lend me money?

Compliment me?


found yourself wanting to kiss me?

thought about me for longer than 5 min. at a time?

wanted to be with me?

Last but not least...

~Will you?~

Repost this so i can fill it out for you?


Come on, hunor me. Copy and paste into a message and send it to me. Wonder how many I will get.





02:38 Feb 04 2006
Times Read: 743

OK well I did get on tonight. I have solo & ensamble in the morning and I think I'm getting sick. Hope not, I got invited to Winter Formal tomorrow night. Me and Krysta will make all the guys jealos. LOL. Me in my little black dress and her in her little silver and purple dress.





Off to class

14:21 Feb 02 2006
Times Read: 755

Well I'm off to class in a few min...10 really. Well I think I know the perfect pick-me-up for tonight. Mwahaha. So I might not be on VR tonight, and I won't be on tomorrow night most likely. I'll want to get to sleep early, I have contest early Sat morning. Can't wait to get it over with, I've been getting ready for Sat since last Nov. Ugh. Well I am off, its to cold over here. Then tonight Choir pics, a bit of homework and then my little pick-me-up-high. If I'm not on, most likely passed out on the floor with a big grin on my face! Huzzah!






13:18 Feb 02 2006
Times Read: 756

I had a crappy day yesterday...and today isn't gettin much better. Meh nothin I can do about it really. Atleast I got my skirt fixed. It shrank in the dryer so I had to hand wash it and stretch it out, so its back to its normal length. I have to wear it tonight for Flute Choir pics. I get home at 323 and I have to leave at 415...and I have to paint my nails. I hope I have enough time to get ready. Chem lad assistant is really borin...






03:34 Feb 02 2006
Times Read: 758

Yeah...sittin here. I'm in a really talkative mood tonight. Fiz already went to bed and everyone else is bein stupid and not talkin...ugh. I'm just in a bad mood right now, and ready to bite someones head off...and its looking like he is the lucky one to get yelled at soon....




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