Well I had my MRI this morning. @_@ I HATE MRI machines...being slightly clastraphobic as I am. But whatever I have to do to get better, I will do. I'm glad Chris came with me to hold my hand. So it wasn'y as bad. We had coffee and went to Taco Bell to. So today wasn't all that bad. Tomorrow is the big party at my teachers house! Oh yea! There's gonna be a hell of a lot of food and fun. I'm so looking forward to it.
I have found my way back and it truly feels like home again. Geez its been rough the past few months. Car accident, painful phusical theraphy, senior year at a new high school and now there is something wrong with my spine...great. No idea whats wrong only that I go in for an MRI on Fri and I'm really scared. But we'll see what happens when it happen huh?
OK well I'm back and I'll write more later.