only time can tell where things will go and how it will all end. the pain , tears and scares are only signs of what we have been through. will we make it through everything that gets thrown at us? I don't know my dear but this i do know that i swear i would never break your heart or make you cry. i could never every hurt you or lie to you. i will try my best to keep you safe at all cost. and i promise that every second of the day you will know you are loved. i will always tell you that i love you, even if you are mad at me. sure you are going to grown and say things that will hurt me but i know that you still love me. i know that you wont like some of the things that i will say or do to keep you. or even if i ground you. i never want you to second guess that i loved or you even loved i want you to know that no matter what my son i will be there for you always. you can come to me with anything and i will listen but please know this and try to understand that you won;t always like what i have to saying the end. but know that no matter what you are amazing wonderful and truely ate a blessing to me i love you and i treasure every second of the the i get to send with you my son
you make me proud and smile even on the bad days you are the sun that shines and i know that i am blessed to have you in my life.
ever wonder why some men find that they need to lie cheat and be an straight up asshole to women who has never wronged them? if you find the answer or if a male has the answer to this question plz message me for i real would love to know