So I am.still having SSL issues with home internet and logging into VR on my home computer. Logging in on my phone limits what I can do profile wise. I live with my parents and they control the internet payments so I don't wanna go in and make changes. But im still alive in case you were wondering.
So update on the college professor life. The student I was complaining about was able to retake a final as the college just wanted the problem to go away, the dude still failed and In fact did worse. So that student is done. Down to 12 students who are very intuitive and interested in content being taught this Semster and enjoying clinicals within the hospitals massaging patients that are admitted. They also get to massage patients at a long term care facility and get to see how a real massage buisness works as part of their buisness project they have to do.
So yeah long nights and driving, but worth it. Now the fun part is getting them to fold sheets properly. Lol
To those I missed out on birthdays, Happy belated birthday. I didn't forget about you. Just college professor life keeps me away from here considering it's night classes and I work at another job.